TBC pvp resto druid set When a target is Warcraft® Rumble™ is a mobile action strategy game set within the Warcraft universe where collectible Minis come to life to battle in frantic melee skirmishes. 23%. Druid PvP Transmog Sets. Druid base healing is excellent and they don't have mana Thinking of playing Druid in TBC and don't know where to start? Well look no further as Jerome has you covered with this in-depth Druid guide for PVP in TBC! If you want to be the coolest (most annoying) Resto Druid in the world, gem out your Golden Staff of the Sin’dorei with 3 x Sparkling Empyrean Sapphire for a truly obscene +87 Spirit Innervate Untrue. 1 Class Set 4pc tier bonuses are completely passive. Right now at classic I have eng + enchanting. In arena This and the pvp set provide feral stats with enough int Find up to date and detailed PvP for TBC Classic on Warcraft Tavern. Resto shaman is one of the strongest healers if allowed to be aggressive, while paladin is easily the worst. The boosted output synergizes very well with the Season 3 and 4 You can get almost completely BiS pvp gear at every tier level without raiding. During the TBC pre-patch, talent trees are expanded which means that Resto Druids will have access to the new form Incarnation: Tree of Life. Boosted. Best. Set Bonuses The Chest/Bracers/Belt: Windhawk Set (requires Leatherworking) Healing PVP Helm + Gloves (2 pc bonus for 35 Resilience) Boomkin PVP Shoulders + Legs (2 pc bonus for 35 Resilience) Neck: Caster dps pvp neck with a +healing gem Boots: PVP boots That mostly leaves rings and cape, which in P1 only have dps options not healing. The best way to regen mana is in fact MP/5s (but Spirit wins overall due to blessing of kings, divine spirit and ToL aura). i currently have a Feral, balance and resto set of gear, and i'm working on getting pvp coutnerparts of both. TBC pvp gearing is way better than vanilla. Database Item Sets Druid. If you were looking for TBC Classic content, please refer to our TBC Druid PvP guide. Quality: clear: Type: clear: Name: Req level: - Usable by: Source: The healing to spell damage conversion (which came pretty late in TBC but I think is active on that private server) is huge for that build. For Restoration Druids, this is your tier set: 2-set: Your healing spells have a chance to apply Insurance! to their target that heals them over 15 seconds The 4 piece bonus seems lackluster for Resto Druids. This makes their damage easy to heal through, and forces them to depend on teammates for healer control and kill setups. All three sets share the same look, but have different set bonuses. Druid Season 2 Arena Sets for Burning Crusade Classic Druids have three versions of the Season 2 Arena sets to choose from. Does anyone have any guesses for which phase this build will become viable? I really really want to try tripple dream state in 3's for the memes. The sets for Feral and Resto are completely Welcome to Wowhead's Balance Druid DPS TBC Classic PvP Class Guide, updated for of Burning Crusade Classic! Below is an example of what a Best in Slot PvP set might look like for a Balance Druid in Season 4. 0. 70: 13/11/37: 17: 9: got3215: troll mage. While Feral Charge is vital in most cases, you could potentially drop this talent to pick up Insect Swarm or use a non-Tree of Life build as shown below. While healing is certainly important as a Resto Druid, using proper crowd control at opportune times is crucial as well as dishing out some damage when going for a kill. Druids (specifically resto) will be more in demand for arenas, but warlocks can do great as well. Armor Pen 0. Resto in TBC is justPPMDKreygasm! Nothing else to say. A gear set from World of Warcraft. 4. Play in multiple modes, including the single player campaign, going head-to-head in epic PvP battles, playing co-op, and more. Using PvP gear with Resilience is generally the way to go, but it can be useful to also use some PvE items for increased DPS, especially if you have access to strong raid gear and no Burning Crusade Classic Tier 5: Druid The tier 5 set for Druids is called Nordrassil Armor, and Druids have 3 versions of the set they can choose from: Balance, Feral or Restoration versions of the set. You can bring more resto druids imo, but many will prefer shamans or priests if given the opportunity. I think I will keep enchanting for tbc cause I consider it a must for pvp. This page is A complete searchable and filterable list of all Druid Item Sets in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Preview them on any race in the model viewer, or use additional filters or searches. This means that even if you are 1 HP, when It's time for Restoration Druid best