
M855a1 vs mk318. 56mm ammunition in consideration? .

M855a1 vs mk318 bio/buffrangeJoin this channel to get access to perks:https://www. MK318 grouped about 1. 0 round with a higher ballistic coefficient, is competing against the M855A1 round developed by the US Army, according to Fanelli: The original round was M855A1 is definitely more accurate than recent M855, about par with Mk318 and 70 gr Optimal “browntip”, while less accurate than Mk262. Check out our The M855A1 is barrier blind, has better and more consistent terminal effects, and achieves better penetration against body armor than any earlier general purpose round (including the Mk262 and Mk318). 318 - open-tip (should be deadlier). Terminal Ballistics and Precision picks are highly subjective based on rifle specs (barrel length and twist rate), and th 5. 1 of 2 Go to page Calculates the ballistic trajectory of a bullet fired from a rifle, handgun or other firearm. 56毫米普通弹。 mk318 mod0的战斗部设计成“破障弹”的形式,重62格令,其弹道曲线与原来的m855普通弹接近。其特征是开放式弹尖,前半段为铅芯,后半段为整体式的厚铜底。 mk318 mod0为比赛级战斗部,据说在14寸枪管上发射时,在300码距离上散布在3~4寸左右,在600码距离上仍然能维持 M855A1 Accuracy and Velocity M855A1 ammunition is manufactured at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant near Independence, Missouri. the control group . Posted: 10/16/2011 4:16:41 PM EDT [#2] Personally, I would pick Mk318, but if there were 62gr TSX ammo loaded to 5. It's at the high end of the pressure spectrum so running a lot of it you can sheer locking lugs in a couple thousand rounds, or even crack or break bolts mk318 vs m855a1 The Art of the Rifle: General Officially designated the Mk318 Mod 0 "Cartridge, Caliber 5. 56x45 mm NATO M855A1 ball cartridge was hardly transparent. Posted: 10/16/2011 4:06:07 PM EDT [#1] I would take the TSX. Here it instantly fragmenting at 1988fps, strongly suggesting it can frag at even lower velocities (another test of 7. lead core bullets with steel penetrator will penetrate about 38 to 51 cm (15 to 20 in) into soft tissue in ideal circumstances. 20 cents a piece for them. com//Facebook: https://ww Today, the Army primarily uses the M855A1 round while the Marines use Mk318 Mod 0 supplemented with M855. 7x28mm, and M80A1 loaded in . 56x45mm NATO MK 318 Mod 0 (SOST) cartridge with a 4 gram open-point bullet with a lead core over a copper base with a copper jacket, in a brass case. M855A1 has been adopted by the USMC for mk318 vs m855a1 The Art of the Rifle: General 💲Links: https://campsite. 56×45mm NATO(공식 나토 명칭 5. Easily expands to over half inch diameter at 200 yards out of a 10 inch barrel. The M855A1 gains a whopping 43 (from M16) and 54 (from M4) fps over the older M855 load, and only 45 fps over Mk318. instagram. Also any chance of testing some plates vs MK318? i can provide the ammo if needed. i tend to favor 5. Mk. The Firing Line Forums > The Hide > The Art of the Rifle: General: mk318 vs m855a1 M855A1 is hard on feed ramps, hard on bolts, hard on cam pins, hard on gas keys. All steel testing was setu mk318 vs m855a1 The Art of the Rifle: General mk318 vs m855a1 The Art of the Rifle: General mk318 vs m855a1 The Art of the Rifle: General As of 2019 the equivalent of Mk318 Mod 0 was still in production by Federal under the designation “XM556FBIT3”. Got tons of the Mk318’s back in the day. View Quote. 56mm Ball, Carbine, Barrier", and called SOST (Special Operations Science and Technology) ammunition, the 62 The Mk318 Mod 0, often referred to as the “Silver Bullet,” was developed to overcome the M855’s shortcomings. M856 - M855 with tracer (visible). 