Warframe signature weapons buff. NEW WEAPONS AND CUSTOMIZATIONS.
Warframe signature weapons buff For bonus points, put different elements on your sentinel weapon. On a weapon with higher base critical chance and or multiplier, that increase chance to critical is worth more than 27. don't take descriptions 100% literally, they'll also tell you Volt is a "powerful alternative to gunplay", and other BS. Decent Critical Chance enables you to build Crit Yes, You can build crit on its Primary Fire. What were you refering For me the warframe feels really clunky to use, the reasons are as follows: buff remains in effect for X seconds scaling with power duration after reducing speed" 1st ability: overall not much I can fault, Gauss / Signature it would be awesome to have gauss recasts charge up, and teleports, there are some need for additional body movements and weapons in the warframe set to passive or robotic from some perspectives i learned that an extra shield for cover could be deployed on landing using the battery or something like a blasts which enhances reload, I think the best thing to do Both are his signature weapons. Reviewing the signature weapon features introduced in Update 24. 6 - 0. Resupply ends on a reload of any kind, and counts as a reload itself. PANDERO - Octavia’s pistol hammers foes with single shots or a rapid volley While her signature weapons lack synergy with her, the abilities that she possesses are enough to take on even the strongest of enemies. With Oberon being one of the prime (pun intended) candidates for the next Frame to receive a Prime I was wondering which weapons would fit as his signatures and with him being the honorable paladin I came up with these: Primary (this is a hard choice, so many cool primaries fit him and deserve a Koumei & the Five Fates: Share Bug Reports and Feedback Here! × Signature Weapons: Zenon: A signature dagger of Paradigm, the weapon has high Puncture damage and decent Critical Chance and Critical Damage but low Status Chance, it has an innate Radiation damage, if the Signature weapons: Virtuo - Cephalon Rapier Total damage: 160 Heavy attack give Cyber Overcharge for 10 times Combo value seconds (up to 120 sec, need at least 2x combo). yeah, Primed weapons don't do that, if they do have a benefit like Ballistica Prime or Pyrana Prime, they work like that for ALL frames. But I'm not here to suggest nerfing other dmg mitigation amounts down. Name - Sedaye Characteristics - Tenno/Corpus hybrid, 3-round burst, sniper, (possibly changing the buffs and the acquisition of the buffs). Currently, Reconifex lacks a Signature Weapon bonus with Cyte-09. I love using all the weapons I have and mess around with all my weapons but some are too bad to even use in a lvl 30 mission. 3 Since Octavia's release in early 2017, every new Warframe has released with at least one signature weapon. he has very specific weapons he works amazing with, such as plasmor with condemn or nukor with covenant buff. Hopefully DE can do something about it. Furthermore, kunaï and Despair out totally those weapons, cause they are, technically, free ammo (it's impossible to have less than 100 ammo even in endless defense). This thread will be used to house your feedback on the newest Warframe from Saint of Altra: Update 25. Bubbles explode in a 2. Examples: 1) Banshee- Paris should receive a draw buff to load and charge arrows faster. These weapons used to be special to their Warframe in aesthetic alone, until DE decided to add signature effects, where a Warframe's signature weapon would gain bonus effects if the associat You can say the skana, as that's the poster weapon for the poster boy. Sword and Shield's damage mitigation while blocking is easily matched by Heavy weapons. So now that Garuda, Gara, Octavia, Revenant, etc got some buffs for their own weapons, when are we seeing AkZani buff for mirage? Also wouldn't that just makes people use frames simply to get buffs for their favorite weapons or the reverse? Not bothering to use a weapon unless you have/are using the warframe that buffs it? Screenshot for thoses Dear DE, I got an idea on how to buff the thrown attack of glaives, without touching any stats or impacting riven power in any way. Solution: Give a small buff to a special weapon(s) depending on frame. If you want, try out the math (or use warframe builder) with Fragor Prime. I posted it about 2 years ago, it was a stealth and long range sniping oriented warframe and it’s somewhat complexed. Internal bleeding is an insane mod that every fulmin build uses as its more than twice as good as hunter munitions one of the strongest mods in the game already, but unfortunately because of her motes you only get half the slash procs as even a low str build Signature Weapon Changes:Having a ‘signature’ weapon now actually benefits you! There are still a few signature weapons that will receive this treatment (Scourge, Hystrix, etc). 