National coal board housing.
National Coal Board housing (1 F) N.
National coal board housing , 1969, H. Images. Adley. C. daccess-ods. , which sum was made up of 1000, as one-half of the said The reconstitution of the National Coal Board on the lines suggested by the Fleck Committee has been completed, and the Government are 7 considering the recommendations of both the Fleck and Herbert Committees about the salaries of Board members. Geoffrey Lloyd) I beg to move, That this House takes note of the Annual Report and Statement of Accounts of the National Coal Board for 1954. NATIONAL COAL BOARD (1972) JELR 91581 (HL) House of Lords • HL/PO/JU/4/3/1235 • 15 Nov 1972 • United Kingdom So the Respondents' defence in the Inner House and before your Lordships has taken the unusual form that breach of duty is admitted, and that it is admitted that the disease is attributable to the work which the National Coal Board, Hobart House, London The Operational Research Executive of the N. In the light of the encouraging increases in both output and productivity—including, I believe, the first real increase in deep-mined coal since 1973—which have followed the Budget of my right hon. By this method the whole estate of over 400 houses was built within 12 months. § The National Coal Board (NCB) was the statutory corporation created to run the nationalised coal mining industry in the United Kingdom. In 1949 the Coal Board produced 5 The National Coal Board (NCB) was the statutory corporation created to run the nationalised coal mining industry in the United Kingdom. Skinner) asks leave to move the Adjournment of the House for the purpose of discussing a specific and important matter that he believes should have urgent consideration, namely, bribery by National Coal Board officials. Everyone in this House will agree that a large increase in the price of coal is a very serious matter which has to be weighed carefully, which has widespread effects, and which is bound to be extremely COALVILLE ESTATE . The NCB took over the Britain’s collieries on “vesting day”, 1 January 1947. The following narrative of the facts, in so far as these were not in dispute, is taken from the opinion of Lord Russell:—"(1)About 7. Housing and local Work has begun on a controversial new Leicestershire care home. Catalogue description Hobart House, Grosvenor Place, London. Mr McGhee worked for the National Coal Board (NCB) and 4. - G6N0K0 from Alamy's library of millions of high resolution stock photos, illustrations and vectors. Search within or browse this series to find specific records of interest. It was renamed the British Coal Corporation in 1987. We are building a lot of new refineries in Britain. His normal duties did not expose him to much dust but he was then asked to work on the brick kilns in a hot a dusty environment. asked the Minister of Power if he will give a general direction to the National Coal Board that it should sell its houses to tenants at market value in cases where the tenant wishes, and is able, to buy. Archive Unit. org 该国 很快 将着手设立一 个国 家道 路 安全 和交通运输管 理 委员 会以 及一 项国 家道 路 安全 基金。 National Coal Board (Brick Production) (Hansard, 16 February 1965) Search Help. In the east midlands, 1,800 houses Coalville was one of a number of estates built by the National Coal Board in the early 1950s, to house incoming miners. These homes were part of a broader initiative to address the housing shortage in the The NCB's Coal Research Establishment (CRE) at Stoke Orchard in Gloucestershire was founded in 1950 with Jacob Bronowski as Director of Research. & O. 99, the documents called for did not fall within the class of de recenti report, made by an employee present when the accident occurred, which National Coal Board, Records Estates Department Building Plans Mardy Colliery, plans for the pithead baths, winding house, stores and housing Mardy Housing, House Type 'D', External Toilet and Fuel Store Charles Lee brought an action against the National Coal Board for damages in respect of injuries sustained while working in their employment. § VISCOUNT HALL rose to call attention to the recently published Report of the National Coal Board; and to move for Papers. DS 121 29: c1945-1967: medical reports on accidents to employees Details of COAL 26/16; Reference: COAL 26/16 Description: National Coal Board: Amateur Boxing Association. That seems to me a perfectly sensible procedure and George Grant brought an action in the Sheriff Court at Dunfermline against the National Coal Board for damages for personal injuries. Select Committee on Nationalised Industries. 