56 SOST is the ammo currently being used by the USMC and other troops in the GWOT, it has not been available for the public to buy for very long so I, like a lot of other people have been curious about how it performs. Would you be a door kicker or a camper that takes out the enemy before they even knew they weren't alone? Bonus question: If you could pick a role for a buddy of The M855A1 features a steel penetrator on top of a solid copper slug, making it is more dependable than the current M855, Army officials have maintained. Follow Us!Instagram: https://www. 56x45mm MK 318 Mod 0 (SOST) (SOST) is a 5. 5 in barrel. Extensively used by the USMC, this open-tip match The purpose of this video is to show the incredible stopping power of the USMC's newest 5. M855A1 does penetrate steel and cinder block better than M855. In the end, however, testing indicates 556x45_MK318 - 9. 56x45 M855A1) - 9 dmg Reply reply Oh_Sweet_Jeebus • What amount of damage is a killing blow? 由此,m855a1极有可能在和mk318的竞争中胜出,成为下一代5. i could only find it in 223, not 5. The bullet itself was commercially available as the 62gr Trophy Bonded Bear Claw, but I haven’t been able to find them since I switched over to 62gr TSX pills. In this video, we fire Mk318 Mod1 from a 10. I wouldn't use it for SD/PP. The M855A1 is optimized for the shorter-barrel M4, whereas the standard Apocalypse - M855A1 or MK262 Mod-1 . What do you guys think about the new round? Archived post. 5" 1:7" twist uppe 5. 56 going to Prior to firing the Lake City M855A1, I fired a 10-shot control group using match-grade hand-loads topped with the Sierra 77 grain MatchKing (without a cannelure). S. 318 should be sold about the same price of M855A1, or a bit cheaper, since it used to be the competitor of M855A1. Now M855A1 is the second best, and it doesn't have a tracer either. be/0egkJTZNz14Link to "Box of Truth" pine b mk318 vs m855a1 The Art of the Rifle: General In the early days of the GWOT, both the Army and the USMC wanted more effective ammunition. The answer is that if we use the M855 as a baseline, Heck, the Army and Marine Times used the same slanted story word for word. 56毫米口径的步枪弹药。以下是m855a1的一些主要特点和改进: 弹头设计: m855a1采用了改进的弹头设计,使用铜制弹头,而不再使用m855中的钢制芯心。 这个设计有助于提高弹药的穿透力和停止能力。 M855A1 wasn't the round of choice by the Marines. Bottom left is the M855A1. The Mk318 was a great round, but the military wanted something more affordable. As far as I know it's the M855A1 going forward now. MK18, SPR, DMR, etc. most of all the black hills. They offered both fragmentation and deep penetration. [ARCHIVED THREAD] - M193 vs M855A1. 62mm M80A1普通弹弹头 M855A1弹也有缺点,因为要在短枪管上打出高初速,其发射药燃烧速度更快,膛压曲线变得更加陡峭,内弹道性能其实是恶化的;此外M855A1弹的弹尖钢芯外露,对步枪进弹坡磨损较大。 IMO Mk. The M855A1 is barrier blind, has better and more consistent terminal effects, and achieves better penetration against body armor than any earlier general purpose round (including the Mk262 and Mk318). Thread starter kcub; Start date Feb 22, 2016; 1; 2; Next. Plate is Highcom level III steel. 80F). While several designs were considered, it looks as though M855A1 So yeah, there are people out there who never used the G36 who loved it, who never shot Mk318 and love it and they have the entire internet to complain about how the Army is totally short sighted to stick with the M4 and develop M855A1. mk318 vs m855a1. " You need to define "better" The M855A1 gains a whopping 43 (from M16) and 54 (from M4) fps over the older M855 load, and only 45 fps over Mk318. Posted: 3/12/2018 3:33:11 PM EST [#35] Quote History. 70gr. 56mm Ball, Carbine, Barrier", and called SOST (Special Operations Science and Technology) ammunition, the 62-grain bullet fragments consistently, even out of a 10. Discussion Its kinda disappointing that in reality the round was designed to replace m855 and compete with m855a1 with consistent accuracy, the stats in game(21 pen 35 armor dmg)is underwhelming. Head over to our website to find what you're looking for. So, my intent was to dispel the claim its "match like". m855a1的侵彻力甚至强到,带来了意想不到的后果:2015年,陆军甚至一度禁止在室内靶场使用m855a1和m80a1,原因是它们有可能会击穿现有的靶场靶标障碍,钢制侵彻体有时会跳出预定靶区。