6 that allows weapons that came with Warframes gain new buffs only with that Warframe! While So as of the latest update, Signature Weapons for warframes have been introduced which gives bonuses for specific warframe and weapon combination. Those are the best That said, you can make almost every weapon viable. With Yareli's buff, there's a ~75% chance for one to crit. Buff threads are almost always met with a unanimous vote of yes, nerf threads are met with a headstrong argument of "don't nerf these because i use them and like them", and adjustment threads have mixed responses depending on how well thought Notes. one that has Design that fits in with the Frame and Weapons. g. So I never really looked into it but the question popped into my head when Gyre was released and I saw her signature weapon. We have also seen weapons The first Warframe to get weapons that specifically tie to their theme and character and called their signature weapons as Hirudo and and Hema for Nidus. Like, Astilla and Larkspur gaining a +71% / +75%buff to their ammo reserves, Sadly her signature weapons are "Yareli way of design" (let's make some abilities, nerf them, let use unnerfed abilities with X - in this case Merulina). You then use a good melee weapon with condition overload. I was wondering how the community would feel to these weapons, and others, getting little passive buffs while being equipped to their respective frame. What about with 100% Multi Shot? With no buff, 8 pellets have a ~39% chance for one to crit. Styanax, the heroic warrior, joins the fray alongside the Veilbreaker update. This weapon deals primarily Slash damage. From WARFRAME Wiki. It's one of if not the hardest/most annoying weapon to get. Koumei & the Five Fates: Share Bug Reports and Feedback Here! × This is not exactly a whole new frame but a reconfigured one. For example Gauss signature weapons are Acceltra and Akarius (and their are Prime versions as well). Pages in category "Signature Weapons" The following 30 pages are in I wish that weapons that came out specifically to be a frames signature weapon would reflect that frame in better. Kompressa is one of the only signature weapons that still doesn't have a signature weapon bonus. Obviously we would lose the ability to throw the weapon itself; however, this is where it being the signature weapon of Styanax would come into play. Make it feel worth getting instead of being a pointless trophy weapon that's so bad it's not ev I was wondering if there is any buff to the signature weapons when they are being used for their warframe owners. Is there a high chance that in the future, she will be primed along with her signature weapon? Or is it a bit random whatever she comes with. trunks013. Signature Weapons are particular weapons associated with a specific Warframe or Companion, benefiting various advantages when wielded by its related character. Knell: Knell now has a 2 round mag when wielded by Harrow. Granted ur not asking for much but it's pretty good as is. I don't even mind that he has a 0. Posted Lato Vandal got a buff and that pistol may get rereleased for all players in the eventual future (we shall see, who I can't tell whether you get the full buff strength at 100% Redline or if you get it when the bulb at the top This really speaks to how profoundly unclear the way this Warframe works is though. Share More sharing options Followers 1. If theirs not it should be a really nice update to the game, so this way almost every weapons should get some use ate least with their warframes. But what I've heard is that the weapon speeds are relative to their own class. The procs do not refresh the duration of the Heat proc like they're supposed to unless the gun has native Heat damage on it. Link to comment Share on other sites. Be cause of the very fast paced nature of WF, throwing your glaive is usually a terrible idea. Such as Signature Weapon. 0: GAUSS and his Signature Weapons the ACCELTRA and AKARIUS. oh. Prev; 1; 2; Next; Koumei & the Five Fates: Share Bug Reports and Feedback Here! × And yes, it's bad because it's a low MR weapon. hes the king of synergy with everything he does, including what weapons work better on him. What if instead we buff them a bit to make them stronger, have less explosive falloff, but instead of primary weapons, they get moved to the heavy weapon slot? Not every problem weapon can be resolved by scooting it over to heavy ammo, but those specific ones you can get away with, because, well, they behave differently than most other bows. Everything is specced on it to be a crit or hybrid weapon, and it's not despite being a signature weapon for a crit based/buffing frame. Karyst- haven't tried it nor am I familiar with melee combat too much. • Welcome! Read the posting Guidelines! • Xaku Prime Access is Live! • Community Streams return in January 2025! • Warframe: 1999: has arrived! • Cross Platform Save is live! • Cross Platform Play is here! • Goodbye 2024, Hello 2025! • Celebrate Tennobaum via Gifting and Alerts! • Welcome! Read the posting Guidelines! • Xaku Prime Access is Live! • Community Streams return in January 2025! • Warframe: 1999: has arrived! • Cross Platform Save is live! • Cross Platform Play is here! • Goodbye 2024, Hello 2025! • Celebrate Tennobaum via Gifting and Alerts! Signature Weapons Signature Weapons. WHY BUFF THEM. Notice the Orthos had 50 dmg and 200 charge attack and the O I don't mind that he uses your ammo pool when firing his weapons, dual wielding Brammas with infinite ammo was indeed a bit broken. I believe anything that HAD 45-60 light attack and 200+ charge dmg was considered a "heavy" weapon. If Harrow wields his signature Knell / Knell Prime, the weapon's magazine size is increased by 1 round, for a total of 2 rounds. But it was unique and one of the oldest weapons in the game, so they Primed it. It doesn't make sense , and logic clearly doesn't have a place in the matter. I have to say I find it an odd that Atlas forgot how to use the Tekko just by being primed. All Signature Weapons, see the related page for more details. What a time for Warframe. 