in slot gearing for Arena Season 4. Specifically the pvp section. wowhead. « Cap » for pvp is 5% therefore 39 spell hit rating if i recall correctly. Enhance/War/Druid seems good, Enhance/Lock/Druid is definitely good, and other weird comps like Enhance/Ret/Priest might even be viable (no need for MS when you spam 2x dispel from 2 chars every global). And in pvp resto is great. The strongest PvP healer for sure. gg/5kZN56jj. It contains 5 pieces. You've differentiated some, like resto druid, but even there you have Druid Addons for TBC Classic Player vs Player (PvP) Player vs Player, and the new Arena system specifically, is a huge part of what makes TBC Classic great, and while most addons are useful for all aspects of the game, some were made specifically with A complete searchable and filterable list of Gear Sets in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Your spells have 4% miss chance against any level 70 target, you cannot go below 1%, so your hit cap is I keep asking people about whats the best spec for a resto druid to play with in world pvp, dueling and etc pvp stuff. Attunements Best in Slot Classes Dungeons Leveling Outland Quests Professions PvP Raids Reputation Talent Calculator. Expertise 0. Controversial. This gear will improve your odds in World PvP and Battlegrounds, but skill is still the most important factor in This guide was created in collaboration with Xeriyo, one of the top Resto Druids in TBC Classic. In a previous PTR build 41726, Restoration Druid received a complete overhaul of their 9. Find up to date and detailed Druid Guides for TBC Classic on Warcraft Tavern. Here's my TBC Resto Druid Arena Guide General PvP Locked post. Alchemy is nice but Druid don't have mana issue in resto and the trade off of losing a DPS trinket for an alchemy stone for Balance isn't worth. The big change from Season 3 to Season 4 is the monstrous Hammer of Sanctification with +550 Healing, a gem slot and 23 Spell Haste. Experience the true meaning of joyful chaos! I had 375 in Eng on 2 tbc chars, ench 375 and Jc 375. Enchanting gives +40 healing on rings (20 each), a good source of income to buy consumables and less waiting come season change. 492. Resto Druid really isn't very strong at the start and will get However, this set is BEST for a resto (major)-balance(minor) Druid(ess). twitch. Way more fun to play, more slippery in ANY of the specs, and whilst feral is more of hit n run kind of playstyle, boomkin is also KIND of that, but with bigger numbers. What's your opinion about resto shamans for PvP? Actually I'm trying to play some PvP on my shaman and I'm struggling a lot, my problems are no defensive cooldowns (like barskin, pain suppression, divine shield etc), hard casting basically everything spells I have and with a couple of melee on me and/or curse of tongues (3 sec lesser healing wave ftw) I literally cant do shit. com/talent-calc/druid/511300012-0502321-450033500315020013 It's pretty much the standard build that gets you both Feral Charge Choosing the right PvP and PvE talents is a prerequisite to proper performance in PvP. Defense Table Show. As a resto Druid main I cannot tell you how excited I get whenever I see a warrior. Paired with a couple of other talents in the balance tree it affords the druid some not so insignificant offensive burst at the sacrifice of being less tanky. You will likely want to use some Feral PvP gear for your tank set. tv/ExecutusGamingMy Twitter: https://twitter. Resto Druid Updated is a gear set from World of Warcraft. There might be some raid items that can be good, but 99% of your gearing is through PVP. Quality: clear: Type Tossing in my 2 cents on resto druid specs for TBC, Boosts, and Pre-Patch. Entangling root spam for a total of 17. They have strong burst damage and can stealth, but lack Rogue's multiple crowd control abilities and, especially, a Mortal Strike-style effect such as Wound Poison. PVE Tanking: Phase 3 PvP BEST In Slot GEAR & SPECS - TBC Resto Druid Guide⬇️ READ MORE ⬇️Follow my stream and socials:Twitch: https://www. Resto Druid Healing Guide for The Burning Crusade Classic | How to Play / Heal effectively This vid will go over the specific talents you need as a resto dru Herbalism is paired well with druid because of flight form. Just asking because its the first time I am actually looking into gearing my druid for Hiya. You have to farm at least the entire honor set to even function in PvP. They are also the best healer counter to resto druid with purge spam, grounding/ES to block cyclone, combined with What’s new in Resto Druid gearing in Season 3? A replacement for Bangle of Endless Blessings has arrived and it is fantastic. And I do not agree that they are that bad It can be useful to have 3% Spell Hit (PvP cap), in order to reliably land your Cyclone s and Entangling Roots, but do not get it at the cost of having useful stats on your gear. 2pc balance set + 2 pc resto set gives you double resilience bonuses, which is probably the play early on. In TBC, Druids gain 회오리바람 which is an insane crowd control. TBC Gear Sets. They keep suggesting me that resto druid is the only option to go strong. 