为此,陆军还开发了新的靶标以可靠地制动m855a1弹。 I'm pretty sure the real reason for running M855A1 vs Mk318 is going to be after body armored enemies are implemented and a balancing pass happens. youtube. 56. All of these explosive front/solid rear round designs behave the same whether its M855a1, Mk318, or Controlled Chaos. In July 2010, the Marines purchased 1. 56 NATO Ammo - 62gr SOST Barrier - XMT556TNBINL - $44. Posted: 8/19/2006 9:30:46 PM EDT Title says it all. 5"@100yds out of the 18" Krieger with MV 2937FPS & 2498FPS from 10" Colt 1x7 (approx. The M855A1 is a barrier-blind projectile, meaning it’s designed to penetrate soft cover and still deliver an incapacitating effect on the target. I do not Spanning a decade-and-a-half, the process of adopting the lead-free 5. M855A1 may cost less because it used to be worse, and when it was buffed the price wasn't increased with it. this will serve as a shtf round and i just wanted to have something better than x193 or m855. This year I popped a couple yotes with MK318 pulls I bought and was very impressed with how they performed on the coyotes. The problem was politicians didn't like there being so much money put into two different programs that were both basically looking The Army uses the M855A1 Enhanced Performance Round, while the Marines have made efforts since 2010 to switch to the Mk318 Special Operations Science and Technology round. So the answer of is 5. While you were looking for a new round, was the Army’s M855A1 improved 5. The answer is that if we use the M855 as a baseline, both Mk318 and M855A1 have more velocity and you can expect a reduced barrel life because of that. However, at impact velocities above roughly 762 m/s (2,500 ft/s), it may yaw and then fragment at the cannelure (the To its right is the M855, only slightly better and you can easily see the slightly deeper penetration due to the steel penetrator. While these rounds will give you a larger temporary cavity up front due to the massive boundary layer disruption from the fragmenting nose, you will get less disruption deeper in the wound 5. It dumps the front half and its guts and then the bottom half just keeps chucking along. Accuracy wasn't as good as M855A1 (which isn't great either), and against our gel, it had crazy amounts of penetration as Molon mentions. I try to stock up on both. 95/20ct (225 CPR) - Free Shipping $249+ Ammo Free Shipping on all orders $249+ crateholdingsammo. Quoted: No, but I'm curious as to how many rounds you have to shoot to cause issues. NOT the m855a1. That group had an extreme spread of 0. 56×45mmではないのは何故? [ARCHIVED THREAD] - Iraq After Action Review excerpt MK 262 ammo vs. But is this really true? Did going green with a lead-free design rea The Corps will finish up testing on the M855A1 round next month, including the M27 rifle, which focuses on stopping power, flatter trajectory, weapons durability and M855A1 has a ~1000fps lower fragmentation velocity then M855, which greatly improves its effective range even when fired from short barrels. com//Twitter: https://twitter. 6 dmg 556x45_MK262 - 10. It's basically just a hunting hollowpoint round that is designed for short barrel use. M855 and MK318 Mod ARFCOM user Molon has posted an major test of the M855A1 service round, which you can read below. 56×45mm NATO SS109/M855 cartridge (NATO: SS109; U. 8 million M855A1 Enhanced Performance Rounds in, addition to millions of In today's video, we will see what kind of difference there is in the performance of M855A1, M855, SS109, and XM193 on mild steel. The M855A1: A Barrier-Blind Projectile. 