Hi korea visa check Being legally responsible for overstaying will get you a fine. Embassy in Hi Korea. Go to main By following these streamlined steps, you can easily track your visa status on the HiKorea website. Visas issued at the discretion of the head of a Korean diplomatic mission abroad, such as single-entry You will need to apply for an ID card to notify the Korean government of an extended stay in Korea and the purpose of your stay. ② 최근 5일 이내에 공과금수납기, 인터넷지로(www. Submission of Visa Applications by ROK Authorized Agencies - 8:30 to 11:00. republic of korea. 체류기간 내 출국하여야 합니다. Please be noted that #visaextension#southkorea#hikorea. 👉About Hi Korea:This is an e-Government site for foreigners that was jointly established by the ministries of Justice, Knowledge Economy and Labor as a mean Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Honolulu Address : 2756 Pali Highway Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 U. Effective February 24, 2020, the Republic of Korea no longer issue sticker-type visa on the passport and all Korea-visa holders need to bring their Visa Grant Notice when they go to Korea. A "refugee" refers to a foreign national who is unable or unwilling to avail him/herself of the protection of his/her country of nationality owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion; or who, not having a nationality, is unable or, owing to such fear, unwilling to return to the Tourism/Transit, Temporary Visiting(Less than 90 days) status of stay Qualifications Entry Staying in Korea Depature; Visa exemption (B-1) Travel/transit 1. Review the Results: The system will display your visa status, including updates like “Received,” “Processing,” “Approved,” or “Rejected. Please select a location and enter your Application ID or Case Number. COPYRIGHTⓒ MINISTRY OF JUSTICE. validity check of registration card, employment eligibility check for foreigners, checking the authorized period of stay, re-entry permit, please contact 1345 (domestically) visas and citizenship and many other problems foreigners may have. Related Sites Ministry of Justice Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy The Seoul Global Center Ministry of Labor Invest Korea Immigration bureau Digital KOTRA Human Resources Development Service of Korea Korea employment information service 하이 코리아(Hi Korea)는 외국인의 출입국과 체류 관련 행정 업무를 지원하는 대한민국의 공식 플랫폼입니다. kr) or contact the Korean Embassy or Consulate to check the entry requirements for Korea. - If they temporarily left Korea due to reasons beyond their control, and re-enters Korea with a VISA Find your VISA VISA by categories VISA Application(e-form) Check Application Status Korea Visa Application Center E-Services Smart Entry Service K-ETA(Korea Electronic Authorization) Information What´s new Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea. #HIKOREA #EXPATGUIDE #VISAINFO #KOREANERS #HOWTOGUIDE. If your country has on the visa-free list, it means that you do not need to apply for a visa. 3) If your visa application has been approved, visa details will appear at page bottom. A multiple-entry visa (with 90 days of duration of stay or less) for eligible applicants of Short-term News Coverage (C-1) and Short-term General (C-3) Visa who are citizens of countries that have multiple-entry visa agreements with Korea. Departure Inspection for Koreans Entry & Departure Inspection of Nationals The purpose of departure inspection is to ensure safe journey abroad by checking validity of necessary documents (such as the passport), as well as preventing violators of immigration laws from departing the country (those with fake/altered passports or those not allowed Please visit the Republic of Korea Visa Portal site (www. Then choose which ID you want to use for the verification process VISA Find your VISA VISA by categories VISA Application(e-form) Check Application Status Korea Visa Application Center E-Services Smart Entry Service K-ETA(Korea Electronic The applicant must receive Visa application form for the confirmation of visa issuance or its number (expiry date) from the sponsor in Korea in order to apply for his/her visa at the Korean VISA Find your VISA VISA by categories VISA Application(e-form) Check Application Status Korea Visa Application Center E-Services Smart Entry Service K-ETA(Korea Electronic Authorization) Information What´s new Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea. Depending on the option you choose, you will need to enter your application number, receipt number, or passport number along with your full name on your passport and date of birth. 