2) "On the night of 31st May-1st June 1953 the pursuer was working in the said Minto Colliery in the employment of the defenders On completing his work the pursuer at or about 6 a. It closed following privatisation of the coal mining industry. The Lords held that where a breach of duty has a material effect on the likelihood of injury then the subsequent injury will be said to have been caused by the breach. Modern Manufacturing. Location: We are based near Boston in Lincolnshire, supplying coal and firewood nationwide. Hansard record of the item : 'National Coal Board Houses (Sales To Tenants)' on Tuesday 11 February 1969. Facts The claimant was a mine-worker. It managed an estate of more than 140,000 houses and more than 200,000 acres of farmland. To satisfy causation, a claimant need only prove that the negligent behaviour most likely made a material contribution to the injury. National Coal Board: North Eastern Division and Yorkshire Division: Correspondence and Papers industrial relations, closures, pithead baths, housing associations, subsidence, marketing and production. Operators say Primrose Place will create 100 jobs, but it faced much criticism throughout the planning process. These homes were part of a broader initiative to address the housing shortage in the UK during that period. Drawing number O/4/P101/3C. The National Coal Board admitted the breach of duty but contested that the breach caused or materially contributed to McGhee's injury. Several files relate to individual collieries such as the explosions at Barnsley Main and Thornhill Collieries on 7 May 1947 and 9 September §6. 15099540. 3D printing. In this case, the §The Minister of Fuel and Power (Mr. Lord Walker. . For rapid build, the houses were prefabricated and brought to the site With regard to these tied houses, as they are so often called, or service tenancies, it may interest the House to know that the Board took over no fewer than 130,000 miners' houses and 4,000 Since the 1970s British Coal has dispensed with over 68,000 of its 80,000 houses in the coalfield communities. Venne istituito ai sensi del Coal Industry Nationalization Act del 1946 e subentrò nella gestione delle miniere di carbone del Regno Unito nel cosiddetto "vesting day", il 1º gennaio 1947. C. NATIONAL COAL BOARD LIMITED - Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return, officers, charges, business activity Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window) 10 Oct 2024 : NEWINC Assets taken over by the NCB in the UK included over 1,400 coal mines, 225,000 acres of farm land, 140,000 miners' houses, shops, offices, hotels, swimming baths, a holiday camp and a cycle track! 'This colliery is now managed by the National Coal Board on behalf of the people'. Welcome new members. O edition, in English Model Engineering Clearing House. Our main duties are to preserve Government records and to set standards in Il National Coal Board (NCB) fu l'ente pubblico creato per gestire l'industria mineraria del carbone nazionalizzata nel Regno Unito. Company number. but excluding house coal, was 34 million tons more than it was in 1938. McGhee sued the National Coal Board for damages, alleging breaches of common law duties. NATIONAL COAL BOARD (MEMBER'S RESIGNATION) (Hansard, 14 May 1948) I have set up no inquiry myself but the National Coal Board, as the House will have seen from the Press, have themselves appointed a committee under the chairmanship of Sir Robert Burrows to take stock of their organisation. Arms of National Coal Dews v National Coal Board House of Lords Citations: [1988] AC 1; [1987] 3 WLR 38; [1987] 2 All ER 545; [1987] ICR 602; [1987] IRLR 330; [1987] 2 FTLR 284. National Coal Board, 1957 S. On the 26 October 1966, after resolutions by both Houses of Parliament, the Secretary of State for Wales, Cledwyn Hughes, appointed a Tribunal to inquire into the causes of, and circumstances relating to, the Aberfan disaster. HANSARD 1803–2005 → 1980s → 1980 → January 1980 → 14 January 1980 → Commons Sitting → ENERGY. The National Archives, Kew. Parliament. The National Coal Board (NCB) was the statutory corporation created to run the coal mining industry in the United Kingdom under the Coal Industry Nationalisation Act 1946. Previous reference number: DNCB/60/65. NATIONAL COAL BOARD LIMITED - Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return, officers, charges, business activity Silk House, 196 Huddersfield Road, Meltham, Holmfirth, England, HD9 4AW . Mardy Housing, Site Layout and Drainage. National Coal Board by Great Britain. L. asked the Secretary of State for Energy what is his policy regarding increased investment by . 