Williamson county repeaters. Receiving station is 200' AGL in central Austin.
Williamson county repeaters In the Southern California area there are three other repeaters on the same frequency pair, but each of the four repeaters has a different tone. 625 MHz Output Tone 141. WCARC was chartered on April 26, 1979, with six Job Openings: Look here for employment opportunities with Williamson County. Illinois Amateur Repeaters by county (Only counties with documented repeaters are listed) Adams: Alexander: Bond: Boone: Brown: Bureau: Calhoun: Williamson: Winnebago: Woodford: The main repeater at the TEMA [Tennessee Emergency Management Agency] site is affected by the outage and fortunately we just last week got two DMR repeaters online in Williamson County, and all communications is going through them. Mingo County Wide Fire; Gilbert Fire, Police; Statford EMS; Matewan Fire Dept. 3 Hz Input Tone 141. Frequency Input License Type Tone Tone In Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 145. Values. 700 PL=110. - The IPSC Network is obtained from the radioid. On Monday, Feb. The club prides itself in Elmering new hams, or anbody needing a hand, or advice on any projects. 725 MHz Output Tone 74. EMS (Canada Repeater) Williamson County Office of Emergency Management will continue to provide a positive and supportive environment driven by continuous improvement, quality, and collaboration with our community partners. 7 on input tone) Williamson County 911 / ETSB. Access Location County Call Use Modes; 52. 650 In November 2006, Lisa was elected as Williamson County District Clerk. 442. Court Records: Look here to search for court records or dockets. DOT (During Snow Accumulations). Jester Annex - Williamson County, 1801 East Old Settlers Blvd. We have a little over 150 members and we average approximately 50 members at our club meetings that are held on the first Thursday of the month at the Williamson County Jester Annex, 1801 E. 130 MHz PL 156. The Williamson Central Appraisal District is located at 625 The Williamson County Amateur Radio Club (WCARC) maintains several repeaters in the north Austin metropolitan area. Lee County ARES and Williamson County ARES Joined Forces for Winter Field Day 2025 in Lee County! Lee County ARES January Monthly Meeting No Monthly Meeting on November 16, 2024 Lee County ARES 147. 725 (+) 114. Williamson County and the City of Round Rock celebrated the completion of Kenney Fort Boulevard, Segments 2 & 3, with a ribbon cutting ceremony on Jan. Frequency Input License Type Tone Tone In Alpha Tag Description Our primary repeater is the WC5EOC and the secondary are the N5TT repeaters. WCARES. until noon. 600 Mhz. 2 in Georgetown (Backup) 146. Public Records: Look here to search for things like certificates of birth/death, marriage licenses or Commissioners Court minutes. Amateur General Ham. 5380 W 34th St, Ste 223 QUICK UPDATE It's been over 2 years since we've heard if this repeater is operational. Winlink VHF/UHF Frequencies Current Winlink node status: Name Frequency Mode(s) Callsign Grid Square Trinity VHF (Nolensville) 145. net360-317-5286WebmasterJon Walker, KV4YYjon@walkerdigital. Cancel Fill Williamson County Sheriff. org is the website of the Williamson Co. New STX EC for Travis County ; New STX EC for Williamson County ; Beryl After Action Report ; New STX EC for Robertson County ; New This means they have the most up to day listing of repeaters in Texas as any new repeater should have been coordninated before it Williamson County is an Equal Opportunity Employer and complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). The tabs at the top of the page provide information on each repeater. DMR . Amateur/GMRS Details (Williamson County) Frequency Input License Type Tone Tone In Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 462. 8 Flag Hill southern coverage Williamson County Amateur Radio Emergency Service, WC-ARES, consists of licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment, with their local ARES leadership, for communications duty in the public service when disaster strikes. , Round Rock, TX 78664 Section: STX Affiliation Date: Jan 23rd 1979 Specialties: The club provides 2 repeaters in the county with excellent coverage, linked together. 130 : WC4EOC: RM: 156. 3125 150W Repeater with 75-50W mobiles WPPE276 6 Creal Springs (Williamson County) 152. Repeaters 147. 5 Austin KB5O Open 114. 2 : Georgetown: Williamson: N5TT: OPEN: FM 145. We have a little over 150 members and we average 50 or more members at our club meetings that are held on the first Thursday of the month at the Jester Annex in Round Rock. Tennessee Amateur Repeaters by county (Only counties with documented repeaters are listed) Anderson: Bedford: Benton: Bledsoe: Blount: Bradley: Campbell: Cannon: Flintrock Hill Travis County, TX Frequency 462. 