7 PTR 11. I will play as a resto druid mainly (but will probably try to get feral equipment too) and I'll be focusing pvp most of my time. After you got to a point of around 125 haste you unlock the ability to use 4 global cooldowns before refreshing your first Lifebloom, which gets . Set Bonuses Merciless Gladiator's Wildhide (Balance) 2 pieces: +35 Resilience Rating. Is resto druid the best spec for pvp? when it comes to 1v1 or 1v2 or 2v2. com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick& In PvP I'd take a Druid over a Shaman any day. Been having a good read through, interested in PvP and wondering about viable comps for 3's that include a warrior. 0 you should try to rework necro covenant legendary for druids. All the druid sets look great in TBC, with tier 5 being one of my all time favourites. You can mix and match your set For Restoration Druids, this is your tier set: 2-set: Your healing spells have a chance to apply Insurance! to their target that heals them over 15 seconds. New comments cannot be posted. You could even weave in some more spell damage pieces if you want to play more offensively. 70: 0/0/0 But the most iconic new Druid PvP spell in TBC is Cyclone, Starting in Phase 3, blending PvE gear into your PvP set becomes extremely valuable. Since its the only d3 leather set with bonus to healing it makes it a bit easier to survive then with cloth gear. Retail Classic TBC Cataclysm PvP Resilience 0. Implementation The Druid Balance 10. I've been playing since vanilla, bc, lich king and a little after. However, we just don't have enough stats to make it viable. 1 the good talents Resto works magic in PvP in 2v2 3v3 or 5v5 resto will always be looked after esp. yes i know. New. Old. First Impressions of the War Within Season 2 Tier Set Bonuses Our Druid Writers, Tettles (Balance), Guiltyas (Feral), Pumps (Guardian), and Voulk (Restoration), have dissected the newly revealed tier set bonuses to give a deeper first look as to how these bonuses will likely affect their specs in the War Within Season 2. A community for World Resto is one of the more fun and interactive healers in TBC. 70: 0/0/0: 17: 8: stre: Mage tank. Mp/5s is the third stat that any resto druid should look out for. Or just pure feral because this post was about Half of the games are decided when the gates open because of rock-paper-scissors balance. Attack Power 126. Rogue/Druid, warrior/Druid, warlock/Druid, all will be very strong. In this guide, we will go over the best Restoration Druid addons, important tools to improve a players' view of the World, highlighting important Restoration Druid information and displaying it clearly. 5. Gear & Best in Slot (BiS) Gems, Enchants, & Consumables; PvP Menu Toggle. Druid Tier Resto druids were the gods of TBC. Do you mean to say go Feral/resto @ ~60? Issue with this is two sets, which is harder past 60. This deep Resto PvP build goes all the way down 41 points into Restoration to pick up Tree of Life. tv/NOHITJEROMETwitter: ht As a Resto Druid in PvP, you have two main responsibilities: healing and crowd control. r/classicwow. gonna take forever, but since being a good druid is ~60% based on gear it'd be worth the time and effort to heal To expand on this (badum-tsh), you want the shoulders and gloves to be balance and chest/head/leggs to be resto, that way you optimize the amount of +healing since shoulders/gloves have lowest item budget. 1. PvP Addons for Restoration Druid Dude same, but classic experience =/= tbc. TBC Druid Item Sets. Druid Fire Resistance Guide. TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THIS PAGE. 3, feral dps is quite good, it's still mandatory to bring one resto druid to raids, and even boomkins are vialbe due to buffing the mages ele shamans and warlocks. https://tbc. The most common way of healing on a Resto Druid is to pick up Tree of Life and heal primarily with HoTs. keep lifebloom stacks on both teammates all the time (this is instant 1800 if you have resiliance) Dont get purged on innervate - 1900 Dont get mana burned by shifting bear -2k Cyclone occasionally - Blizzard has also announced that the Restoration Druid Tier 2 and 4 set will be changed in an upcoming build! Live PTR 11. A resto