Jasper county zoning The IPOD adds an extra layer of land use regulation over the underlying zoning, which allows increased flexibility in land use, exempts certain provisions of the Jasper County Zoning f. Article 1: Purpose, Authority. Carmen Malphrus. Phone: (219) 866-4908 Fax: (219) 866-9435 Hours Mon-Fri: 8am-4pm Zoning Certificate Application. Jeremy Flores 641-840-9825. Document Center County Council Meeting Documents County Commissioners Meeting Documents Property Tax Deductions Financial Reports Real Estate Jasper County Board of Adjustment meetings are held as needed for requested variances by property owners within Jasper County, Iowa. o List of subcontractors and licenses uploaded. - Initiation of Expand THE CODE OF ORDINANCES JASPER COUNTY, GEORGIA THE CODE OF ORDINANCES JASPER COUNTY, GEORGIA; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE (This content was modified in this version of the code. Physical Address: 358 Third Avenue Ridgeland, SC 29936. Based on 340,000 s. Jasper Township . Based on the recent Jasper County property records, the county exposes the local housing market, displaying a median home value at $129,450. (courthouse time), on the first Monday of the month unless otherwise noted. 2. Zoning Commission. ii. Users should contact the county for Jasper County enforces planning and zoning ordinances and the building code in the unincorporated area of the County, but not within any of the jurisdictional areas established by the municipalities. Greene Street, Suite 18 Monticello, GA 31064 Telephone: 706-468-4900 Fax: 706-468-4942 Jasper County Zoning Ordinance, required parking spaces for warehouse and storage are 1 space per 1,000 square feet (s. 20. m. Greene Street, Suite 18 Monticello, GA 31064 Telephone: 706-468-4900 Fax: 706-468-4942 The Jasper County Assessor’s office will be visiting all parcels in the county as required by Indiana Code 6-1. Contact Jasper County Phone: 843-726-7700. ) modified; ZONING Chapter 119 - ZONING. Monticello Building Permit Jasper’s Journey. 2 . Users should ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW AND ADMINISTRATION. Ciara Chapman. gov (843) 717-3650. 50 Development Standards; 20. To protect the Jasper-Pulaski Fish and Wildlife Area and to protect/provide an Aviation Buffer in respect to the Jasper County Airport and established Department of Defense MOA (Military Operations Area) within the County, a “No Turbine Zone” is established for the area of Jasper County that lies north of County Road 1200S. 2023 Agenda e-packet. 3-3, and as depicted on the Ridgeland Airport Land Use or Airspace Zones Map unless approved by the Jasper County planning and building Zoning Permit Application completed online with a site plan showing setbacks to property Unlicensed Owner/Builder disclosure statement must be signed, notarized, and filed with Jasper County Register of Deeds if doing work yourself on your property. 119-441. CST on the third Tuesday of the month unless otherwise noted. 01. Midland County . Physical Address: 358 Third Avenue Due to the size of Item # 17, for this Zoning Ordinance Document please refer to the Jasper County Planning and Zoning Page off of our website at Jasper County. Zoning Ordinance Building Code – Ordinance #40D Building Permits Board of Adjustment Zoning Commission Jasper County Board of Commissioners Office 126 W. Roll call 2. Jones petroleum bought it and wants to put a 4 pump gas station/burgerking! I’m for growth but I’m next door my Zoning ordinance: The adopted zoning ordinance of Jasper County, South Carolina, or its municipalities. Real Estate. Plans must meet the requirements of the Jasper County Zoning Ordinance Article X. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Hamilton County Land Use, Planning, and Zoning. 204 NE First Street. Beginning in 2017, the citizens and community leaders of Jasper County came together to develop Jasper’s Journey, A Comprehensive Master Plan for Jasper County. Tom Matson, CIAO. 1-4. Such Act , is part of this ordinance Kimberly K. 3-2 and 8:3. Jasper, FL 32052. For more information, visit the Post Office or call the Passport Information Center at 1-900-225-5674 or 1-888-363-8668 or visit their website at: travel. code of ordinances jasper county, south carolina: supplement history table: code of ordinances: chapter 1. The boundaries of zoning districts are shown upon the map designated as the "Official Zoning Map of Jasper County" and all the notations, references and other information shown thereon are hereby made a part of this chapter and have the same force and effect as if the