신청민원 결과확인 => Xác nhận kết quả hồ sơ (Đăng nhập tài khoản hội viên của web > click vào mục cần kiểm tra. ); 전자민원신청 현황 (hồ sơ điện tử đăng ký HiKorea is a website where you can apply for a visa and make an online reservation for the immigration office. Try our Visa Navigator! It will help you find which visa suits you. Nếu bạn đang xin visa ở Việt Nam thì phải xem kết quả visa trên trang visa. , Privium of the Netherlands, e-Gate of Hong Kong, Smart Gate of Australia and so on. Submission of Visa Applications by Individuals - 8:30 to 16:00. Customized Guide for Foreign National Koreans. (확인 결과에 따라 등록이 불가할 수 있음) 단기체류외국인 숙박신고. Sojourn Expiration Check. - Main Contents: Visa overview, customized stay guide for foreigners residing in Korea, convenient means of placing Are you preparing to visit Korea? Select the nationality of your passport below for more information. - 다른 사람의 개인정보를 악용하여 예약을 선점하는 행위가 적발되는 경우 형사처벌됨을 유의하시기 바랍니다. 1) or Family Census Register (did renunciation or lost Korean nationality before 2008 Jan. A South Korean work visa for Indians helps foreigners to get work opportunities in South Korea. 첫 단계로, 하이코리아(Hi Korea) 공식 홈페이지에 접속해야 합니다. Hi Korea E-Government for Foreigners; Invest Korea; K-ETA; Korea Immigration Services; Korea Ministry of Justice; Korea Visa Navigator; Reimplementation of Re-Entry Permit Exemption Re-Entry Permit Now Gets Easier for Registered Foreigners! The Re-Entry Permit System which has been implem ented for registered foreigners since June 2020 will be suspended, and The Re-Entry Permit Exemption will resume as of April 1, 2022 in accordance with changes in Covid-19 response in the nation. Hence to apply for a work visa it is important to have a job or work contract with an authentic South Korean employer. => 하단에 바로가기 링크가 있습니다. Visa for South Korea. 2. copyright©ministry of justice. (출입국관리법 제8조 제2항, 출입국관리법시행규칙 제11조, 출입국관리법시행규칙 제9조). hml2. Business Visa (C-3-4): For business-related activities, such as meetings or conferences. #Korea #KoreanVisa #KoreanVisaApplication #KoreanVisaStatus After booking an appointment with the Korean Immigration Service, cancelling the appointment on the same day is not allowed. Immigration/Stay Guide. Multi-Cultural Family Support Center (Call 1577-5432) https: Are you preparing to visit Korea? Select the nationality of your passport below for more information. Confirmation of Visa Issuance; Refugee Appeal Application; Other Services. 초청/사증(visa) 출입국심사 외국인의 체류 국적/귀화; 사증(visa) 사증발급인정서; 사증발급인정서 신청결과조회; 국제 결혼안내프로그램; 국민출입국심사; 외국인출입국심사; 남북한왕래; 승무원/상륙허가; 선반/여객기심사; 출입국우대카드; 체류일반; 외국인 So I heard from someone that you can check your visa status and dates on HiKorea. (3) Foreigners entering Korea must have either K-ETA OR Visa *K-ETA Tip 1: How to check if you are eligible for K-ETA Here, you can check the application status for diplomatic offices, e-visa (Individual or Group), confirmation of visa issuance, visa application center, and no visa. The ID card serves as an identification card government in Korea and gives you access to important services, such as setting up a bank account, applying for medical insurance, obtaining a driver's license, etc. If a visa is required, you must apply for a visa based on the purpose of your visit 3. Do I have to visit a licensed administrative agent office to apply for Public Investor Immigrant Scheme? Do I have to pay any fee when it comes to applying for Public Investor Immigrant Scheme, especially for a Visa Navigator. 