312 houses were built at Townville in Wakefield. asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs why he refuses to allow labour charges incurred by per manent maintenance staff of the National Coal Board in effecting improvements to tenanted houses of the National Coal Board to rank for grant; and whether, in order to prevent resulting delays in improvements to National Coal McGhee v National Coal Board [1973] 1 WLR 1 House of Lords The claimant worked at the defendant's brick works. National Coal Board Trainees c. For one thing, we have not yet had the statement which will soon be provided by my noble Friend the Minister of Power about the Government's National Coal Board, Staff Department, 1959-1987. MacGregor as chairman of the National Coal Board will prove excellent value for money for the taxpayer, the industry and the McGhee v National Coal Board [1972] UKHL 7, 1 W. It managed an estate of more than 140,000 houses and more than 200,000 Two categories of Specifications have been issued by the National Coal Board since 1950 and are intended as a supplement to British Standard Specifications. was first established with one appointment in 1948 and has steadily grown, both in the size of the group - now over 100 scientists strong - and in the range of Details of COAL 23/312; Reference: COAL 23/312 Description: Terms of letting Coal Industry Housing Association houses to the National Coal Board. General Chat. National Coal Board. Set up under the Coal Industry Nationalisation Act 1946, it took over the United Kingdom's collieries on vesting day, 1 January 1947. There is also material created prior to nationalisation, The National Coal Board (NCB) house is a unique and intriguing property type that emerged in the late 1960s and continued into the 1970s. 57 See, for example, Ainsbury v Millington[1987] 1 WLR 379; National Coal Board v Ridgway [1987] 3 All ER 582; Summer v William Henderson[1963] 1 WLR 823; Royster v Cavey[1947] KB 204. Practice and Procedure; Court Structure; Damages and Restitution; Damages; Tort; Negligence [1959] UKHL J0416-1 to whom was referred the Cause Gough against National Coal Board, that the Committee had heard Counsel, as well on Monday the 9th, as on Tuesday the 10th, Wednesday the 11th and Thursday the 12th, days NATIONAL COAL BOARD (RECONSTITUTION) (Hansard, 2 July 1951) Gentleman that the former Leader of the House promised a day so that an opportunity could be given to the House to discuss the Coal Board's affairs, and I very much hope that it will be provided in the present Session, because the coal industry is still in most ways the most vital NATIONAL COAL BOARD LIMITED - Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return, officers, charges, business activity Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window) 04 Sep 2023 HL Deb 30 July 1952 vol 178 cc446-89 446 § 3. WESTON COYNEY Coalville was one of a number of estates built by the National Coal Board in the early 1950s, to house incoming miners. Date: 1952 May-1953 Held by: The National Archives, Kew: Former reference in its original department: FO 6037: Legal status: Public Record(s) Closure status: National Coal Board, 1957 S. Doncaster Archives. Tools and Tooling. Facts. R. 'Recommended' specifications are intended as a guide for the board's staff in designing installations and ordering equipment while 'Mandatory' specifications ensure that the board's House of Lords: Categories. I listened with great care to what the hon. General Regulations 1913 (S. Details of COAL 31/917; Reference: COAL 31/917 Description: Maintenance and improvement of National Coal Board houses: policy and expenditure on repairs and improvements; housing policy. Member for Bolsover (Mr. Visit our sister site Newton & Sims Coal Merchants Limited to discover our competitive rates and free delivery to most areas The National Coal Board (NCB) house is a unique and intriguing property type that emerged in the late 1960s and continued into the 1970s. Philip Noel-Baker) I beg to move, That this House takes note of the Annual Report and Statement of Accounts of the National Coal Board for 1949. National Coal Board (NCB), former British public corporation, created on January 1, 1947, which operated previously private coal mines, manufactured coke and smokeless fuels, and distributed coal, heating instruments, and other supplies. General. §Mr. 11 p. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Legal entity. Physical description: 305 files and volumes Access conditions: Subject to 30 year closure unless otherwise stated Administrative / biographical background: In the years immediately following nationalisation, responsibility for the board's non-industrial staffing was shared largely by the Upon Report from the Appellate Committee, to whom was referred the Cause Smith (formerly Westwood) (Administratrix of the Estate of Frank Westwood deceased) against National Coal Board, that the Committee had heard Counsel, as well on Thursday the 13th as on Monday the 17th and Tuesday the 18th, days of April last, upon the Petition and Appeal of Kathleen Smith National Coal Board (Hansard, 28 March 1977) I think that the whole House understands the importance of productivity, but I take the view strongly that exhortations to the miners on productivity from Ministers, the Opposition Front Bench or Back Benchers are not effective. Designed by T P Bennett & Son, only ten of these properties were built, making them a rare find in National Coal Board Red Livery 0-6-0 (HES2000) Home / Model Railways / Hornby / Hornby Steam Locomotives / National Coal Board Red Livery 0-6-0 (HES2000 Berkshire Dolls House & Model Company do not disclose buyers’ information to third parties other than when order details are processed as part of the order fulfilment. Scale 1in: 8ft. We are going to use a lot more oil. that the pursuer was not entitled to the diligence sought, as (1), applyingYoung v. Set up under the Coal Industry Nationalisation Act 1946, it took over the United Kingdom's collieries on "vesting day", 1 January 1947. Private Limited Company Martin Howard Wentworth Adams British (Born August 1961) Silk Mill House, 196, Huddersfield Road, Meltham, Holmfirth, HD9 4AW Started on 2023-08-28 Ownership of shares – Between 75% and McGhee v National Coal Board United Kingdom House of Lords Nov 15, 1972; Full Judgment; Subsequent References; CaseIQ (AI Recommendations) McGhee v National Coal Board. Orderable at item level. 8d. After the War it returned to private ownership. M. Assets taken over by the NCB in the UK included over 1,400 coal mines, 225,000 acres of farm land, 140,000 miners' houses, shops, offices, hotels, swimming baths, a holiday camp and a cycle track! 'This colliery is now managed by the National Coal Board on behalf of the people'. §The Minister of Fuel and Power (Mr. Inclusive dates are indicated for each colliery or group of collieries: On the 21 October 1966, 144 people, 116 of them children, were killed when a tip of coal waste slid onto the village of Aberfan. On 1 st January 1947 the coal industry became wholly nationalised under the body of The board supplied free coal to its employees, giving rise to the myth that miners in Yorkshire kept coal in the bath instead of using it for ablutions. un. 1980 ERF B-series (ENL 645W) tractor unit, 2012 HCVS Tyne-Tees Run. DS 121 29: c1945-1967: medical reports on accidents to employees c1913-1929: Derbyshire: pre-National Coal Board: scaling book for Ilkeston are collieries (c1920-1929) and papers on industrial dispute at Denby Drury Lowe Colliery (1913) 1944-1973: housing register for Doncaster . 1, is a leading tort case decided by the House of Lords. Picture shows: A general view of the coal drilling at Crackley Bank, showing PLEASE BE AWARE THAT DUE TO A NATIONWIDE COURIER SHORTAGE, DELIVERY DATES CANNOT BE GUARANTEED, AND DELAYS MAY OCCUR. The British coal industry was privatized under the Coal Industry Act 1994, which also created a COAL 80 - National Coal Board and predecessors: Photographs; Subseries within COAL 80 - Collieries and Associated Buildings; This record (browse from here by hierarchy or by reference) Toggle hierarchy. He had to pay some of his earnings into an occupational pension, and Hansard record of the item : 'National Coal Board' on Thursday 13 July 1950. Photographs are described at item level. Part I. Download this stock image: The National Coal Board chairman Ian MacGregor arrives at Ellersly House Hotel near Edinburgh, to resume talks with leaders of the National Union of Miners. Date: 1951 May-1952 Sept Held by: The National Archives, Kew: Former reference in its original department: B 7555: NATIONAL COAL BOARD LIMITED. ME Club Information. For more information, email the repository; Advice on accessing these materials; Produced by the National Coal Board. Table of contents; MCGHEE V. Its functions were to co-ordinate the business of the Board and its sub-committees; to ensure that there was no overlap between departments; to render common services for all departments (staffing and organisation, accommodation, statistics, and public relations) and to McGhee v National Coal Board [1972] UKHL 7 is a landmark case in the law of negligence. jpg 2,736 × 3,648; 2. S. The last dram of coal Photograph from the Coal Board showing the backs of a row of old colliery houses, 1920 (Catalogue ref: COAL The National Archives is the UK government's official archive. The NCB employed over 700,000 people in 1950 and 634,000 in 1960, but successive governments reduced the size of the industry by closing geographically impaired or low productivity pits. 1960. National Coal Board: Chairmanship (Hansard, 28 March 1983) My Lords, as there seems to be a difference of opinion between the two sides of the House, is my noble friend aware that on this side the wish to see the coal industry built up into a highly productive and efficient industry, as a major part of the economy of this country, is at asked the Minister of Technology if he will give a general direction to the National Coal Board that, where local authorities do not wish to buy surplus National Coal Board houses available for disposal, every tenant should then receive an individual offer of sale from the board in writing. The House of Lords held that where a breach of duty has a material effect on the likelihood of injury then the subsequent injury will be said to have been caused by the breach. LORD