270 - 103. 2700-0. 080 (+) 100 Georgetown (central coordination) Bastrop County. For more information or to request access to a repeater click a name below. 5 PL: Wmsn Shrf Jail: County Jail: FMN: Corrections: 154. WCARES is an ARES group in Williamson County, Tennessee. 5 Cedar Park W2MN OPEN 162. The event will take place at Southwest Williamson County Regional Park. Frequency Offset Tone Up / Down Location County Call Use Modes; 145. net or BrandMeister. Georgetown, TX 78626-4901: Phone: 512-943-1515 Driving Directions: Click Here Mailing Address PO Box 647 Jarrell, TX 76537-0647 Williamson County ARES. Click on a header to sort. WCARES’ five voice repeaters are currently on APRS with frequencies, Subcategory: Williamson Co. Tennessee GMRS Repeaters - Quick Search . 080 (+) 100 Georgetown (central coordination) Bastrop County . 3 Hz Repeater Type Open System Estimated Range 15 Miles Last Updated 3 days ago Round Rock 725 Round Rock, TX Frequency 462. This linked repeater system consists of 5 repeaters that cover all of Williamson County. 080 PL=100. Frequency Input License Tone Description Category Tag Updated; Search the RadioReference Database ×. The hub repeater for this network is the 444. Sheriff (Canada Repeater) Pike Co. The club provides 2 repeaters in the county with excellent coverage, linked together. 7 (-) Williamson County took a bold step forward in the fight against human trafficking with the launch of child sex trafficking Care Coordination on Jan. Click on column title to sort by the column or type what you are looking for in the search box. The maps have been prepared according to Section 9. 875: Nets: Mondays at 19:00 CST: Web links: Last updated: 2021-02-27: Last reviewed: 2024-10-10: Open Street Map. 1 MHz: 110. network. WARRENSBURG. 600 MHz +5 A group for GMRS two-way radio users and enthusiasts in and around Nashville, TN. 0 (-) Fairview – VHF WCMM amateur radio repeaters at, around, or near Williamson. R. There are 59 Repeaters by county (Only counties with documented repeaters are listed) Anderson: Aransas: Bell: Bexar: Bowie: Calhoun: Williamson: Wilson: Repeaters updated recently (days) Last 7 days (0) Last 30 days (2) Jorgensen established the county-wide amateur radio repeaters system known as the Williamson County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (WCARES), one of many cogs in the Public Safety wheel. 525 MHz +5 WCMM - Music Mountain - Sumner County 443. 575 Mhz. 025 MHz Williamson Co. 450 - 103. You do not have. 6875 MHz +5 W4DER - Cool Springs 440. Williamson Co. Williamson County (TX) Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) Williamson County Texas ARES 147. Stay Calm, and Carry On. RUGGED. 1 Herrin (Williamson County) 452. The TDLR permit list reveals several new dining establishments set to open [] WILLIAMSON COUNTY TX 2M & 70CM REPEATERS WILLIAMSON COUNTY TX 2M & 70CM REPEATERS Closed Frequency Pl Tone Location Call 145. 462. Location Helper Tool ×. If you require an accommodation in order to apply for a position, please request assistance from the Human Resources Department. coming soon. net. 8 Cedar Park KC5WLF OPEN 103. 146. co615-351-7003 at the Williamson County Landfill. If you have trouble locating a particular resource, try utilizing our search function. m. 2 Miles Last Updated 5 months ago Tennessee DMR amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. net API. We are located in Williamson County, Texas, USA, normally meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month at the Williamson County ARES (WCARES) offers free classes to help prepare for the ARRL license exams for both the Technician (beginner) and General (intermediate) amateur radio licenses. 090 (P. The last full weekend in January (25 & 26) is Winter Field Day. Search. 6 MHz They are held at the Herrin/Old Williamson County 911 HQ, 300 N. Texas SKYWARN amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. WCARES Frequencies Linked Repeaters . 000 Mhz. Park Avenue, Herrin Illinois, (Talk in frequency is 146. Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 453. Let Williamson County Parks and Recreation help you crush your fitness goals with group fitness classes to energize your workouts; aqua fitness for fun, low-impact exercise; personal training tailored to you; nutritional counseling to fuel your goals; and state-of-the-art wellness centers across the county. 025 443. 147. Williamson County, Texas Amateur Radio Back to county. 4 Hz Input Tone Unlisted Repeater Type Permission Required Estimated Range 3. 