2) Rhino- Heavy Weapons should receive a swing speed and/or damage buff. Tekko prime is not Atlas Primes signature weapon and gains nothing when used by him. Grants Amanata's Rolls at the start of I think not all signature weapons have interactions with the wf they are "paired" with. GAUSS: ACCELTRA: Using a barrage of rapid-fire plasma rockets, Gauss’ signature weapon lays down a path of destruction. Release Date: June 18th, 2024 Angelic allure graces the assembly in blissful song, hymns threefold of wartime armistice and abhorrent All Signature Weapons, see the related page for more details. Signature Weapons are particular weapons associated with a specific Warframe or Companion, benefiting various advantages when wielded by its related character. For example, and / or may be a replacement for an actual buff the weapon might need in general. 4 meter radius after 0. 5x damage multiplier on unmarked targets, even though the On Call Railjack crew member deals full damage, as far as I know. As for going back and relabeling weapons as signature weapons, I'd only be in favor of the idea if the weapons also got visually redesigned to match their respective frame more. Currently, Scourge / Scourge Prime lacks a . So yes, they need a buff on : I really hope specific weapons don't give buffs because signature weapons are mostly ambiguous, aside from the Akzani and Tekko. And very lame. So, it's all perfectly logical. By (PSN)Gentleman_Raven_, June 26, 2019 in General Discussion. Signature weapon : Phantasma (and prime) Tatsu (and prime) Narmer weapons PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BUFF THE WAR 5 LittleLeoniePrime. It shoots ballistic projectiles that embed itself on a surface or enemy before exploding, dealing high Blast damage but is burdened by low fire rate and low magazine. E. Need to let the dust settle from the latest buffing/nerfing. Can Nidus have his Helminth Charger as one of his Signatures? Something like allowing Helminth Charger to give Nidus some stacks with its hits or kill Warframe 1999: Share Bug Reports and Feedback Here! × Warframes; • Welcome! Read the posting Guidelines! • Xaku Prime Access is Live! • Warframe: 1999 has arrived! • Coming Soon: Devstream #184! • Cross Platform Save is live! • Cross Platform Play is here! • Weekly Community Stream & Drops Schedule • Coming Soon: On-lyne Glyph Twitch Qorvex is so fun but he's so weak with how his kit is clunky and awkward. . To say I'm disappointed in Gauss's signature weapon effect is an understatement. With 12 RPS you don't need high Crit Chance to be viable. I love bows I come back to my bows every year or so and use them but they suck. As for what slight buff would be, I'm not too certain myself. If you want to take him in a crusader direction, consider Sigma & Ocantis. Not all of them get anything at all for this mention - such as Khora, who has a signature sidearm with no special effect when she uses it The damage buff applies a multiplicative bonus that's calculated after a weapon's total damage value. It also doesn't refresh Heat procs from other weapons or abilities. So does each warframe have three signature weapons (primary, secondary, melee)? I mean it's a cool idea. Given the mechanics of the weapon instuff. Overall, fun in open tilesets, mediocre damage, minimal utility besides his speed since the 3 base range is so bad, the buffs on his 4 are nice personal buffs tho. Swinging the weapon 30 times rolls a six-sided dice to apply a random buff, with roll of six granting all buffs. Alternox damage just isn't there for its fire rate, magazine size, and reload speed. 6). Innate polarity. If DE ever does something for Qorvex, either a buff or an augment, these are my suggestions: Passive: is crap, it has no relation to his entire kit at all! And if the reasoning for it is for his signature weapon, then it's Give the twin a status primer (Kuva Nukor or Epitaph are good choices). Primed pressure point is better on a weapon that has lower than 30% base critical chance a 2x multiplier. 3]) = 900. Same goes for I’d greatly prefer augments or buffs to the weapons themselves over such mechanics to be honest but we’re already at this point so I hope it stays that way. Jump to navigation Jump to search. 3) Nix- Join the Tenno and defend an ever-expanding universe. 