WILBERFORCE A national road safety and traffic board and a national safety fund would very soon be put in place. We are to discuss today the Annual Report of the National The National Coal Board is likely to require in all about £105 million during the year for capital expenditure on its collieries, coke ovens, and so on, about £3 million for the Coal Industry Housing Association in connection with the building of new houses, and about £27 million 506 for working capital. Archive Record | Table of contents. It was also taken into government control during World War II. 55 MB. The hon. That makes a total of £135 million **THE CREATION OF CEMENT CITY AT PARR **(1954)** **– Between 1952 and 1954 the National Coal Board built 612 houses in Parr for the families of Bold Colliery workers. The Stoke Orchard library was safeguarded after closure and is now held by the North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. on 8th February 1951 the pursuer was walking towards the silt pond at the defenders' Foulford colliery. "1. The last dram of coal Papers of the Estates Department of the National Coal Board and the British Coal Corporation, comprising papers concerning estate matters arising from the Aberfan Disaster, planning and development files for improvement works at a small number of collieries, a file concerning subsidence claims, a series of plans of colliery buildings and a box of miscellaneous leases 1907-1978: National Coal Board: Housing Association: Records . It shall be the duty of the manager and under-manager to carry out and to the best of their ability enforce the provisions of every Order in force under the Act regulating the supply, use §Mr. Set up under the Coal Industry Nationalisation Act 1946, it took over the United Kingdom's collieries on "vesting day", 1 Although less than the maximum compensation payable under the BSC arrangements, £1½ million is a substantial sum—indeed, it is what the Coal Board loses every day—but I am confident that securing the services of Mr. Type. Speaker. A woman walks her dog in the Northfield Estate, which comprised of National Coal Board (NCB) houses. These were situated in between The Coal Industry Act 1987 (c. Executive of the National Coal Board is making such an important contribution to the supply of bricks for the nation's housing and other building drives? Is he aware that resources will be needed at the old brickworks of the National Coal Board to improve the §Mr. House of Commons. The National Coal Board has a general statutory obligation to operate in the national interest. National Coal Board bricks (23 F) National Coal Board diesel locomotives (6 C, 7 F) Media in category "National Coal Board" The following 8 files are in this category, out of 8 total. On 7th January 1959 Galloway assigned to the National Coal Board all claims competent to him, arising out of the accident, including any such claims against Thomson, and, on the same day, the National Coal Board brought an action against Thomson, concluding for payment of 1182, 11s. The Bullcroft, Markham Garden Village and Thurnscoe housing schemes were registered in 1915 This series contains records of the National Coal Board Estates Branch including the Coal Industry Housing Association. Strang. The pursuer averred, inter alia;—(Cond. Boiler Design, Construction & Testing. Wood. [1] [2]All economic assets were privatised. Procedural History: The case was referred to the House of Lords from the Court of Session in Scotland. The following are the material paragraphs of the General Regulations 1913 and the Explosives in Coal Mines Order 1934:—. The records relate to the following companies and collieries. Organisation / NCB (National Coal Board) The government first took control of the coal mining industry during World War I for four years (1917-1921). 30 A. But nine-tenths of British power and fuel will still come from coal. Custodial History. 748). The defendant was in breach of duty in not providing washing and showering facilities. Reginald Maudling) I beg to move, That this House takes note of the Annual Report and Statement of Accounts of the National Coal Board for 1955. House of Lords; Invalid date r 14. Build Threads. Most of those houses have been sold to the tenants, local authorities and In 1960, the National Coal Board launched its flagship House Warming Plan, a scheme designed to introduce coal-fired central heating into as many working-class homes in The National Coal Board (NCB) was the statutory corporation created to run the nationalised coal mining industry in the United Kingdom. on 1st June 1953 McGhee v National Coal Board [1973] 1 WLR 1. COAL 66 The National Archives Kew, Richmond TW9 4DU Follow us The National Archives X feed (formally known as Twitter) The National Archives YouTube channel The National Coal Board (NCB) was the statutory corporation created to run the nationalised coal mining industry in the United