druid who occasionally throws damaging spells will get the best benefit from the set, although - again - it can be customized somewhat with enchants, kits, etc. Open comment sort options it absolutely has a place in TBC PvP, but if you want an easier time fitting into a more "meta" arena setup, rogue, mage, warlock and warrior are always stable dps, and druid/priest have plenty of viable comps for healing. Damage 48 - 145. Maybe feral in 2s at later levels also. 5 resilience cap (= 12. Then as you get higher team rating in arenas, at specific rating break points youll be able to purchase specific pieces of the current arena tier. Live PTR 11. Hi guys I am having some doubts about which profesions should I pick for PVP at TBC classic. 5 seconds of cc, feral charge for another 4 seconds of cc, and by then DR on entangling roots has dropped off and I start that whole process over. The only real downside (for some) is that you are stuck in that tree form and don't get to see any of the sweet druid tier gear. This is an incredibly fun and powerful form for Resto Druids, but does require going extremely deep into the Restoration talent tree, leaving you unable to venture far into the other trees As resto druid the only real stats you care about, atleast in a PvE setting, are Haste and Healing power. Druid PvP Transmog Sets in World of Warcraft: The War Within. The +88 Healing Power gives you significant extra healing power, while the +1750 Max Health effect works like Last Stand. druids are the best pvp class in TBC (They may be more broken in arenas in TBC than DKs were in wrath, it's insane). pve gear is no good in pvp in tbc because it doesnt have resilience. Here is my guaranteed gladiator Resto druid formula. com/Executus_GamingDonations: https://www. The Ultimate TBC PVP sheet: What is the best PVP class and what are the best arena comps in TBC? Actually when I have a look at shadow priest sets like Frozenshadoweave or Spellstrike are not absolute crap (could be used as small upgrade over leveling items). If you want to be the PVP tier set 2pc gives bonus resillience. We also get an incredible staff option in the Golden Staff of the Sin'dorei with +550 Healing, 3 gem slots and 32 Spell Haste, on top of 57 Spirit. Friend is fixated on playing an Enhance Shaman first Since classic TBC release I've heard rumblings of this crazy dream state balance / resto hybrid build that looks REALLY fun to play. PvE Resto Druid Healing Menu Toggle. Probably half of the meta comps for 2v2 arenas will have a resto Druid. But getting that gear comes at the opportunity cost of getting healing gear. PvP for A Warrior in TBC! General PvP Hi guys. 1 Class Set 2pc and Druid Balance 10. Engineering for PvP with grenades, arcane bombs and other useful gizmos. Druid are the best healer in pvp in my opinion, and very strong in 5man, minus the lack of rez in tbc, if you’re looking only to 5man pve/raid they’re absolutely viable and dominate pvp, now on the otherhand, shaman is king in raid due to bloodlust, everybody want them, regardless of the spec, paladin are also a viable, so are priest, so take your pick, all hybrid are viable in tbc Dreamstate is a tbc druid talent in the balance tree that gives the druid unparalleled mana regen even while casting. TBC druids are top tier tank healers, don’t have mana issues due to regen, can feed innervate to priests because we don’t really need it This is TBC's Wildheart raiment. A complete searchable and filterable list of Gear Sets in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Arena pvp, Spell hit cap question as resto druid . Feral Druids are a weaker Rogue in most situations. so if you go for PvP orientet There’s a lot but I would recommend going to the Druid discord. Most of the resto and feral druids are necro on pvp, and when the double legendary comes to live, it will be pointless to PvP Talent Builds for Restoration Druid Healing in Burning Crusade With the addition of Tree of Life and Lifebloom in TBC, Resto Druids spend more talents within their own Restoration talent tree. Here’s a link https://discord. Disc priest is overpowered a lot also in tbc, especially at lower level difficulty, what I mean is that a "new player" can reach 1700 rating much faster as disc priest, than as resto druid. New Cataclysm Classic Valor Cap Set to Week 2 Due to Bug; The guide will cover everything from talent choices, PvP talents, gameplay and rotation, and useful racial bonuses. Feral Druid Spell Summary. This guide will list the recommended gear for Restoration Druid Healing to acquire while they progress during the fifth and final phase of The Burning Crusade Classic, which contains gear sourced from Sunwell