7k The heavy weapons just recently got their buffs, and i was surprised to see that only the hammers and great swords/axes got their buffs. This buff causes +200% Slash, -40% Impact and I hope you like this Warframe and his weapons, please tell what do you think and how to make this concept Not true at all. (In my opinion, if a warframe has taken the path where all abilities should be useful, this weakness of exalted weapons should be eliminated, because the actual weakness at 40% strength is a big limiter for many builds, while standard characteristics may be enough . You can skip equipping a primary to guarantee that the twin uses the secondary. ) The main interest in those weapons is they are free ammo. The signature weapon buff on Scourge should be as well I propose "Remove Bullet Attractor downtime" Perfect for Harrow. The regular/prime variant has a passive buff for all swords (excluding heavy blades). Instead, I'd suggest simply making them add Armor to the Recently there have been a lot of threads started asking for buffs, nerfs, and adjustments to weapons. This weapon deals Viral damage. This is the second time you've given us a crit buffing frame where its sign Some people in this thread has already told about Gauses weapons deals self-damage to you if you fast enough, and about his passive dont feel in game, but I want to offer a solution: current feature of acceltra akarius, what if you sprint you reload faster, would make a good Gauss passive (of course it would work with any weapons) and how about to change For a while now warframes have had 'signature weapons' such as Atlas' tekko, Mirage's Akzani, Possibly the Ether Reaper for Nekros, ect. In his hands he would gain additional values when using his Axios Javelin ability and Final Stand ability. The Reconifex buff requires a "perfect" manual reload to trigger, and ends on any other kind. - Honestly should have been a party buff. But, shor answer: there are much better weapons than signatures. Your Warframe is waiting, Tenno. But they already addressed that they will add them (as stated in update 24. More sharing options-N7-Leonhart. people are piling duration on gauss, like how every expects it works since high duration equals higher buff, because i did some testing with gauss by having 183% duration and while i can slowly build up, and why i have found out is that gauss is too demanding of playing a Tekko is Atlas's signature weapon and gains 6% status when wielded by him. The buff affects both initial and status effect damage. This is annoying, especially since with Auto Fire enabled, fire button is usable only on Aim mode. These can apply to the weapons you have, but they don't really make the most out of them? Where as some other weapons, can make better use of such buffs. Currently, during reloading, Alt fire cannot be used. 7. New Warframe, Quest, Webcomic, Features and more await NEW WEAPONS AND CUSTOMIZATIONS. With the use of her abilities to damage enemies, restore her allies, and unleash buffs If you were to pick a single Warframe that could literally do it all, you’d be hard-pressed to do better than Octavia. I am exclusively talking of the glaive as a thrown melee (and the AOE it has), not the glaive as a melee weapon. 8 seconds Warframe is bringing the 50th Warframe to the mix. With 230% (Galvanized Diffusion fully Signature weapons got a buff? i really need to start reading patch notes Example (for thoses that didn't bother reading patch notes) : Harrow gets 2 bullets in his pistol instead of All Signature Weapons, see the related page for more details. I did reconsider the idea as normal sized Koumei & the Five Fates: Share Bug Reports and Feedback Here! × well then try stacking plenty of duration in and then see why people are having issues. So calling dual zoren Reviewing the signature weapon features introduced in Update 24. harrow is the exception. English (CA) (Default) 繁體中文 I get that it's "a Braton" and it was extremely easy to get a long long time ago. PC Member; 3. But right now. Perigale is kind of nice (if you can do headshots) but melee is just disaster. if its good for headshots its also good, so snipers are good with him as well as single pistols like lex. (I've 2 formas in it by now) It is nice but it could be better what do you guys think? For such a signature sword, Simply making the Skana Prime better than the Prisma Skana doesn't necessitate it becoming the greatest melee weapon in Warframe, universally desired by all. If you'd like to be thematic with his namesake; galatine is the sister sword to excalibur, so I often pair them together. He doesn't have a specific buff/perk with it because DE hasn't implemented it yet. If you asked them what Mirage's signature weapon is, you're more likely to get "Simulor" as an answer. This is S Afentis is a speargun that serves as the Signature Weapon of Styanax. Signature weapon buffs as augments for other frames to have access? Reb has been taking Warframe into a fantastic direction and every update under her care has had something that grabs my attention and gets me back in the game. Tenora: Headshot kills with alt fire have a 20% chance to in Additionally, we still need some signature effects on existing signature weapons. The idea that a giant axe blocks the same damage as a shield is a little absurd. Feel the rhythm with these new additions to your Unload percussion machine gun fire, or strike a heavy chord with a single charge shot. If you google for most use primary/secondary/melee, you will see most people use the same 5/10 weapons in each slot. Please, similar to I agree to all the weapons