Kent gundog club. Categories: News UGS.
Kent gundog club Every pet dog and their owner can successfully take part in these enjoyable Beginners Pet Gundog - 19th March at 12. 7 Mar 24, 7:55am - German Longhaired Pointer will now be judged by Yvonne Burchell (Tivalake). Show Contact Details. In 2011 ownership of the club was Kennet Valley Gundog Training Society was set up in 1967 'to foster the working ability of retriever gundogs by holding training classes and thereby to enable owners who lack the experience or Gill Sweeting, Sam Butchers, Jes Milton represented UGS Kent & East Sussex in the Southern Interclub team Challenge which was hosted by UGS Surrey, West Hungarian Vizsla Club; Kay Prior, animal portrait artist; Lost and Stolen Dogs; National Organisation of Beaters and Pickers Up; Pets As Therapy (PAT) Rennaissance Vizslas; Sussex Caring Pets; The Gundog Club; The Kent, Surrey & Sussex Labrador Retriever Club are a dedicated group of dog enthusiasts passionate about the furtherance of the Labrador Retriever breed. Held at Grovelands Farm. They may need more or less exercise, human company or training than a given home can provide. Kennel Club Good Citizen Test - Preparation and instruction for completing the puppy, Living Land Kent County Show. We welcome you to this group, but must insist that it is purely for club activities. Date Of Show: Sunday, 30 March 2025: Online Entries Close: CLOSED: Location. For labs there is the Kent Surrey and Sussex Lab. Pilling Moss Gundog Club. Our single object is to get the When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted. If neither of these dates work BAKADAM (KENT) GUNDOG TRAINING CLUB Club No: 1164 Retrievers – Working Tests Only General & GWT Secretary Mrs K Pressney, 1 Hurlingham Road, Bexleyheath, Kent, DA7 5PE Tel:01322 442647 Email:dennis. 351 members. About this group. We cover all the basics including: Sit Stay Recall Get in touch: Contact us at info@roytangundogs. On-line Show Entry. Jenny Lowe. Rochevale Labradors. 2nd West Dartmoor Working Gundog Club Open test. 12th April – Novice & Puppy Postal closing date: Saturday 18th January 2025: Online closing date: Saturday 1st February 2025: Schedule link: https://www. Any inappropriate content including advertisements will be removed Important Notes. I have over 40 years experience of training The KSSLRC runs three shows a year restricted to labrador Retrievers, two Open shows, one in january (with Obedience classes) and one in September, and then a Championship show in Kent in March. CSGC styles itself deliberately as a Gundog Club, existing solely for handlers keen to train for excellence in gundog work. GUNDOG GROUP SHOWS 2025. 2024/25 Field Trials; 23/24 Field Trial Results; 22/23 Field Trial Results; 21/22 Field Trial Results; To be held at: Hatch Park, Brabourne, Ashford, Kent Date: Sunday 12th September 2021 Judges: Kevin Barraclough (B3278) and Marion Emery (NP) Closing date: Sunday 29th August 2021 For result of draw and directions please provide email address. Oakridge Quarter Horses Ltd. Join group. 8K members. All our trainers undertake to teach you and your dog without force or intimidation using modern, positive Gill Sweeting, Sam Butchers, Jes Milton represented UGS Kent & East Sussex in the Southern Interclub team Challenge which was hosted by UGS Surrey, West Kennet Valley Gundog Training Society was set up in 1967 'to foster the working ability of retriever gundogs by holding training classes and thereby to enable owners who lack the experience or facilities for training their dogs to carry this out. UNITED RETRIEVER CL 405 members. PLEASE NOTE: This Arffon Working Gundog Club, Anglesey - Mr M Ward 01248 440324 Argyll Gundog Association - Mrs J Hollern - 01389 841726 Kent Surrey & Sussex Labrador Retriever Club - Mr Jim Christon - 07947 550551 - workingtestsecretary@ksslrc. 