주소 : 경기도 과천시 관문로 47 정부과천청사 1동 ( 외국인종합안내센터 : 국번없이 1345 ) Document proving one’s renunciation or loss of Korean nationality by nationality law (Except Korean Chinese and overseas Koreans residing at the former Soviet Union area) : Basic Certificate (did renunciation or lost Korean nationality after 2008 Jan. South Korea Visa for American citizens Check with the South Korean embassy or consulate for the latest requirements for (see 'Travel'). or. VISA Find your VISA VISA by categories VISA Application(e-form) Check Application Status Korea Visa Application Center E-Services Smart Entry Service K-ETA(Korea Electronic Authorization) Information What´s new Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea. kr. If you need to check the progress of your visa application or print the confirmation of your visa issuance, you may do so by following these simple steps: Should a visa applicant enter Korea prior to the actual issuance of the visa, it will be assumed that the applicant is withdrawing their application, and the issuance will be canceled ; Visa applicant must claim their visa within 3 months after:-the date of application or How to check the expiration date of your VISA is very important for foreigners who live in Korea. Welcome! On this website, you can check your U. Hi Korea (e-Government site run by the Ministry of Justice’s Immigration Office) Instead of the face-to-face inspection, program participants may enter and leave Korea by using Smart Entry Service auto-gates, which only take less than 12 seconds. This method is super simple and sav Depending on the purpose of your visit, South Korea offers a variety of visa options: Tourist Visa (C-3): For short-term visits like tourism, family visits, or cultural experiences. However, applicants can apply for their e-visas for only certain status of stay. 전자민원 사증(VISA)은 재외공관(대한민국대사관 또는 총영사관)에서 재외공관의 장이 법무부장관의 위임을 받아 발급합니다. ALL RIGHT RESERVED. Check on this link to the Korea Visa Portal to see which nationalities have access to visa-free entry to South Korea and which nationalities need to apply for a visa. 등록담당 공무원에게 여권과 e-Gate 등록신청서를 제출합니다. 2756 Pali Highway, Honolulu, HI 96817, U. ” How to Check South Korea Visa Status Offline? Contact the Visa Application Center: Contact the South Korean embassy, consulate, or authorized visa Hi Korea. Go to main (Countries requiring K-ETA) You must apply for K-ETA to enter Korea. g. (any visa except A-3) up to four months before it expires. Even if your visa application has been and will be again handled by your workplace/university/a institution you need to be aware of your VISA status. ) 1. ※ 비자포털은 ie 7 이상, 크롬, 파이어폭스, 사파리, 오페라 브라우저와 1024*768 화면에 최적화 되어 있습니다. Select a location Application ID or Case Number (e. Office Directory; Check Registration Card Validity; Report loss of residence card (cancel report) Eligibility check for foreign employment; Registered Agencies for Civil Petitions; Medical Institutions Designated by MOJ; Expiry Date check; Search Qualified Foreign Babysitter Here's a guide on how you can check online the status of your Korean Visa Application. By following these streamlined steps, you can easily track your visa status on the HiKorea website. You may travel to Korea as long as your passport remains valid throughout your stay in Korea. visa application status. Gain professional opportunities while studying in South Korea. kr 대상: 외교(A-1)~협정(A-3), 문화예술(D-1)~동반(F-3), 결혼이민(F-6)~방문취업(H-2) 자격을 가진 사람이 출국한 날로부터 1년 이상 ~ 최대 2년까지 국외 체류 후 재입국하려는 경우 ; 신청: 출입국기관 방문 신청, 민원대행 신청, 하이코리아 홈페이지(www. 특히 외국인 등록, 체류 Visa Check र Immigration जानु अघि Reservation(방문예약) गर्ने तरिका ।#visaextend2021#hikorea#bbsingh Бүгд Найрамдах Солонгос Улсын (БНСУ) Засгийн Газраас Монгол улсын иргэд болон Монгол улсад оршин суугаа гуравдагч орны иргэдийн виз мэдүүлэгтэй холбоотой мэдээлэл, үйлчилгээг Улаанбаатар хот дахь Building#1, Government Complex-Gwacheon, 47, Gwanmun-ro, Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea ( Immigration Contact Center : +82-1345 ) COPYRIGHT©MINISTRY OF JUSTICE. 사증발급 신청시 수수료; 면제대상국가 면제조건; 스페인, 이탈리아, 태국, 일본, 대만, 우크라이나: 체류기간에 관계없이 모든 비자 Before Booking Your Trip to South Korea 1. 이 플랫폼은 방문 예약, 체류 자격 조회, 비자 발급, 국적 심사 상태 확인 등 다양한 기능을 제공합니다. kr), Kiểm tra kết quả thay đổi thông tin hộ chiếu và in ‘Giấy xác nhận thị thực’ tại trang KOREA VISA PORTAL (Check Application Status > Check Application Status & Print) Đính kèm: Hướng dẫn thay đổi thông tin hộ chiếu trên thị thực ① 법무부에서는 예약신청인의 인터넷 IP를 정기적으로 점검할 예정입니다. Visa Status Check. (The passport expiration date must be more than 6 months from date of departure. South Korea online visa is available online for American citizens. 방문예약. For the detailed explanation regarding Visa Grant Notice, please go check: 신청가능한 민원사무목록; 민원사무명 업무분류 민원분류 전자민원 방문예약 처리기관; 체류: 재입국허가(복수) 재입국허가 republic of korea. 하이코리아 홈페이지 접속. 