zoning map and all the notations, references and other information shown thereon were all fully set forth or Shane Sealy, Planning & Zoning Director, Jasper County Gerald Stunkel, Local Business Owner Northeast Georgia Regional Commission James R. Jasper County Office Building 204 W Washington St Newton, IL 62448 (618) 783-3124 Zoning Information. We will inspect each parcel in the county over the next four years, 2022-2026. PART II - CODE OF ORDINANCES 19. Barbara Bartoldus and Ms. _____ Homeowners Affidavit or _____ Contractors Affidavit State Codes and amendments: It is especially important for homeowners to have a Planning & Zoning Coordinator. Meetings are held at 6 p. Disclaimer: The county has the official version of the To verify zoning information in Jasper County, contact the zoning authorities of the corresponding city where the land lies. 1. Users should contact the county for Any written commitments shall be recorded in the office of the Jasper County Recorder within ninety (90) days of the Plan Commission’s final action. (Generally see IC 36-2-9 for duties of the County Auditor). Table of Contents. Beth Warren Assistant Phone: 219-866-4923 Business 2: (219) 866-4924. Sections: 20. Services. Users should contact the county for ordinances Find information about Planning and Zoning, Environmental Health, and Animal Control services available in jasper County, Iowa. The boundaries of zoning districts are shown upon the map designated as the "Official Zoning Map of Jasper County" and all the notations, references and other information Sec. 30 Overlay Districts; 20. Greene Street, Suite 18 Monticello, GA 31064 Telephone: 706-468-4900 Fax: 706-468-4942 Jasper County: Joint Comprehensive Plan 9 Jasper County | Joint Comprehensive Plan | 2023-2028 VISION Jasper County is a place to Live, Grow, and Prosper. Jasper County Planning Commission. Effect on Development Standards of the Base Zoning. CASA; Child Support; Community Corrections; County Clerk; The Jasper County Commissioners meet at 8:30 a. Expand ARTICLE I. Michigan. 15 Apr County Council Meeting Know Your Zone 2024 Evacuation Zone Contact Jasper County Phone: 843-726-7700. 4 SIGNS . 2023 Agenda e-packet Part 1_ Agenda Resolution thru Item-A. Revised 04-21-2024 . Applications are submitted to City Hall for sign-off by appropriate staff and then returned to the applicant to take to the Jasper County Planning and Zoning Office where the permits are issued. f. Jasper County Planning Department 358 Third Avenue - Post Office Box 1659 Ridgeland, South Carolina 29936 Phone (843) 717-3650 Fax (843) 726-7707 Jasper County Planning Commission Jasper County Zoning Ordinance, The Jasper County Code is current through Ordinance 06-03-24, passed June 3, 2024. Board of Zoning Appeals. Stephanie Oviedo: Permit Technician: soviedo@jaspercountysc. All applicants will be considered for employment without attention to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, identity, national origin, veteran or disability status. Upcoming County Council Meetings. City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance. The Plan Commission shall make a recommendation to the County Commissioners concerning a proposal to amend the official zoning map. • Use this zoning district for existing developments and for new residential development when not detrimental to the County and surrounding properties. Term Ends: 12/31/26 . 4 Definitions For a list of definitions, refer to Article 4 of the Jasper County Zoning Ordinance. America's Maple Leaf City. 010 CO district – District intent, permitted uses, and special exception uses. i. Office areas of the County are areas of economic importance based upon the availability of infrastructure, proximity to energy, utilities and transportation are critical. Zoning Ordinance. ©2025 Jasper County, Iowa. gov We are an equal opportunity employer. Greene Street, Suite 18 Monticello, GA 31064 Telephone: 706-468-4900 Fax: 706-468-4942 Hours: M-F 8am-12pm & 1pm-4pm Phone: (219) 866-4941 Address: 115 W Washington St Rensselaer, IN 47978 Get Directions Board of Zoning Appeals; Drainage Board; Economic Development; Plan Commission; Tourism; Justice System & Courts. 1 Real estate signs of a temporary nature, not exceeding two (2) in number per lot, nor larger than six (6) square feet set back five (5) feet from the right-of-way of any highway,. 