you guys have posted many weapons need a buff or a [Rebuild] because some weapons are just that bad. Signature benefits only seem to appear on non-primed Tenno weapons. On weak side for me personnaly if he's staying a selfish frame. The active reload bonus is inconsitent, getting it right will not always give the bonus. For me, I really like when weapons look like they fit the frame they're used with. • Welcome! Read the posting Guidelines! • Xaku Prime Access is Live! • Community Streams return in January 2025! • Warframe: 1999: has arrived! • Cross Platform Save is live! • Cross Platform Play is here! • Goodbye 2024, Hello 2025! • Celebrate Tennobaum via Gifting and Alerts! Dante Unbound: Share Bug Reports and Feedback Here! × Warframes; • Welcome! Read the posting Guidelines! • Protea Prime Access is Live! • Community Stream Schedule • Save the Date: TennoCon 2024! • Whispers in the Walls has arrived! • Cross Platform Save is live! • Cross Platform Play is here! • Preregister for the TennoCon Cosplay: here! Unlike other Radial Dmg Weapons, Most of this weapon's damage is in the projectile and not in the AoE Damage which is fine I guess. Signature weapons are weapons that mention in their description that they’re the signature weapon of a Warframe. I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone that remembers what Akzani is without prompting them. However, maybe melee type buffs, such as longswords in Excalibur's case, aren't too bad. It is an amazing looking weapon and I'd love to use it more on end game content. Wield your Warframe's tactical abilities, craft a loadout of devastating weaponry and define your playstyle to become an unstoppable force in this genre-defining looter-shooter. Posted May 27, 2016-N7-Leonhart. Synapse needs a buff O_o. It also works to switch to the secondary, then start using the melee I really like the fulmin, but I kinda hate how unsynergetic it is on her considering it is her signature weapon. Secondary Fire is just the worst. Selfish frames are really hard to justify with the current roster. 5% damage. In recent times we've been seeing Prime weapons release with massively powerful bonus effects like Pyrana Prime having it's Akpyrana mode. And like other Warframes, he is bringing his own signature weapon to As Harrow has Two signature weapons, looking for a Melee Weapon for it. After the recent announcement of Octavia Prime together with Tenora and Pandero Prime, I think that every Warframe should have its own Signature Weapon. I don't like signature weapon perks, but anti-signature anti-perks are worse. This is Octavia’s signature rifle. Well this time I’ll keep it simple and also make it more versatile but still stick to the ambusher concept. Evensong will have 70% multishot buff, Cantare will have 60% (?) reload buff, harmony will have the double status duration buff and all of them are combined into one icon to prevent screen clutter. Posted October 4 If you put this status on Weapons that any Warframe can use, these 2 Frames become weaker compared to everyone else, not compared to each other. It also seems like the weapon is tailor-made for use on Merulina, with its lowered difficulty of aiming while constantly on the move and the immunity to self-stagger that Merulina provides, yet it's absolutely terrible for use with Critical Flow, having both an extremely low It is indeed particularly egregious with Kompressa though - we have signature weapon bonuses now (even if that seems to be an idea they've decided to forget exists), the Kompressa really should have some signature bonus with Yareli I’ll be playing Warframe today, and will be showing you Afentis the signature weapon of styanax steel path build in this video. It would be much better if we could use her normal weapons during glory on high imo but I think that should be saved for an augment. , with a maxed Intensify and a weapon that inflicts 250 total damage, a rank-3 Eclipse will increase the weapon's total damage to a maximum of 250 × (1 + 2 × [1 + 0. But still, every melee weapons with a good swing potential will do better. What weapons actually need buffs? Seriously, this is warframe, not some slow tactical shooter. Edited August 31, 2019 by Modus Gauss / Signature Weapons Feedback Language . The Kompressa is Yareli's signature bubble-gun pistol sidearm that volleys a torrent of sticky and explosive Viral bubbles. Hence, the only way to use it is break reload with normal fire, before firing the Alt Fire. Reloads are For the Orokin execution method, see Jade Light. She’s got a kit that most Warframes can only dream of: her Buff: if strength is below 100%, exalted weapon will use its standard stats. Thi would only reduce loadout variety. 6 that allows weapons that came with Warframes gain new buffs only with that Warframe! While I believe the Stalker's signature weapon War should get some kind of buff be it to dmg or speed. And it's the least used primary in the game. Amanata is Koumei's signature naginata polearm. Reloading faster while 'Sprinting'? Not anything to do with movement speed? Reload speed has to be bu Koumei & the Five Fates: Share Bug Reports and Feedback Here! × Yup. qqyikhbrsqjjygwncdeuhupdgzurfanwhhiqhreokdozfuzimknrkwlxezpbiryuptfjwpjn