민원신청. (However, those under 17 years old and over 65 years old are exempt from K-ETA) Korean Immigration Visa Status, Renewal, and Reservations - Hi Korea Website Guide . Work Visa (E-Series): For employment 비자포털(e-visa) 시스템 작업 안내 republic of korea. Let Retiree Support Overseas Korea help you navigate the Korean Immigration, Visa and Residency information desk for all Immigration questions, and it includes English. 대한민국 입국을 위해서는 사증이 필요한 국가의 국민으로서, 아래의 ① ~ ② 중 하나를 충족하는 사람 ① 미국(괌, 사이판 포함)·캐나다·호주·뉴질랜드 중 어느 1개국의 입국사증(영주권‧재입국허가서 포함)을 소지하고, 대한민국을 경유하여 미국·캐나다·호주·뉴질랜드 중 어느 1개국으로 가는 F-5 permanent residency visa is the best visa for foreigners Once you get this visa, you have to come back to Korea once every two years in order to keep the visa Also, you have to renew the visa every ten years There are many ways to acheive the permanent residency visa You can check what permanent visa you can apply for Are you preparing to visit Korea? Select the nationality of your passport below for more information. 1) Building#1, Government Complex-Gwacheon, 47, Gwanmun-ro, Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea ( Immigration Contact Center : +82-1345 ) COPYRIGHT©MINISTRY OF JUSTICE. Please print out the Visa Grant Notice and bring it on the way to Korea. It also says to check the "Immigration/Stay Guide" or call 1345 to find out what documents you are required to submit when you come to your Visa appointment. give exactly what they ask for, but i reco including a cover letter! not required, but would definitely help show your itinerary and explain any q's they might have upon checking 재외공관장에게 위임되지 아니한 사증에 대하여 사증발급절차 간소화 및 발급기간 단축 등을 위하여 그 외국인을 초청하려는 자의 주소지 관할 출입국관리사무소 또는 출장소에서 사증발급인정서를 발급합니다. kr) -> Application Status/Issue -> Click 'Check Application Status & Print'. S. A. approved twice. For Questions, Office: G404 Phone: +82-032-626-5019 Email: hkim293@gmu. 1. However, if you wish to cancel before the booking date, please follow the steps to cancel or edit the However, this does not include time spent outside Korea. Can someone tell me how to get onto HiKorea and then how to check my visa information? visa navigator 비자 내비게이터로 간편하게 나에게 republic of korea. 입국심사확인증은 대한민국에 체류하는 동안 잘 보관하여 주시기 바랍니다. www. Residency Status Information Manual. make sure all your docs are complete and legit. First choose whether you want to access it via your computer or your phone. Check for visa requirement based on the nationality of your passport 2. 인터넷 검색창에 ‘하이코리아’를 검색하고, 검색 결과에서 하이코리아 홈페이지 링크를 클릭합니다. Kết quả đổi visa hoặc gia hạn visa trên HiKorea là dành cho người xin visa ở Hàn Quốc. There are several ways to check your visa status on HiKorea. An overseas Korean under the Act on The Immigration and Legal Status of Overseas Koreans, who falls under the following from among those who, having held the nationality of the Republic of Korea (including those who had emigrated abroad before the Government of the Republic of Korea was established) or as their lineal descendants, have acquired the nationality of a Residence cards and Overseas Korean resident cards are deemed equivalent to a resident registration card in identity verification in accordance with Article 88(2) of the Immigration Act and Article 9 of the Act on the Immigration and Legal Status of Overseas Koreans. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Passports Return - 8:30 to 16:00 . Related Sites Ministry of Justice Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy The Seoul Global Center Ministry of Labor Invest Korea Immigration bureau Digital KOTRA Human Resources Development Service of Korea Korea employment information service 【How to verify and print out 'Visa Grant Notice'】 1) Visit the Korea VISA Portal(www. ,, United States. Today, we will look at how foreigners can make reservations for visits to Hi Korea, which are necessary for immigration complaints such as granting, extension, and change of status of residence while staying in Korea. visa. - The Ministry of Justice will regularly check the IP addresses of persons who make Visit Reservations. 03. 등록담당 공무원은 신청자 본인 여부 확인, 방문목적, 대만내 체류지 등을 질문하여 e-Gate 이용가능 여부를 확인할 수 있습니다. e-Visa is introduced to reduce inconvenience many visa applicants face, which caused by an in-person visit to a Korean diplomatic mission in their countries of residence. (Một ngoại lệ là xin visa F-1-15 sẽ có tin nhắn về điện thoại của bạn chứ không xem online được) The Korea Immigration Service is distributing VISA NAVIGATOR (In Korean and English), a customized stay guide for foreign residents, to provide better services for foreigners staying or intending to stay in the Republic of Korea. This convenient program is widely introduced in many countries such as Global Entry of U. all right reserved. 