Darke county auditor The total estimate for this request is $5,510. Scott J. Based upon this review, we have Highest salary at Darke County in year 2022 was $182,287. Your device will safely store this key and you can use it to sign in instantly next time. 11, Revised Darke County Auditor's Office 504 South Broadway Street Greenville, OH 45331 937-547-7310 Directions. Email click HERE. County Garage: 937-548-1915. The Darke County Tax Assessor is the local official who is Darke County Independent Auditor’s Report Page 2 2 Basis for Adverse Opinion on U. Rhoades (R) Chairman : Michael E. Darke Recorder (937) 547-7390 . The Recorder's office Explore all Property Records in Darke County, Ohio. The Staff report. The Darke County Auditor's Office maintains the records of every real estate transaction and keeps a current list of ownership of properties in the city. Carol Ginn is an Auditor at Darke County Auditors Office based in Greenville, Ohio. Email: carolaginn@gmail. Greenville, Ohio 45331 . 11/28/2022 7:32 PM. state of Ohio. Greenville, Ohio 45331. com The Darke County Garage, under the direction of the County Engineer, maintains 521 miles of roadway along with maintenance and DARKE COUNTY — Dog owners can still purchase their 2025 license(s) at the Darke County Auditor’s Office, Darke County Animal Shelter and eight locations in the county or online at www Darke County . Delving into Darke County property records exposes the housing market, displaying a median home value at $151,100. 38 and Ohio Administrative Code Section 117-2-03(C), Select County/City/Area. Auditor – ORC Chapter 319 . Login ☰ Darke County Property Records; Darke County Public Records; Darke County Government Offices; Free Account Benefits: 🏠 Unlock property owner names, sale prices, mortgage details 100% free - no credit card or payment needed 🔍 Enjoy Discover Darke County, Ohio plat maps and property boundaries. The Darke County Recorder disclaims any liablility for errors or omissions. We have reviewed the Independent Auditor’s Report of Darke County, prepared by Julian & Grube, Inc. DARKE COUNTY — Annual dog licenses for 2022 will be on sale Dec. If you can't find what you're looking for, try Darke County Auditor. Fix GREENVILLE — Carol Ginn, Darke County Auditor, is pleased to announce that Real Estate property owners may claim a reduction in the taxable value of their Real Estate property for buildings that About Darke County Auditor's Office in Greenville . Click on the name of the county for more detailed information or search for the auditor in the search box below. Learn More. Looking for property tax records & rates in Darke County, OH? Quickly access information about 2 Treasurer & Tax Collectors near you! Login ☰ Darke County Property Records; Darke County Public Records; Darke County Government Offices; Free Account Benefits: 🏠 Unlock property owner names, sale prices, mortgage details 100% free - no credit card or payment needed 🔍 For County Auditor’s Use Only . (Not needed if you have previously participated in Trash Bash) 2) Please, return the Close-Out and Sworn Statement form provided in the packet given the day of the Darke County 2024 Dog License are now available for $22 per dog at the Darke County Animal Shelter and the Darke County Auditor’s office in the Court house. Delaplane (R) Michael W. Contact. Email us at: cinfo@co. Normal hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a. Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a wholeare free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Click to request . Larry Darke County . Many were able to see “success” in school for the first time. The Darke County Auditor. 955. Average annual salary was $38,377 and median salary was $39,197. Property records in Darke County, OH, are maintained by the County Recorder. 1, 2012 through April 30, 2020. 🏡📜 We have reviewed the Independent Auditor’s Report of the Village of Versailles, Darke County, prepared by Perry & Associates, Certified Public Accountants, A. Randolph County became official in 1818. Carol Ginn (937) 547-7310. 11, Revised Code Darke County Independent Auditor’s Report Page 3 3 Other Reporting Required by Government Auditing Standards In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated September 13, 2021, on our consideration of the County’s internal control over financial reporting and our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, Information regarding a new license or renewing an existing license, please contact the Darke County Auditor’s Office at (937) 547-2507. County. Darke County Educational Service Center. Email . DARKE COUNTY FLAG. The report revolves around David Peterson, who served as mayor of the small village of Ithaca from Jan. HOME. Find The Office You Need. Zumbrink (937) 547-7365. Search property records, maps, tax rates, and more on CountyOffice. Get driving directions to this office . General Instructions and Information : Owner-Occupancy Credit: The owner-occupancy credit is a 2 Since Empowering Darke County Youth was formed in 2016, its tutoring programs have helped over 1,150 Darke County students improve their academic skills. To commemorate the 200th" Ken N. Their records Darke County Independent Auditor’s Report Page 3 3 Required Supplementary Information Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America require that the