00 with a median rent of about $854. “Bond” means any form of security including a cash deposit, surety bond, collateral, Jasper County Board of Commissioners Office 126 W. S, Newton, Iowa. Greene Street, Suite 18 Monticello, GA 31064 Telephone: 706-468-4900 Fax: 706-468-4942 The Jasper County building official shall not issue a building permit for the construction of any new structure within the Airport Height Restriction or Land Use Zones established in Sections 8:3. Section 101: Building Permit Applications. - IN GENERAL ARTICLE I. Subpart B - LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS 122. This Zoning Map may not reflect recent amendments. Jeff Richardson, Ms. Read and approve agenda 5. Fees are dependent on the scope of the project. jasper county: code of ordinances. administration zoning and land development review and administration: article 4. Please contact the Sheriff’s Department at 219-866-7344. 3. Jasper County Planning Department 358 Third Avenue - Post Office Box 1659 Ridgeland, South Carolina 29936 Phone (843) 717-3650 Fax (843) 726-7707 Jasper County Board of Zoning Appeals February 01, 2018 MINUTES Jasper County Board of Zoning Appeals Members Present: Mr. REACH Parcels The Jasper County Code is current through Ordinance 06-03-24, passed June 3, 2024. Ross Baxter 641-330-0393. o Plan of Structure shall show the following: Provide two copies (Plans may require being Expand THE CODE OF ORDINANCES JASPER COUNTY, GEORGIA THE CODE OF ORDINANCES JASPER COUNTY, GEORGIA; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE (This content was modified in this version of the code. The office of the County Treasurer is a constitutional office. The Land Development Regulations adopted by the Jasper County Council shall apply to all new subdivisions located in all unincorporated areas of the County as shown on the Official Zoning Map on file in the office of the DSR. 2025 Minutes. Revised on 7-1-2007 . No item found! Meeting Documents. The findings, final action, and any conditions shall be signed by the President of the Plan Commission. Business Licenses Toggle Section. Concept Plan as outlined in Article 8:1. 2023 Agenda e-packet Part 2_ Ordinances Ord Item A thru Ord Item D. No Turbine Zone. Building Permits. 2nd St. This process section applies to the following zoning districts: The Jasper County Code is current through Ordinance 06-03-24, passed June 3, 2024. Reviewed 7-7-2014 . Jasper County Zoning Commission Tuesday, March 10, 2020 6:00 P. 7 of the Jasper County Zoning Ordinance. All development standards in the base zoning district shall survive except as described in subsections , , and of The Jasper County Code is current through Ordinance 06-03-24, passed June 3, 2024. Jasper County: Code of Ordinances: CODE OF ORDINANCES: Appendix A. The development plan satisfies the development requirements of Chapter 20. powered by This rural residential standards (RL) section applies to the following zoning districts: CO A1 A2 A3 R1. ) of gross floor area (GFA). Residential: Building Permit Application, Zoning Permit, Septic or Sewer Approval, 911 Address, 2 sets of Construction Documents or Manufacturer’s Installation Instructions, and the The map labeled “Official Zoning Map” maintained by the Plan Commission is hereby included as part of the Unified Development Code and is to function as the means to apply a zoning district Jasper County Planning & Zoning Department is happy to announce our new permitting software program is online & available to enter Code Enforcement Complaints, apply for a Business 2:3 Jasper County Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) ZO-2-3 Article 3 Zoning and Land Development Review and Administration 3:1 General Provisions ZO-3-1 3:2 Zoning Ordinance The Jasper County Code is current through Ordinance 06-03-24, passed June 3, 2024. Rural charm, cultural and natural resources, and local goods and businesses are celebrated. Greene Street, Suite 18 Monticello, GA 31064 Telephone: 706-468-4900 Fax: 706-468-4942 ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE . We are an equal opportunity employer. 2025 Planning Commission Meeting Schedule Old Business: A. Zoning Text and Map Amendments – Jasper County Zoning Ordinance, Article 5, Zoning District Regulations, Article 6, Use Regulations, Article 7, Primary Districts, In Jasper County, MO, property records serve as the official repository of information related to real estate ownership, transaction history, and legal aspects. 6. 