300 BLK, are about as good as it gets in those respective calibers but are unusually expensive/difficult to get. Having both projects was redundant, M855A1 has better penetration, while MK318 has better terminal ballistics in flesh. Share Sort by: m855a1是m855的改进型号,是一种5. For the real cool guys only since Socom is allowed to use non Hague compliant ammo for certain stuff. A poof of fragments and a solid caliber or sub caliber rear. I'm beginning to question the wisdom of the buying the 500 rds of WCC M855. 262 - even heavier ball. May 28, 2020 · Actually MK318 MOD 1 Posted by Unknown on 28th May 2020 Instead of the earlier MK318 MOD 0, I received the newer MK318 MOD 1, lead free ammo, the silver bullet, silver colored bullets I'm definitely not complaining about getting the newer ammunition but just wanted to let other purchasers know *If* M855A1 was publicly available I'd throw it in too but it isn't. 56 NATO round- the MK 318 Mod 0. 5" Arfcom upper into calibrated 10% ballistic gelatin to assess terminal effect. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I have it loaded in my ready M855A1 Accuracy and Velocity M855A1 ammunition is manufactured at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant near Independence, Missouri. The lot of Lake City Left is most desirable/best suited. AR Sponsor: Win a FREE Membership! The M855A1 has a copper-jacketed steel core, differing from the previous M855 round, which has a lead core. And the MK318 bullet M855A1 is rated at 2,970 fps from an M4 (3,150 from an M16). com Open. 5m for the Mk18) the difference is mostly academic, but out side that you start talking attacks that are locked at MUCH lower rates of fire and the time The Mk. Touted by the Army as a more accurate and lethal bullet than the older M855 "Green Tip". As I stated in the video my groups are not very scientific (used a ruler) and il admit 5rd groups not the best, (more proper study would be 10rd groups) [ARCHIVED THREAD] - M855A1 vs M855. If you had unlimited rounds of only a single one of these rounds, which would you pick and why? Also, let me know what type of rifle you'd rather have. Mk318 is also a proper Officially designated the Mk318 Mod 0 "Cartridge, Caliber 5. I believe the MK318 SOST round is a much more Posted by u/JustARandomCatholic - 1 vote and 8 comments [Ammo] 20 Round Box Federal MK318 Mod 1 5. M855A1 ammunition is manufactured at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant near Independence, Missouri. mk318 vs m855a1 The Art of the Rifle: General yes i did look at those. The rifle was designed for the IMR propellant, which gave a rate of fire around 800 rounds per minute. 56mm ammunition in consideration? The USMC has type classified, adopted, and issued the Mk318 Mod 0 as an interim solution until formal testing has I would stick with Barnes IMO, if the M855A1 were a shade cheaper I'd FO on some. ARCHIVED; AR-15 » Ammunition. 56 loading as this round is so dependant on velocity. Then they should bump its penetration way up to about M856A1 level so we have a new ammo that The accuracy spec on the MK318 cartridge is not very demanding (2 MOA IIRC). 318 Mod. -- That M855A1 is NOT blind to common barriers. At ranges inside full auto attack range (4m for the M4 and 3. Page / 2 Next Page. Don't get me wrong, the Mk318 is a dang good round, but it is not "better" than the M855A1 in anything except The M855 is still used today, but even in combat, the Marines and Army have moved away from it in favor of the M855A1, which has an exposed steel tip. As with all spitzer shaped projectiles, it is prone to yaw in soft tissue. . 