2500 - 103. The primary responsibility of the property assessor is to discover, list, classify, and value all real, personal, or mixed property within the jurisdiction of Williamson County for tax purposes. Note: Sorting does not carry through to exports! Frequency Offset Tone Up / Down Location County Call Use Modes; 29. Illinois amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. 345 100W Repeater (with 157. (Hiway 71 / 290W) and South 1st Street in the South Austin Medical Center. About WC-ARES; Frequencies; Capabilities. 080 WC5EOC repeater. Additional repeaters are used during Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Williamson County, Texas (TX) GMRS repeaters at, around, or near Williamson. 650: 467. Illinois amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters. 0 (-) Fairview – VHF 145. 5 on input tone); East at Pittsburg (225. Tennessee. The members of WCARES, along with any other Amateur Radio operators, have access to a series of five linked repeaters located at various sites around Williamson County. View Subcategory Details. Phone: (615) 790-0742. Report repeater: Visit our DMR pages | Learn more about DMR | NetWatch - DMR Talk groups are updated directly on radioid. Tennessee GMRS repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. 605 input) 5 Temporary FX1 on input. View All Repeaters by county (Only counties with documented repeaters are listed) Anderson: Bedford: Bradley: Campbell: Carter: Cocke: Davidson: Gibson: Giles: Greene Williamson!County!ARES®!Emergency!Communications!Plan! Page5!! 5! Revision(15. Build out coverage in the Williamson county area to increase our ability to serve the Williamson County EMA and other sponsored agencies. 150 MHz PL 123. Repeater Frequencies Repeater Frequency Tone Shift Franklin – UHF 444. io Williamson County Amateur Radio Club is located in the Heart of Texas. 8 Elgin northern coverage 443. Chain O’ Lakes. Court Lookup Williamson County continues to be a hotspot for new restaurant developments, with over $14 million in investments fueling growth since June 1, 2024. 0 in Georgetown (Primary) 146. 640 PL=162. 5 Georgetown K5SCT Repeaters for regularly scheduled LSSN nets include: Williamson County. 2. groups. JavaScript is disabled! Williamson City Police; Williamson Fire Dept. L. 9 in Round Rock (Tertiary) For the rest of our communications plan, please refer to our ICS-217. 725 Mhz. From Hilton, W4GHD. Support, Honest, Integral, Navigate, and This broadcast receives most known operational amateur radio repeaters in Travis, Williamson, Hays, and Bastrop counties in central Texas on the 6m, 2m, 1. 130 444. WCCC - Century Court 440. Pre-Trial Intervention Program Summary. 7 – Brentwoo Physical Address 405 Martin Luther King St. COMING SOON. 24, 2025. 3500 - D131 / D131 : Chappell Hill: Washington: N5MBM: OPEN: FM AllStar Almost exactly one year ago, Williamson County planning staff held the first public meeting to kick off work on the Arrington Special Area Plan. 625 Mhz. 9 : Round Rock, St Davids The Williamson County Assessor of Property is a Tennessee constitutionally elected official who serves at the pleasure of the Williamson County citizens for a four-year term of office. The tabs at the top of the page provide information on each WILLIAMSON COUNTY TX 2M & 70CM REPEATERS WILLIAMSON COUNTY TX 2M & 70CM REPEATERS Closed Frequency Pl Tone Location Call 145. Amateur Radio Miscellaneous. Tennessee amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters. I announced yesterday during the WCARES monthly meeting that Williamson County EMA will install two new DMR repeaters on Tuesday, Dec 22 2020 for use of WCARES and the entire Amateur Radio Community. 6875: WNHN698: RM: 136. - Did you know that Repeaterbook has its own BrandMeister talk group? The Williamson County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (WCARES) is a public service This means that when you communicate through any one of the repeaters, you are communicating through all of them. 700 Mhz. It also covers commonly used simplex channels. Texas GMRS repeater database for ham repeaters. It runs for 30 hours, ending at 21:59 UDT (3:59 pm) on Sunday, January 26th, 2025. His interest in Public Safety piqued in 1985 after he paid a visit to Brentwood Fire & Rescue and witnessed what happens when a call comes in. 25m, 70cm & 33cm bands. 2 Georgetown N5TT OPEN 100 The Williamson County Amateur Radio Emergency Service, For operations, WC-ARES uses the following open repeaters: 147. Accepts: Residential Household Garbage, Residential Brush, Residential Construction & Demolition waste. Texas Amateur Repeaters by county (Only counties with documented repeaters are listed) Anderson: Andrews: Angelina: Aransas: Archer: Williamson: Wilson: Wise: Wood: Yoakum: Young: Zapata: Repeaters updated recently (days) Williamson County Amateur Radio Club (TX) email reflector main@wcarc. Inmates: Look here to search for jail records. cable technician at Williamson County Schools · Experience: Williamson County Schools · Location: Columbia · 5 connections on LinkedIn. Williamson County EMA: Affiliate: WCARES: FM: Yes; analog capable. Defense Attorney Portal. 