각종허가 등의 신청 및 수령 대리인; 체류자격 대리인; 외 교(a-1) 외교사절단이나 영사기관의 직원; 국내에서 활동하는 외국인(이하 “본인”이라 한다)과 동일세대에 속하는 가족의 구성원 The South Korea tourist visa remains valid for 3 months. , AA0020AKAX or 2012118 345 0001) 2005. go. 법무부, 산업통상자원부, 고용노동부의 공동 주관으로 외국인 종합지원서비스 구축을 위한 업무절차재설계 및 정보화전략계획 (bpr/isp) 수립 여권번호 인증 - 여권번호, 국가/지역, 생년월일, 견본보기에 대한 정보 입력폼; 필수 여권번호 ① 여권 앞면 우측에 여권번호: 필수 국적 ② 여권 앞면에 국적 심사 및 바이오정보 제공. ※For ,more information, 아래 항목을 클릭하시면 체류자격별 해당자, 활동범위, 체류자격외 활동허가, 근무처의 변경추가, 체류자격부여, 체류자격변경, 체류기간연장, 재입국허가, 외국인등록 등에 대한 세부안내를 보실 수 있습니다. Visa Application Type. (2) There is no requirement on the passport's remainder validity for entry. giro. kr) 전자민원 신청 Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Boston Address : Korean Consulate General in Boston 300 Washinton Street (One Gateway Center), Suite 251, Newton, MA 02458 Submit Information: Click “Search” to retrieve your current visa application status. ③ For people from a high TB-burden country, a TB checklist (a confirmation certificate issued by a health center or a medical institution designated by the Ministry of Justice, which you can For detailed information on visa 1. hikorea. 외국인 숙박신고를 통해 테러 및 감염병으로부터 자유로운 대한민국을 만들어주시길 바랍니다. If you go online to the Hi Korea website you can request a visa update online, get a discount for doing it online, and submit Welcome back! Today, we're showing you how to change your address online in Korea using the HiKorea e-application system. edu It is important for D-2 students to be aware of the date when their stay periods in Korea expire. kr)를 What is e-Visa? e-Visa refers to an electronic visa which can be applied and granted via the Visa Portal. Phone: + 1-808-595-6109 | Emergency Assistance (Outside business hours): + 1-808-265-9349 Truy cập KOREA VISA PORTAL (www. 인터넷으로 방문예약 신청이 가능합니다. Basically, here you can find everything you want to know about your legal status in Korea. Work Visa. The Immigration Contact Center consists of Hi Korea, which is portal site for helping foreigners with online information guidance in 4 languages, including Korean, English 90 days or less multiple-entry visas for eligible applicants of Short-Term News Coverage (C-1) and Short-Term General (C-3) status of stay, only if the applicants are citizens of countries that have signed multiple-entry visa agreements with Korea; Visas issued at the discretion of the head of a Korean diplomatic mission abroad, such as 90 days 주소 : 경기도 과천시 관문로 47 정부과천청사 1동 ( 외국인종합안내센터 : 국번없이 1345 ) Cách kiểm tra tình trạng visa, hồ sơ và phạm vi được làm việc theo loại hình visa. - If they received re-entry permit prior to the expiration of their stay and re-entered before the specified return date. 민원인이 직접 온라인으로 신청하실 수 있습니다. ※ Visa portal is optimized for IE7, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera browsers and 1024*768 pixels. Visas issued at the discretion of the head of a Korean diplomatic mission abroad, such as single-entry 주소 : 경기도 과천시 관문로 47 정부과천청사 1동 ( 외국인종합안내센터 : 국번없이 1345 ) Check Application Status; Immigrant Investor; Help Center; Member; Korean Embassy in Ghana Benin, Togo 2 Korean Embassy in Gabon REPUBLIC OF KOREA. 22-05-26 07:10. REPUBLIC OF KOREA. TEL: +82-2-2110-3000 Immigration contact center : 1345, (International contact number) +82-2-1345, +82-2-6908-1345~6 Building #1, Government Complex-Gwacheon, 47, Gwanmun-ro, 주소 : 경기도 과천시 관문로 47 정부과천청사 1동 ( 외국인종합안내센터 : 국번없이 1345 ) All applications granted through e-application service of the Hi Korea hold equal Going to KOREA? Don't forget your K-ETA Starting May 2021 who need k-ETA? 112 Countries (countries that concluded a visa-waiver agreement with the Republic of Korea and designated Please visit the Republic of Korea Visa Portal site (www. The problem is that HiKorea is a pretty finnicky website when it comes to my laptop and I'm having a little trouble accessing it. Student Visa (D-2): For those enrolling in academic programs. 2) Enter your Passport number, Name and Date of Birth, and Click the 'Search' button. moau kwillbss emp iwido gsybxbe gpeoqh lwqxqf wpxkof zpdklo thjh duqti skajwx sgcl kkcsf cgir