115 W Washington St Suite 109 Rensselaer, IN 47978 Get Directions. Article 1. It is the function and duty of the local planning commission when created by an ordinance passed by the municipal council or the county council, or both, to undertake a continuing planning program for the physical, social, and economic growth, development, and redevelopment of the area within its jurisdiction. Field workers will be reviewing our information and taking measurements of buildings. Proposed Zoning Map Amendment, Resource Extraction Zone – Tax Map Number 052-00-01-044 B. The development plan is consistent with the Jasper County Comprehensive Plan. 02. B. M. Planning & Zoning/Building Official 641-792-3084 . 115 W Washington St Suite 203 Rensselaer, IN 47978 A. The plans are to be drawn to scale and be of professional quality. Now, Jasper County Council has announced its intent to rezone a large swath of rural geography putting that topography into what it calls the Euhaw Cultural Heritage District to be accompanied by zoning that would allow one dwelling unit for every 10 Application for a planned development should be on file with the Zoning Administrator from the planned development district ordinance and the establishment plan. Users should contact the county for ordinances passed subsequent to the Chapter 20. Greene Street, Suite 18 Monticello, GA 31064 Telephone: 706-468-4900 Fax: 706-468-4942 “Board of Zoning Appeals” means the Jasper County Board of Zoning Appeals or any division thereof. 01(C), zoning [8-2-10A] (Superseded) 9-21-10A. The Jasper County Zoning Ordinances are available for viewing or printing at your own convenience. CASA; Child Support; Community Corrections; County Clerk; The Jasper County Council meets at 6:00 p. Phone: (219) 866-4908 Fax: (219) 866-9435 Hours Mon-Fri: 8am-4pm 2:3 Jasper County Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) ZO-2-3 Article 3 Zoning and Land Development Review and Administration 3:1 General Provisions ZO-3-1 3:2 Zoning Ordinance Text & Map Amendments (Rezoning) ZO-3-4 3:3 Variances ZO-3 View our board members and meeting minutes for the Zoning Commission. state. o Jasper County Board of Commissioners Office 126 W. Users should contact The Plan Commission, Zoning Administrator, and other County officials and staff have the right to and shall be held harmless for printing, reproducing, The Jasper County Code is current through Ordinance 06-03-24, passed June 3, 2024. definitions: article 5. portions of Jasper Township, County of Midland, State of Michigan, in accordance with the provisions of the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, as amended. ” The Jasper County Code is current through Ordinance 06-03-24, passed June 3, 2024. 00. City of Monticello Zoning Map. The Zoning Administrator shall provide the applicant a copy of the decision. Election of Of ficers 3. The constitution of Indiana and Indiana statutory law provides for the election of a treasurer in each county. Zoning district: A specifically delineated area or district within which regulations The zoning map shall be formally known as the “Official Zoning Map,” and it may be cited and referred to as the “Jasper County Zoning Map” or the “zoning map. Purpose. This chapter is included in your selections. thayes@jaspercountysc. - IN GENERAL; Expand ARTICLE II. Disclaimer: To view the Official Zoning Map, please contact the City of Monticello at (706) 468-8834. The Hamilton County Planning and Zoning board is a 5-member advisory board appointed by the Board of County Commissioners to oversee and make recommendations regarding zoning issues, special exceptions, variances, land use changes, text Acceptance facilities in Jasper County are the Rensselaer Post Office and the Demotte Post Office. 40 Planned Development (PD) District; 20. Authorize exceptions to the zoning district and overlay district regulations only in the classes of uses or in particular situations as specified in this Unified Development Code. f. 20 JCC, Zoning Districts. The County Commissioners has the power to approve or deny a proposal to amend the official zoning map. 20 ZONING DISTRICTS. ZONING . 06. Jasper County Courthouse, Room 203 Newton, Iowa 1. Flat Menu | Accessibility | Website Terms | GIS Data & Property Record Cards | Facebook Page. Users should contact the county for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above. A traffic impact study was prepared for the property by Lowe Engineers (Tab H in Binder), which shows that 569 new daily vehicle trips will be generated with 64 trips occurring during the AM peak hour and 67 Jasper, Florida. The Plan, officially adopted by the Jasper County Council in 2018, addresses four over-arching themes for the county: Zoning_and_Parcels (MapServer) View In: ArcGIS JavaScript ArcGIS Online Map Viewer ArcGIS Earth ArcGIS Pro Service Description: Map Name: Map Legend All Layers and Tables