2500-0. There are 47 Tennessee repeaters in the database. 600 MHz +5 Williamson County, Texas All Identified Frequencies Back to county. Coordinates of the repeater are not known and have Williamson County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (WCARES) supports the Williamson County Office of Emergency Management (OEM) and Emergency Communications (EC) with robust and adaptive alternative communications systems and volunteer personnel. Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5750 Pinewood Road, Franklin, TN 37064. ) W. A. 000 (+) 114. 45 with a PL of 162. . We try to include a short 15-20 minute training/guest Williamson County Government currently has numerous open positions available, both Full-Time and Part-Time. Please program your Handheld Transceivers and Mobile Radios for each frequency and the appropriate tones The Williamson County Amateur Radio Club (WCARC) maintains several repeaters in the north Austin metropolitan area. 5 Georgetown K5SCT OPEN 145. 0 – Fairview – VHF 145. 5) Ava, IL linked to T he new location for the Union County Amateur Radio Club is Bill Jorgensen (K4COM), Williamson County Tennessee, Director of Public Safety, gives an extensive overview of the linked repeater system in use by the Williamson County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (WCARES) group. The Williamson County Amateur Radio Club (WCARC), located in Texas, is an American Radio Relay League (ARRL) public service/emergency, repeaters, HF, and VHF/UHF. We are passionate about the Amateur Radio hobby and it's culture. Communication Trailer; Portable Go Kits; ESOC ARES Our primary repeater is the WC5EOC and the secondary are the N5TT repeaters. Tennessee ARES ECJim “Hoop” Hooper, K9QJSK9QJS@arrl. When is it? The event officially begins at 1600 UDT (10 am) Central time on Saturday, January 25th, 2025. grundy. Lisa has been appointed to various committees and continues to serve on the CDCAT Legislative Committee, OCA Texas Advisory Committee, and currently serves as the president of the Linked Repeaters . 9 (+) Franklin – VHF (FOW) 145. 6875 +5); the second on the Tower The Williamson Central Appraisal District is a separate local agency and is not part of the Williamson County Government or the Williamson County Tax Assessor's Office. 640, S. 050 1200, VARA FM WC4EOC-8 EM65PW Midtown (Nashville) 440. 5 Cedar Park W2MN OPEN 103. Lisa began work in the District Clerk’s office in 1981 serving as Deputy District Clerk and Assistant Chief Deputy. If this information is not correct, please update it at radioid. 64 and 145. 025, PL-110. N5TT 146. Receiving station is 200' AGL in central Austin. 7 PL: 156. 5 : Houston: Harris: WD5X: OPEN: FM : 52. When All Else Fails WCARES - Williamson County, Texas, SKYWARN, ARES, RACES repeaters. 23. 3002 Tax Maps, Texas Property Tax Most meetings have an attendance of upwards of 100 members present. 8 Bastrop central coverage 442. 9 / 110. Franklin – UHF 444. Sevier County Most meetings have an attendance of upwards of 100 members present. 975 1200 [gd_notifications] [gd_search] [gd_loop_actions] [gd_loop layout=2] [gd_loop_paging] follow us on facebook. The repeaters are connected to each other and also linked to Echolink The EchoLink node number for the primary WCARC repeater in Round Rock is 591270. 45 repeater in Taylor, TX. 7 (-) The Williamson County Fire Marshal’s Office operates the Hazardous Materials Response Team for Williamson County and consists of 6 apparatus and 60 Texas Commission on Fire Protection (TCFP) certified hazardous materials technicians that are on duty every day to provide the residents of Williamson County 24 hours a day, 7 days a week coverage. Our New Look. Williamson County, Tennessee Amateur Radio Back to county. Provides Law Enforcement Patrols for: Bush (also by Hurst Police), Corinth, Crab Orchard (also by US Forestry), Grassy, Pittsburg, 154. Larry Gaddes is a sixth-generation Texan who served Williamson County residents for over ten years before taking office as the Williamson County Tax Assessor/Collector in January of 2017. 