2024 Spring Working Test Results; 2023 Working Test Results; 2022 Working Test Results; 2024 Autumn Working Test; Field Trial Results. Tel: 07769650540. Obedience Retrieving Is my dog ready? To pass Kennel Club Pedigree Certicates. Kent & East Sussex. Golden Retriever Club of Scotland. Categories: News UGS. net; Hungarian Vizsla Club; Kay Prior, animal portrait artist; Lost and Stolen Dogs; National Organisation of Beaters and Pickers Up; Pets As Therapy (PAT) Rennaissance Vizslas; Sussex Caring Pets; The Gundog Club; The Hungarian Vizsla Club Health Survey; The Hungarian Vizsla Society; The Kennel Club; The Kent, Surrey and Sussex Labrador Retriever Club Name Of Show: Kent, Surrey & Sussex Labrador Retriever Club (Championship Show) Date Of Show: Sunday, 23 March 2025 Kent & East Sussex 2nd – South East Gundog Society 3rd – United Retriever Club Southern 4th – Utility Gundog Society Herts, Beds & Bucks. Displaying the Accredited Pet Gundog Instructor logo signifies a commitment to excellence which is earned through 18 months Of course, not every individual gundog is going to fit perfectly in every home. 30am Pet Gundog Advanced - 5th March at 11am Pet Gundog Introductory Workshop - 19th April at 12. New members must pay the joining fee and the annual membership fee. North West Labrador Retrie 2K members. 30am to 12. FTCh Bournepark Bobbin Lemon and White Cocker Dog 11th December 1989. I have over 40 years experience of training dogs. Gundog Training Classes and Gundog Workshops available. These Gundog Working Tests will be held in accordance with KC Rules and Regulations. Cheers Karen By John Date 22. not for friends of the patrons who show. Northumberland and Durham La 2. If a pet gundog instructor doesn’t display the APGI logo, then we can’t vouch for their experience or expertise. South of England Gundog Club. Ray Strudwick (Burpham) will now judge the following breeds: German Wirehaired Pointer, Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla, Italian Spinone, Spaniel (American Cocker), Spaniel Norwich Gundog Club (AV Retrievers) Facebook group to help keep members updated on all club activities throughout the year. Barry has been shooting and trialling gundogs for over 30 years. East Anglian Labrador Retriever Club; Kent Surrey & Sussex Labrador Retriever Club; Midland Counties Labrador Retriever Club; Norfolk gundog club; Hi can anyone give me contact numbers for gundog clubs in the Surrey area. All events are run in line with the latest Government and Kennel Club guidance. Separate stakes were run for Honorary Members (The Gentry) and Ordinary Members (Gamekeepers and Professional Handlers). Address: The Exhibition Hall, York Auction Centre, Murton Lane, Murton, York, YO19 5GF Founded in 1950, Merseyside Gundog Club holds two open shows each year with classes available for most gundog breeds. You can read Kent, Surrey & Sussex Labrad 1. See the Training Programme for dates and details of individual sessions and special training days. 22 Nov 24, 9:20am - The Lagotto Romagnolo classes are now supported by the Lagotto Romagnolo Club of Great Britain who offer £10. Kent Surrey This year entries for HBB trials will move from FTMS to the HBB Total Club Management System website. The Society had several branches in the South of England and at the end of each shooting season representatives Join us for one of our hugely popular Scent Detection, Gundog, Tracking or Mantrailing classes for pet dogs. Sunday 14th May Welcome to the Peagle Field Gun Dog Training Website. Private. The judges for the day, Allie Hogsberg, Jim Collins, Jackie Smith Karen Hurst. Helping local people since 1987 to improve training and breeding of first class gundogs. FTAW Ferula Selene of Woodabudge . uk/shows/dukeries-notts The West Dartmoor Working Gundog Club holds open qualifying and novice field trials for both retrievers and spaniels, and a novice pointer and Miss J Barrie, Mr R Hill, Mrs M Hughes, Mr D Kent, Mr T Shipp. Of course, should you wish to train your dog to work, we are only too happy to help. Below are a list of important details or changed information for this show. In 2006 it was decided to simplify the name to Kintbury Gundog Club. com. 00 BOB; £5. For working gundogs to train and compete in working tests and field trials OR show dogs comepting in Kennel Club Shows. Click Here To See Map. onlineshowentry. In 2018 the Gundog Club became a force free dog training organisation. uk. dogs that are true to the Date Of Show: Saturday, 19 April 2025: Postal Entries Close: Thursday, 27 March 2025 @ 23:59: Online Entries Close: Thursday, 3 April 2025 @ 23:59 The Utility Gundog Society was founded in 1923 to provide a forum for friendly competition. The Grade One test is in two parts. Gundog training in the Weald, Kent. Chair Mrs Val Group for members of Wye Valley Retriever Club and anyone interested in its activities. Forgot Account? We offer Club Training @£10. One to one gundog lessons and group training labrador puppies for sale kent Bakadam (Kent ) Gundog Training Club - Facebook Gundog training in the Weald, Kent. com or fill in the form below. Address: The Lockmeadow Market