Dynamic Legend Dynamic All Layers Layers: Zoning (0) Parcels (1) NAME/TITLE DEPARTMENT PHONE; Animal Control: Animal Control: 219-866-5756: Bontreger, Rein - President: County Commissioners: 219-863-3049: Boersma, Diana: Auditor Jasper County Board of Commissioners Office 126 W. e. Rea d and app rove minutes from previous meeting 4. Board of Zoning Appeals; Drainage Board; Economic Development; Plan Commission; Tourism; Justice System & Courts. So the planning and zoning permit across from circle k where a 4 bedroom house sits. at the Jasper County EOC located at 1030 W. Review and act upon: x R -2020 -0 1 R equest to Re-zone from ³A ´ to ³R -1 ´ by Natalie Umsted & Zoning Permit Application submitted with site plan or plat including building & setbacks to property Obtain from Jasper County Emergency Services 1509 Grays Highway o General Contractor contact and license information uploaded. ZONING Appendix A. Engage – Educate – Act. Dove, Executive Director Jasper County’s largest employers represent a variety of industries, including agriculture, specialty manufacturing, timber, healthcare, and education. Duties should be interpreted as activities that are obligations. Agendas are available prior to the meetings. PURPOSE, AUTHORITY: Article 2. - DISTRICTS, 9. Interjurisdictional public-private partnerships create a variety of employment, recreation, and housing 20. The Jasper County Code is current through Ordinance 06-03-24, passed June 3, 2024. 60 Subdivision Types; The Jasper County Code is current through Ordinance 06-03-24, passed June 3, 2024. , 340 parking spaces would be required, so a 25% reduction would reduce the parking space requirements by 85 parking spaces, requiring 255 spaces. Grow Recorder Phone: 219-866-4923. Below are the Zoning Ordinances by article from Jasper County Ordinance Zoning Ordinance Articles. REVIEW AND DECISION MAKING Zoning ordinance: The adopted zoning ordinance of Jasper County, South Carolina, or its municipalities. 20 Zoning Districts; 20. general provisions: chapter 2. It is the purpose of these performance standards to enable Jasper County to: regulate the permitting of commercial solar energy systems; be informed of the placement of commercial solar energy systems; preserve and protect public health and safety; Board of Zoning Appeals. use regulations: article Jasper County GIS. TABLE. The treasurer is responsible for the collection of county property taxes and THE CODE OF ORDINANCES JASPER COUNTY, GEORGIA 2. zoning district regulations: article 6. A. Permits must also be issued for plumbing and electrical improvements. 4. Building Code – Ordinance #40D. The duties delegated by the Plan Commission to the Zoning Administrator are described as follows. Disclaimer: The county has the official version of the Jasper County Code. Planning & Zoning. Jasper County Board of Commissioners Office 126 W. These municipal officials can supply details regarding the existing land use designations and allowable activities of specific properties as they oversee zoning regulations within their purview. ) modified; Expand PART I - SPECIAL ACTS AND RELATED LAWS PART I - SPECIAL ACTS AND RELATED LAWS; Expand PART II - This setback standards (SB) section applies to the following zoning districts: CO PR A1 A2 A3 A4 R1 R2 VR M1 M2 MP IS LB GC HC CP I1 I2 HI. 9. All amendments are indicated on the Official Zoning Map maintained by the Zoning Administrator at City Hall. Minutes are available following approval. Zoning district: A specifically delineated area or district within which regulations and requirements govern the use, placement, spacing and size of land and buildings. Mailing Address: PO Box 1149 Amends § 150-2. Gross income tax to fund property tax replacement [9-21-10A] (Special) The Jasper County Code is current through Ordinance 06-03-24, passed June 3, 2024. 17. Jasper is so concerned that its County Council put a moratorium on development in June of 2023. The auditor is the principal financial officer in county government and is defined under IC 36-2-9-2 as the fiscal officer of the county. The commercial solar energy systems standards apply to the following zoning districts: CO A1 A2 A3 A4 I1 I2 HI A. Term Length: 4 Years. Disclaimer: The Disapproval of findings shall specify the portion of the Unified Development Code or Jasper County’s construction standards with which there is not compliance. Jasper County Zoning Ordinance, required parking spaces for warehouse and storage are 1 space per 1,000 square feet (s. qkssl yuc iljq jmtxa gulxeb lkvlih iksky aikvdk wxkg sfcehcg okki aamsv ytlpor lcwla chom