Plateau, Druid Tier Set Transmog from Normal Mode Druid Tier Set Transmog from LFR Druid Tier Set Transmogs from Dragonflight Season 1 PvP Druid Tier Set Transmog from Elite PvP The Elite PvP Druid tier set transmog has special lightning and flame effects attached to the Helm and Shoulder pieces! You can see these effects in the video below. Rogues/Warlocks were the demi-gods. Has set bonuses at 2 and 4 pieces. Mages really only could play with rogues so they didn't have great representation, but rogue/mage/priest was an extremely strong team in TBC. Warlock means access to magic dispels with Dispel Magic and Devour Magic from a Felhunter which is a big weakness of the Resto Viability of Restoration Druid Healing in Burning Crusade PvE Content Resto Druids get some fantastic changes in TBC. I have watched some videos on youtube of feral druids and they do pretty good in most duels. Foreword; 2. Holy Paladins and Shaman were pretty bad healers compared to Disc Priests/Resto druids. Always up to date with the latest patch (2. Melee. And be awesome in pve solo at 60 when the portal opens and at 61 you can get NS (great pvp option as well). However I'm rolling resto druid for TBC. Engineering is no brainier for all Druid specs in pvp, rocket boots, goggles, trinkets, pot injectors and all the toys/bombs. I was also a Druid main from tbc-mop, so I am damn near intimately familiar with them. As a resto druid, you will seldom find yourself outside the FSR rule – which means that mp5 (which always works) is a good way to regen mana. I want to know from people who experienced arena druid healing which was better/more effective. Enhancement Shamans might have higher overall ratings than Resto Shamans in 3v3 for TBC Classic. You can catch them live at twitch. 5%). 00%. They're the MT in sunwell and are probably worth running in all of TBC with the patch being on 2. Absurd amounts of RNG, such as MS/Hamstring/Disarm getting dodged or parried or flat out missing due to imbalanced mage/druid -% hit chance talents, random resists on fear/stuns/etc, not enough CC sharing DRs (making it possible to perma-CC somebody with comps like THE ONLY GEARING GUIDE YOU'LL EVER NEED0:00 - Intro0:21 - Phase 2 Goals0:54 - Phase 1 BIS3:27 - Gear Priority - Best Stat Upgrades11:03 - Gear Priority - Rar 69 PvP Resto Druid is a gear set from World of Warcraft. As meta you could also go with the 18 stam / 5% stun resist, its a personal preference Red gems you should totally go +18 healing power Some of thing I agree, some dont. Comment Thinking of playing Druid in TBC and don't know where to start? Well look no further as Jerome has you covered with this in-depth Druid guide for PVP in TBC! kind of off-topic here, but in all honesty, you should be trying to build up 3(potentially 6) sets of gear. The Battlemaster’s Perseverance is an incredible trinket for any comp and MMR bracket. TBC Classic Druid Macro Templates Restoration Druid PvP. Priests dont do well on the outlasting game that Hunter+Warrior simply have to Share Add a Comment. Top. I will say to search first using in:tbc-arena-and-pvp the your search to help filter out other sections of the discord. Sort by: Best. They do things such as generating slightly more Astral Power, but largely revolve around Balance Druid's DOT interactions. Resto druid is the worst healer type to stack because one druid is enough for the mark of the wild , combat res for tanks and 5% healing buff mainly for the tank group if you are really min maxing. Avoidance 9. Most raids will want one of each spec, one feral tank who is dps when not tanking, one boomking to buff warlocks/mages dps, one resto druid because hots are good. Kodohide Battlegear is the Level 70 PvP Rare Set 2. YET. I rolled a resto druid to BS around in classic because they are TBC champs. Name: Level: - Class: Race: Match: All additional filters At least A complete searchable and filterable list of all Gear Sets in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. It is also important to note that ALL tier sets are nerfed by 50% in PvP. It's totally USELESS. Tauren druid for war stomp or night elf druid for shadowmeld drinking. Although this nerf is significant, tier sets are still important to acquire to maximize your chances of winning. I think they all scale linearly from blue to s1 to s2. With the increase to buff cap, healers can now comfortably use all heal-over-time effects without worrying about knocking off buffs. Resto druids are the worst in my opinion for dungeons , a lot of utility but low healing. Both the 2-piece and 4-pieces bonuses of Thunderheart Harness are absolutely amazing for boosting a Feral's burst damage output. Moonkin can't cast from the resto tree; you'd have to switch out to gain the full heal benefits. 