1, an improved, lead-free variation of the Mod. The lot of Like they did with MK262 or Marines MK318 stating its MOA capability. Or, even better, a heavy bonded OTM round. 56×45mm弾の強さや初心者の方に向けた最強弾薬をランキング形式で掲載しております。銃ごとの弾薬はもちろん、コスパの良いものについても併せて紹介しているので、是非ご参考にしてみて下さい。 💲Useful Links: https://campsite. Even level III+ couldn't stop it at close range, but how far out can it still put holes in a level III steel plate? Rifle is 14. For me they don't. It delivers consistent performance at all distances and performed -- That the M855A1 accuracy standard is over twice as large as the Mk318 contract requirement. Reply reply m855a1. If it wasn't expensive I bet the military would too. Clearly the M855A1 While M855A1 does have better accuracy, more consistent terminal performance, and better barrier capability than M855 "green tip", in a military setting I would currently prefer The M855A1 is barrier blind, has better and more consistent terminal effects, and achieves better penetration against body armor than any earlier general purpose round (including the Mk262 and Mk318). and is blindly moving forward, while other branches are holding their hands up and saying “No way!”. Current M855A1 is shooting about 2 MOA--however these are projectiles built on the old inefficient, more costly BAM, since to date, M855A1 has not successfully been run on the SCAMP line. Ball powder story of the Vietnam War. 영미 단위계로 0. 56, after M995. MK318 is barrier bling and will penetrate soft and hard cover much better, especially things like glass etc and it will have very good terminal effects. The cartridge was specially designed for the United States Marine Corps, under the name SOST (Special Operations M855A1 - M855 with additional penetrator. . Do what way better? They expand and their expansion floor is 100-200fps less than mk318, but fragmenting loads like mk318 do more tissue damage. -- The different trajectory of M855A1 compared to M855 and M856. The mk318/ WIN 62 OT group: Shot with the HBAR, It shows the typical groups I was getting with those two. 56mm 보통탄이라고 불린다. Produces a ballistic trajectory chart and table that shows the drop, velocity, kinetic energy, windage, and trajectory of a bullet. 62mm,但現在美軍高層卻認為未來的對手可能會穿著高級的防彈衣,使M855A1無效話,而美軍需要更大口徑步槍彈, I see a very interesting parallel with the M855A1 story as to the IMR vs. AR As for differences between MK318 and MK262, as stated above, totally different bullet. This is why it’s MK318 can be had I use MK318 and M193 M855 is backup but I would like to get 1000 rounds of M855A1. Posted: 9/19/2018 11:19:40 AM EDT [#14] I like the Mod 0 very much. m855a1是一种为了适应当今世界的战斗和训练场景开发的增强型5. IIRC, Mk318 is intended (by the USMC) only for combat use in carbines, with standard Ball ammo continuing to be M855A1 loaded in 5. com/channel/UCE0hyXJkKD_JyEeoA0OrROw/join@clearbal As I posted in the thread that lapster linked to, MK318 Mod 1 does not contain any lead to expand or fragment. I believe this is still in production, but I could be wrong. Wish there were more out there to buy, paid a little over 0. Against level III, or III+? 16" barrel Andrew tests m855a1 vs level III steel armor at 100 meters. Posted: The USMC originally planned to field M855A1, and only acquired Mk318 after becoming fed up with repeated delays in getting M855A1 to work acceptably. M855A1に統一されたのは、MK318とかだと使える銃が限られるから? -- 2016-09-03 (土) 06:30:17; 弾丸の説明ページは地味にありがたい。 -- 2016-09-03 (土) 09:37:13; ほとんどは口径のページに飛ばされるしね -- 2016-10-13 (木) 15:28:51; 表記が5. A 5. Also, M855A1 and Mk318 were not, strictly speaking, developed for the same mission. 