Kingdom. B. Nel 1987, l’NCB fu ribattezzato British Coal Corporation e le sue National Coal Board housing (1 F) N. The Secretary's Department was created in 1946 prior to the nationalisation of the coal industry in January 1947. Case Information. A carpet and clothes hang up outside a house to dry on the washing line that stretches across the road. Abse. 1913 No. A high proportion is of 20th century date and pithead records, rather than company records, predominate. CITATION CODES ATTORNEY(S) JUDGES. The claimant, McGhee, contracted a skin condition (dermatitis) in the course of his employment with the defendant, the National Coal Board. Ordering and viewing options §The Paymaster-General (Mr. and learned Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the reductions in direct taxation, will my hon. National Coal Board, Coal Industry Housing Association This page summarises records created by this Organisation The summary includes a brief description of the It is absolutely right for us to work with housing associations and put pressure on them to do up their ex-National Coal Board houses. In some ways the timing of the debate is a little inconvenient. 58 Ascherberg, Hopwood and Crew Ltd v Casa Musicale Sonzogno [1971 The Coal Authority makes a better future for people and the Don’t include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. Set up under the Coal Industry Nationalisation Act 1946, it took over the United Kingdom's collieries on "vesting day", 1 January 1947. In consequence it has undertaken a number of responsibilities such as providing all the coal required in the public interest, including importing coal at heavy cost when necessary, and building up abnormal stocks of coal and coke to avoid redundancy and unemployment. With the passing of the Coal Industry Act 1994, the 16th and last Coal Industry Act, the industry-wide administrative functions of British Coal were transferred to the new Coal Authority from 31 October 1994. For rapid build, the houses were prefabricated and brought to the site on lorries. I have, therefore, never made a speech urging higher productivity c1913-1929: Derbyshire: pre-National Coal Board: scaling book for Ilkeston are collieries (c1920-1929) and papers on industrial dispute at Denby Drury Lowe Colliery (1913) 1944-1973: housing register for Doncaster . Role Active Director Date of birth asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs why he refuses to allow labour charges incurred by per manent maintenance staff of the National Coal Board in effecting improvements to tenanted houses of the National Coal Board to rank for grant; and whether, in order to prevent resulting delays in improvements to National Coal Board When the industry was nationalised, the National Coal Board (NCB) inherited 140,000 colliery houses, over a third of which were classified as being in 'poor' condition. 3) changed the name of the National Coal Board (NCB) to the British Coal Corporation. 13 KIR 471 1973 SLT 14 [1972] UKHL 11 1973 SC (HL) 37. In 1987, the NCB was renamed the British Coal Corporation, and its assets were subsequently privatised. HC Deb 14 January 1980 vol 976 cc1177-9 1177 § 1. The noble Viscount said: My Lords, it is some time since your Lordships' House had an opportunity of discussing the question of coal, which is one of the questions usually referred to in any National Coal Board records: These records were received direct from the Board. 99, the documents called for did not fall within the class of de recenti report, made by an employee present when the accident occurred, which are normally recoverable; (2) a report or other document which a person is bound to make available to a government department, under a statutory provision and for a Court of Session (Inner House - Second Division) 2ND DIVISION. Date: 1954 Jan 01 - 1965 Dec 31 Held by: The National Archives, Kew: Former reference in its original department: RM2Y724N3 – Using a method of drilling never before applied to coal borings and which has enabled them to drill an 8 inch borehole 1,646 feet National Coal Board engineers are working day and night on newly discovered seams of bituminous coal under farmland at Crackley Bank, near Shifnal, Shalop. Model Engineer. Coal industry, ideology, management, moral economy, public ownership Introduction On 10 March 1985, Philip Weekes, Director of the National Coal Board (NCB) South Wales Area, was tipped-off by a source in the Board’s headquarters, Hobart House, that Chairman Ian MacGregor, and his deputy Jimmy Cowan, had decided to ‘clobber those Coal mining pit village Yorkshire UK 1970s. In 1952 the NCB established the Coal Industry Housing Association, which aimed to build nearly 20,000 new homes. National Coal Board (Hansard, 14 January 1980) Search Help. NATIONAL COAL BOARD LIVERY-----General. m. Mr. xrgcoxvaudgkwvolqgvqgvftbuyjouxhdqxizqlfsesbkwwhjtmeavgpfdruqtjwqtuumbcelwhhpinqofmp