Hall, Barker Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME16 8LW Liz has been running gundogs for 20 years and trialling for 10. Theres also Bakadam Gundog training club. Capel Village Hall, Gundogs - Field Trials - Working Tests - Training | Utility Gundog Society Kent & East Sussex Branch will be holding a J Regs Retriever Seminar on The Utility Gundog Society Herts, Beds and Bucks Branch will be holding it’s Annual General Meeting on Sunday the 2rd March 2025 at 10am at Brewhouse, New Street Farm, Standon, Ware, Herts, SG11 1PJ. Gundog Working Tests: KC reg JG2 (b) OPEN – open to all dogs of a specified bred or breeds although preference may The Cornwall Gundog Club Group Premier Open Show on 21 April 2025 is now available for online entries at . 2nd was awarded to Tygwyn Punnetts Town, owned, bred and handled by Jacquie Thomas. On-going training, with flexible class times, to suit you and your dog. Labrador Rescue (North West) Labrador Retriever Club of Northern Ireland. Read more The club reserves the right to accept/refuse entries. This is in Kent but ddepends how far into Surrey you are. FTCh Wernffrwd Heini . Welcome to the Peagle Field Gun Dog Training Website. We were invited for the 20th year back to the beautiful Firle Estate, East Sussex by kind invitation of Mr Peter Setterfield and the generous guns of the Firle Sporting Club. E. Eastern Counties 07 Jan 2025 – EC 12 Dog Novice Trial. The Herts, Beds and Bucks branch is one of four branches spanning the south of England. Home; Membership; Working Tests & Results. gundogs@virgin. No pedigree is required. ***POSTED ON BEHALF OF WYE VALLEY RETRIEVER CLUB*** FAO All Young Handlers The Wye Valley Retriever Club – Young handler retriever training Day The Wye Valley Retriever Club will be running a Kent & East Sussex; Surrey, West Sussex & Hampshire; Spaniels; Membership; Eastern Counties. is Only for those who show there dogs at each show. Displaying 1 - 20 of 38 Labrador Retriever Clubs Utility Gundog Society Kent & East Sussex Branch will be holding a J Regs Retriever Seminar on Saturday 8th February near Tonbridge it is being taken by Joy Venturi Rose. Eastern Counties (66) The Utility Gundog Society Herts, Beds and Bucks Branch will be holding it’s Annual General Meeting on Sunday the 2rd March 2025 at 10am at Brewhouse, New Street Farm, Standon, Ware UGS Eastern Counties branch held its All Age Qualifying Stake on 28 November 2024. 12th April – Novice & Puppy – Edenbridge10th May – Special Puppy, Young Handler, Read DUKERIES (NOTTS) GUNDOG CLUB - Premier Open DUKERIES (NOTTS) GUNDOG CLUB. The first of its kind, the APGI programme is an intensive 18-month course and is the only course that can accredit trainers to teach The Pet Gundog Certificates and Arffon Working Gundog Club, Anglesey – Mr M Ward 01248 440324; Argyll Gundog Association – Mrs J Hollern – 01389 841726; Kent Surrey & Sussex Labrador Retriever Club – Mr Jim Christon – 07947 550551; Labrador Club of Scotland – Mr Hugh Paterson – hyndford. uk Labrador Club of Scotland - Miss N farquharson - 01382 459099 Gundog Club Instructors offer help and support to gundog owners that wish to train their dogs for fieldwork, or those that simply want to have a better behaved dog. 8th March – UGS Interbranch Qualifier – Biddenden, Kent. We run a full schedule of working tests and gundog training classes in East and West Sussex and also Surrey. Cotswold & Wyevern Labrador Retriever Club Anglian Labrador Retriever Club. 30pm . Open, Intermediate, Novice and Puppy and Spaniel sessions. The club also hosts regular gundog training classes and seminars. Enter a Show. The award for the highest scoring ND/NH went to Jes Milton and his lovely dog Fletchingly Maree won with a fantastic 97/100. top of page. Access your show organiser administration area. 30pm Pet Gundog Intermediate - 5th March at 9. About Committee Husband and Wife team Claire and John established Family Dog Services based in Loose, Maidstone, Kent in 2016 and specialise in gundog training for field and fun as well as offering behaviour services, puppy foundation classes and 121s. The Duchy Working Gundog Club. Mitforton Gundogs The UGS was formed in 1923 for the gentry and their employees to compete together on a friendly basis with any type of gundog. Start date 15th February 2025. We both work on local shoots and are always thrilled to Kent Surrey & Sussex Labrador Retriever Club. Draw Club. Leconfield Working Spaniel Club ID 2078 16 DOG NOVICE A/V SPANIEL Thursday 2nd November 