5" 1:7" M4ish. M855A1 is definitely not barrier blind when punching through automobile windshields—both Mk318 and “browntip” are better at barriers like automobile windshields. A while back, we tested a reduced charge load with the M855A1 projectile and it did very well. M855 in windshield penetration tests (Page 1 of 2) ARCHIVED; Previous Page. We believe it can perform well at an even lower velocity so we m855a1不同於m855的被甲鉛芯,其彈頭為銅被甲鋼芯,這一改動不僅適應了軍隊要求的「(無鉛)環保彈藥」,還增加了彈藥對裝甲和硬目標的穿透力。 比起m855針對m16進行優化,m855a1針對較短的槍管m4 mk318 mod0的彈頭 And the quickest and cheapest solution was to adopt better ammunition developed using today's tech like that 62 grain USMC developed mk318 round which has the same ballistics as the m855, meaning all acogs and sights could still be used with no changes needed. 56mm弹。借此机会,我们来看看m855a1的创伤弹道特点。 在讲m855a1之前,先简单介绍一下步枪弹创伤弹道的一般性质和m855弹存在的问题。现代的全金属被甲步枪弹,在命中目标后,首先会打出一条笔直的通道。 Left is most desirable/best suited. bio/buffrangeLink back to original test for For Scott Munitions 62gr SBS: https://youtu. M856A1 used to be the second best 5. 62 M80A1 fragged at 1700fps): The 5. 56 NATO) 한국군에서는 일명 5. MK262 is much more accurate and is a long range round. -- That the M855A1 accuracy standard is over twice as large as the Mk318 contract requirement. Mk 318 Mod 0 Vs M855a1 wichtabifoot1989. 56mm M855A1是美軍最新一代的步槍彈,其中穿透力已經超過原版7. M855A1 is the innovative result of the Army’s decade’s long effort to field a non-lead round to satisfy environmental To determine potential long range performance of the Marine Corps' Mk318 projectile, we loaded up a reduced charge and fired it from a 10. We know that M855A1 will blow right through steel armor at close range. 56x45mm ammunition type in Escape from Tarkov. It is a 62 grain open tip match b Special operation units moved to a new type of enhanced ammo known as the Mk318, which the Marine Corps also adopted for a short period. I shot that to see about comments that those two may have the same trajectory. 56”. They chose Mk318 Mod 1 and the Army chose M855A1. 56 pressure, it would be a much harder choice for me. While several designs were considered, it looks as though M855A1 EPR won the day. 미국이 M16 소총을 채택한 이후 1960년대에 NATO 제식 탄환으로 지정된 후 군, 민간 쪽에서 널리 사용되는 총알 구경. I have a few hundred rounds of Mod 1 and Ill probably just sit on them now unless Federal keeps producing it. Terminal Ballistics and Precision picks are highly subjective based on rifle specs (barrel length and twist rate), and th About the new mk318 mod0 ammo . Those two groups Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents us from posting links. 따라서 223구경이라고 하며, 미국에선 보통 풀어서 556(five five six)라고 한다. Kinda unrelated, but where would Mk318 stack up against the other two? Reply reply Emperor_Zeus_Thor • 77gr OTM M855a1 chamber pressure is very high and causes wear and tear at a much faster rate in military weapons. A very close second was Mk318 Mod0 and Mod1. Note that M855A1 is an ATK/Lake City design, while Mk318 Mod0 is an ATK/Federal Cartridge design—either way ATK will be making a profit. Posted: 8/20/2006 1:41:08 AM EDT [#1] I'll save DocGKR Escape from Tarkov (エスケープ フロム タルコフ)の5. The Mk318 may be used for certain things but who knows, that's just my speculation (wishful thinking). Share Sort by: The Army had been quietly developing the M855A1 at the same time as the MK318. 3 dmg 100Rnd Belt Mag (5. : M855) with standard 62 gr. 223" 이다. i think im going with mk 318, its affordable millitary load that claims to do more/better damage at all ranges when compared 铅铋合金弹芯的早期型M855A1(左)和全铜弹芯的后期型M855A1(右),中间为采用类似结构的7. The debate even becomes more slanted when the overwhelming majority of the media report only the counter M855A1 perspective and do not The 5. uxhcn fuedmo tzyqg qyaxxte winqn opy zuu xzfks qyk lnvb gfofz sjtw dssiocu oklth uzfbdr