22 Repeater Connected for the First Time to the Bastrop System LeeCARES Monthly Meeting, October 20, 2024 Listen to Williamson County, Texas, ARES/RACES/SKYWARN Repeaters on Podcast Addict. This data could include inaccuracies or typographical errors. Primary frequency for Williamson County ARES. Amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. ) Lenore Fire Dept. 6400-0. View Adam Grimenstein’s profile on LinkedIn, a Renew current month unexpired vehicle registrations at AAA locations at 13376 N Highway 183 Number 108, Austin TX 78750 or AAA at 201 University Boulevard Number 750, Round Rock TX 78665, and at all Williamson County HEB The Williamson Central Appraisal District provides this information “As Is” without warranty of any kind. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. 150 : WC4EOC: RM: 123. To this end, WCARES is increasing the number of Digipeaters and IGates in the county. 9 + Franklin – VHF (FOW) 145. , Tennessee or one of the following adjoining, middle-Tennessee counties: Cheatham, Davidson, Dickson, Linked Repeaters . 6 MHz: 162. With over one hundred trained volunteer members, WCARES is trained, exercised, and skilled in the FEMA Texas amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters. 340MHz. Please program your Handheld Transceivers and Mobile Radios for each frequency and the appropriate 42 REPEATERS FOUND IN WILLIAMSON COUNTY = On-Air = Off-Air = Testing/Reduced = Unknown Click on the frequency for additional details. 4 Marion (Williamson County) 153. Most known operational amateur radio repeaters and simplex channels for Travis, Williamson, Hays, and Bastrop counties in Central Texas. 9) acts as . 1(!! ! AUTHORITY!! The Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) 1is sponsored by the ARRL, the national association for amateur radio, to fulfill the general responsibility of the Amateur Radio service to be prepared to provide Williamson County Amateur Radio Club is located in the Heart of Texas. (W. Close. JavaScript is disabled! Williamson County and the City of Round Rock celebrated the completion of Kenney Fort Boulevard, Segments 2 & 3, with a ribbon cutting ceremony on Jan. For instance, my club in southern San Diego County, has a repeater on 449. Please take a tour of our new website. Sheriff (Phelps Repeater) Pike Co. If there are any changes that need to be made to the list please let me know by submitting the info on the form at the bottom of the page. Linked Repeaters . Classes for all levels of license, as well as morse code. One repeater will be located at the Trinity/Nolensville Tower off Clovercroft Road (440. 7 PL: Fairview VHF: WC4EOC Linked Repeater System Fairview VHF: FM: Ham: 145. Analog Bandwidth: 25. Home; About. V. 7 . 310: WQGS525: RM: 110. From Paul, KM4PT. Texas GMRS Repeaters - Quick Search . 025 MHz PL 110. Below is a list of repeaters in Texas. Crete. 0 kHz Node Offline: Notes: Linked with 3 other repeaters 145. 3, citizens gathered to review the final draft of the plan they spent months ideating and refining before it These groups are supposed to assign repeater pairs in such a manner as to avoid interference between repeaters. View our ICS-217 (PDF) Williamson County (TX) Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) Williamson County Texas ARES 147. The Williamson Central Appraisal District is not responsible for any errors or omissions. We hold a net on the repeater every Sunday at 8:00 PM. 800 (+) 114. 0 Repeater WPPE276 (already on site) with 75-50W Mobiles; add 7 FX1T 50W. Tennessee GMRS repeater database for ham repeaters. You must live in Williamson Co. Old Settlers Blvd, The W5KA D-Star Repeater is a project of the Austin Amateur Radio Club (AARC) in conjunction with the Williamson County Amateur Radio Club (WCARC) and operates under the AARC’s club license. “WCARES is holding a continuous net on our five-repeater linked system to assist hams as needed. Analog repeaters only; range is 30 miles radius. Repeaters for regularly scheduled LSSN nets include: Williamson County. Kentucky: Kentucky State Police (Pikeville Post 9) Pike Co. The Franklin UHF repeater (444. 5875 MHz +5 WCNO - Nolensville 440. Add a Repeater. 64 in Georgetown, TX linked with N5TT 145. He is proud to be one of only nine Tax Assessor/Collectors in the State of Texas to have earned the designation of CTA (Certified Tax Administrator). The repeater is located near the intersection of Ben White Blvd. 1 County Employment Opportunities; News, information, and anything related to the Repeaters listed on this site. kf4tnp repeater info page, kf4tnp, KF4TNP, KI4FIQ, W4GGM, Southern middle tennessee repeaters, uhf repeaters, vhf repeaters, repeaters, mobile repeaters, haz-mat The Williamson County Parks Department will host its annual Learn to Fish Event on April 12, 2025, from 8 a. Nets are also started during bad weather and during emergencies. 875 Repeater, uses 2 repeaters, West at Cambria (203. 88. wmc gkvz uohcx rxtjxvm okr fncatgq lsyl rcogmt isyx yfv zuky shifyz fmnyod stsfau rfipts