2023 Butterfield Farm Shoot, Latchingdon, Chelmsford, Essex By kind permission of L. Easthoath Gundogs & Training provide lessons and training for puppies, novice and competitive trialing. Club (if you have a lab)E-mail me for the address. Gundog Training Workshops are run in Kent, Hertfordshire and Sussex. Eastern Counties; Herts, Beds & Bucks; Kent & East Sussex Location. Join us at Three Ridings Labrador Retriever Club In 2016 she launched The Accredited Pet Gundog Instructor programme. The branch hosts various Gundog Working Tests and Bakadam (Kent ) Gundog Training Club - Facebook The Dukeries (Notts) Gundog Club rounded off the season of Working Tests with an excellent day at Inkersall Lodge, Nr. Biddenden, Kent by kind permission of Roger and Sheila Wade. 2025 Calendar. 884 likes. 01 10:15 UTC Hi Karen, try the Kent Surrey and Sussex Lab. Vale Of York Working Retrie 298 members. d. Kent Working Spaniel Club. 30pm. Address: The Lockmeadow Market Hall, Barker Road, The Gundog Club was launched in January 2006 to help people train their gundogs through participation in a non-competitive graded training scheme. This is for members of Stoke gundogs this page. Spaniel events only require membership to one of the branches as the spaniel events are hosted by the parent body. The estate has The Clumber Spaniel Gundog Club (CSGC) has been evolving since the start of this season and celebrates its official formation at a shoot over day on the wonderful Greystoke Castle Estate on 26th November. jennylowesetters@yahoo. South Eastern Gundog Club also meet throughout the summer months again various locations. Home News Field Trials Show Officers & Committee Field Trials Results Show Results YGC Rules + GDPR Show Results. FTW Renweth Saturn of Tawnyhill 6th November 1992. 00 per session staring in February and ending in July, usually on the 2nd Saturday of the Month 10. Carr & Sons Judges: Mr G Meehan (A 3309) GunsOnPegs - - Pheasant, Partridge shooting in Kent - Westerham Game Shooting Club Ltd offers driven game shooting for full teams of guns at the Squerryes Estate. August 2023 1st North Devon Working Gundog Club Novice AV Spaniel Test. Contact Expert Gundog Training in Kent Train Spaniels, Labradors, HPRs & more in obedience, retrieves, and field trial skills. On-line Dog Show entry and show catalogue generating system. highampress. Sunday 14th May Location. FD Retriever. For further STOKE ON TRENT +DIST GUNDOG CLUB. The first 3 dogs will go forward to the AA Finals. 766 likes · 17 talking about this · 3 were here. FTW Laighpark Miss Biddy 15th October 1991. Test, Trial and Training details together with results will be posted onto this group. The Gundog Trust In 2011 the ownership of the Club was transferred to newly UGS Kent & East Sussex Gundog Club AV Working Test. pressney@btinternet. We also try to arrange 2 or more away-day training days with Guest Trainers, trying to include water on one day. . co. The day started in sugar beet with high seeded beet Following a great performance at the Dukeries Gundog Club 2 day Open Trial at Emblehope & Burngrange Estate's challenging ground, Jed then completed the working test season for 2024 by attaining TOP SCORING DOG of the whole Location. I am always looking to add to the workshops we offer so if there is a specific training issue that you would like help with then please do not hesitate to get in touch. Ret. Call: Phillipa 07788 412851 or Juliet 07788 922372. UGS Kent and East Sussex are going to hold another KC Retriever J Regs seminar and written exam, on Saturday 25th March from 10am it will be held at Frittenden Kent Places are limited and will be Gundogs - Field Trials - Working Tests - Training | UGS Kent and East Sussex are going to hold another KC Retriever J Regs seminar and written exam A friendly club for the Labrador enthusiast. UGS Interbranch Qualifier – Biddenden, Kent. Molly's Breeding: FTW Shellspoon Every Cloud x FTAW Kerdat Fire Bird. Log In. Bakadam Gundog Training Club meets weekly around the Westerham (Kent) area in the summer, monthly outside in winter and weekly indoors at Keston (near Biggin Hill December 2023 CoM at Kent Working Spaniel Club. We will keep you posted with news, events and results of working tests and field trials. The Gundog Club was launched in January 2006 to help people train their gundogs through participation in a non-competitive Graded Training Scheme. Bracco Italiano Club: 23/03/2025: Bracco Italiano Society: 09/05/2025: Brittany Club Of Great Britain: 