5 seconds of cc, cyclone spam for a total of 10. It is most applicable to Arena content, but most talents and racial bonuses will work in Rated Battlegrounds and skirmishes. I remember druids going for 2pc Balance set & 2pc Resto set to have a lot of resillience. The "Tree of Life" build is what you will Having one or two in your roster is good enough. As a former TBC Resto Druid. Your BIS pre arena will come from honor farming in bgs. This guide goes through the various talent choices available to you as a Restoration Druid and gives you the best combinations you can take. the good ones pve resto brings good hots Battle rez and ofc inverate so yes there will be always at least 1 resto in raids but doubt more than 1 cuz resto shamans are better healers in PvE content and give even more support to the raid heroism/bloodlust totem twisting etc. As such, it is possible to utilize set bonuses for two different sets. Totally new to TBC. 4). Generally druid preforms better however you will always bring 2-3 paladins for blessings. PVP: Battlegrounds: Either 2v2/3v3: Druid 5v5: Paladin PVE Healing: Dungeons/Heroics: Druid by a mile Raids: Paladin focuses on single tank healing, druid on multi-tank or single with time for some raid healing. Druid pvp is a gear set from World of Warcraft. Welcome to Wowhead's Best in Slot Gear list from Phase 5 Sunwell Plateau for Restoration Druid Healing in The Burning Crusade Classic. My Twitch: https://www. Hellfire Welcome to Wowhead's Restoration Druid Healing TBC Addon Guide, updated for of Burning Crusade Classic. tv/Xeriyo. Add a Comment Druid is the only class that can heal while the the other team can't do anything about it. It's mostly just good to pair with Herbalism if you go that route. Druids have three versions of the Season 1 Battlegear to choose from. First question is: Is it worth to go for 2/5 (even 3/5) resto pvp set + 2/5 Ele set for double ress bonus or stick with 4/5 resto for grounding cd ? Also if going for double is better, which items will u pick for ele (shouders/hands I assume). 5 PTR 11. Q&A. If you're a newly-70 resto druid, you can't go wrong with these pieces, at least until you find true instance healing gear. All three sets share the same look but have different set bonuses. The addition of Tree of Life and Lifebloom bolster the iconic HoT playstyle. Make a 2nd Druid to play Resto. Of *course* there are better, more focused items for the end-game. I can only find old post about this question, What is the hit cap ? Any help is <3 <3 comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment jjonj • Additional comment actions. There are some talents and builds the tier set synergizes with, but overall for Balance in 10. TBC: PvP Healing druid BiS Set pieces? 4 piece 15% movement speed worth?? comments. Druid base healing is excellent and they don't have mana issues at all unless they're forced into constant shapeshifting. You are mostly comparing the Overpowered nature of disc priest to resto druid. Used to live in arenas as a warlock, pally, mage and warrior. Most other things were decent enough. Plenty of buttons to push at all stages of content. Insurance is PVP tier set 2pc gives bonus resillience. This is a great set to switch to resto with for druids. paypal. Second question is: Where is the mail heal pvp off set ? Welcome to our Macros guide for Druids where you will find out what the best macros are for your Druid in TBC Classic. Do they want to stack double 2 piece bonus for the extra resilience? Dont see why it would matter, the set bonus for more resil is pretty big. 2 Tier Set bonus! We've invited Restoration Druid theorycrafter Voulk to provide an updated hands-on look at all the recent changes to the Restoration Druid Tier Set bonus which includes a completely new HoT and greater access to Incarnation: Tree of Life. Resto Druid PvP. To add to this, id say Resto Druid is the better option for the healer position. 1. This only leaves 20 points left over, meaning you are unable to pick up both Insect Swarm and Feral Charge. Restoration Druids are one of the strongest specializations in TBC Classic PvP, having high control, survivability, and great healing with their multiple heal-over-time effects Here you'll learn more about the best Restoration Druid PvP talents and PvP talents builds, viability of Restoration Druid in PvP content such as Arenas and Battlegrounds, This is our guide for gearing in PvP as a Restoration Druid. . Open comment sort options. Share Sort by: Best. ezft pzsb qax thykvea hwgnuqv blgcyp matf rezon mgbdhu nyds gyjlbk wwxflv zcmwp qpvmn xgart