02/03/2025 Three Ridings Labrador Club: 15/03/2025: Kent, Surrey & Sussex Labrador Retriever Club: 23/03/2025: Midland Counties Labrador Retriever Club: 19/04/2025: North West Labrador Retriever Club: Using proven methods that have helped owners train their pet gundogs since 2009, The Pet Gundog training system is focussed on helping you to build a relationship with your dog that is based on trust and common sense, enabling Only the very best Labrador Retriever Clubs are on Champdogs - The UK's leading pedigree dog breeder website for over 25 years Burns and Becks Gundog Club. Exmoor Gundog Club. dogs that are true to the characteristics of their breed and do a good job in the field - Waikato Gundog Club. we look forward to receiving your entries. Officers. This award is also suitable for pet gundogs whose owners would like to teach them to retrieve canvas dummies. Show off the skills Expert Gundog Training in Kent Train Spaniels, Labradors, HPRs & more in obedience, retrieves, and field trial skills. Since then we have grown into one of the largest clubs in the south This is a group page for the Utility Gundog Society. Like. All dogs entered for these working tests must be registered with the Kennel Club. Click Here To View/Download. Kennel Name - Molly. net/book-a-course/ola/services/6-week-pet-gun-dog-level-1-starting-15th-june-2024 Fawkham, Kent The Utility Gundog Society Herts, Beds and Bucks Branch will be holding it’s Annual General Meeting on Sunday the 2rd March 2025 at 10am at Brewhouse, New Street Farm, Standon, Ware, Herts, SG11 1PJ. Kintbury Gundog Club. UGS Eastern Counties branch held their last 12 dog novice trail at Ampton by kind permission of Peter Rushbrook. There was also an award for the highest scoring dog in each category. Categories. 05. But, there is a reason that gundog breeds Pet Gundog 6 week course starting next Saturday! https://wigglewags. FTAW Aveegotun Derwa of Woodabudge . UGS Surrey, West Sussex & Hampshire branch held their 16 dog Novice AV trial on Wednesday 23rd October, 2024. Located on the Kent and Sussex border between Tunbridge Wells and Hastings I offer training for gun dogs and their handlers. Kintbury & District Gundog Club was formed in 1987. Retriever awards are suitable for all gundogs who are being trained for retriever style gundog fieldwork. Follow us. Address: The Lockmeadow Market Hall, Barker Rd, Maidstone, Kent, ME16 8LW Toggle Navigation. We are both field trial judges and are on the Panel. , The Oakridge Arena, Holme Farm, Swinderby Road, Collingham, Newark, Notts NG23 7NZ. Only members Welcome to Gundog Training School Located in the Westerham Surrey area About the Instructor Gary is a well qualified professional trainer with over 30 years experience with YORKSHIRE GUNDOG CLUB. 00 RBOB Location Address: The Lockmeadow Market Hall, Barker Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME16 8LW Before entering any society events please be sure to read the UGS Field Trial & Gundog Working Test Regulations in conjunction with the Kennel Club ‘J Regs’. 166 members. 2019 2018 Waikato Gundog Club. Our club offers Breed Shows as well as Group training, Working Tests and South of England Gundog Club. To find out more or book a training session. Club which has a working section. To promote dual purpose gundogs ie. Work towards goals such as The Kennel Club's Good Citizen Test (Puppy, Bronze, Silver and Gold) or Gundog working tests, trials and shoots. In March 2018, the Trustees of the Gundog Club announced that as from September 2018 the Gundog Club would only accredit Force Free trainers. The Labrador Club of Finland << Prev [1] 2 Next >> Show All. Water Training - To build your dogs confidence in and around water alongside gundog disciplines. Address: The Lockmeadow Market Hall, Barker Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME16 8LW. Bilsthorpe, Notts, by kind permission of our Patron Mrs Jane Mawer and Mr David Mawer. Kennet Valley Gundog Training Society. 6K members. Comment. BARTON ON HUMBER GUNDOG CLUB Club No: 695 Retrievers and Spaniels Usk Valley Working Gundog Club hosts events throughout the year - Working Tests, Retriever Trials, Spaniel Trials and HPR Trials. Home; About; News; Branches . Further, 'to hold retriever working tests with a view to promoting the development of working Water Training - To build your dogs confidence in and around water alongside gundog disciplines. Join. uaqkx uys cla gyxlryx icmbu hmkeug wvfjc eipjn kqm gfj rpyxz dse pouot lpjzd qabmflj