management’s discussion and analysis be presented to supplement the basic financial statements. We are required to communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the Darke County Independent Auditor’s Report Page 2 2 Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements . Please allow up to 10 business days for processing and delivery. It ranks 18 of 89 Assessor Offices in Ohio. Greenville, OH 45331 . Building Regulations: 937-547-7379. We have reviewed the Independent Auditor’s Report of Darke County Metropolitan Housing Authority, Darke County, prepared by Bastin & Company, LLC, for the audit period October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020. , for the audit period January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. NETROnline's Mapping & GIS Application is a comprehensive and user friendly resource that presents modern and historical property records in a geographic mapping interface. Items purchased online are subject to a per item convenience fee, indicated as 'Online Fee'. Darke County . The AcreValue Darke County, OH plat map, sourced from the Darke County, OH tax assessor, indicates the property boundaries for each parcel of land, with information about the landowner, the parcel number, and the total acres. Denied . Real Estate: 937-547-7308 . Darke County Treasurer 504 South Broadway For additional information, contact the Darke County Auditor’s Office, in the Courthouse, at (937) 547-7316. Reasonable assurance is a high Information regarding a new license or renewing an existing license, please contact the Darke County Auditor’s Office at (937) 547-2507. [3] It is named for Meeting Minutes from the Darke County Commissioners. ” and “Before the County Auditor transfers any conveyance of real property presented to the auditor under Darke County Auditor. 1469 Sweitzer Street . Closed for lunch between 12:00 p. Highway AcreValue helps you locate parcels, property lines, and ownership information for land online, eliminating the need for plat books. Licenses are sent through the postal mail. Board of Elections: 937-548-1835. 🏡🗂️ . Business Phone: 937-547-7310 . com Website: www. Jan. As of the 2020 census, the population was 51,881. Ready to unlock nationwide plat maps? Acres brings together land for sale, sold land, and parcel-level insights Darke County Independent Auditor’s Report Page 2 2 and Ohio Administrative Code Section 1172-03(D), which is a- n accountingbasis other than accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (GAAP), to satisfy these requirements. 504 S. The county households garner median salaries of $57,135. You may also purchase the 2024 Dog License at Greenville Ace Darke County Auditor 520 S. The Darke County Dog License are available from December 1, through January 31, for $22 at the Darke County Animal Shelter and the Darke County Auditor’s office in the Court house. 11, Revised Code Commissioners approved two expense requests for the Darke County Auditor. Fax: 937-547-1267. to 4:30 p. Index data displayed on this site is delayed approximately one day from the date it is indexed. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:00am-4:00pm . [1] Its county seat and largest city is Greenville. All checks must be written to a Darke County non-profit organization, no exceptions. Darke Auditor (937) 547-7309 . , at the Shawnee Nature Center Darke County Family and Children First Council Darke County Independent Auditor’s Report Page 3 3 evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluate the overall presentation of the financial statements. com Chris Erisman, Asst. 504 South Broadway Street . We have reviewed the . Beacon/qPublic. Counties can also be filtered by alphabet letter by selecting one of the light gray letters below. to 12:00 p. pdf files of archived meeting minutes. Darke County Coroner. Highway Superintendent – Cerisman82@gmail. 1 "Two years after Indiana became a state, the area to the north of the developing Ohio River area began to see more settlement. 28—The Ohio Auditor of State's Office has released a report detailing the investigation into and charging of a Darke County village mayor for misusing government funds. AUDITOR at DARKE COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE · Experience: DARKE COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE · Location: Greenville · 65 connections on LinkedIn. 5 miles The Treasurer is responsible for managing the county's finances, including collecting property taxes, investing county funds, and disbursing funds to county agencies. Click on the result row to view additional index information. Darke County Treasurer. Highway signs and guardrails, Surfacing and paving, Business services, nec, nec. Miami County Treasurer's Office West Main Street, Troy, OH - 27. net. Harris & Associates, Inc. Our address is: Darke County Municipal Court 504 South Broadway, Suite 7 Greenville, OH 45331. , except holidays. You may also purchase Dog License at Greenville Darke County Assessor Address. The office is headed by Cindy Pike, the Clerk of Courts, and serves as the official repository for all land records in the county. Darke County Resources and Links including job listings for Darke County + links to Hometown Opportunities in Darke County and Gov Deals auction site featuring Darke County listings. MAP OF TOWNSHIPS. Fix . Clerk of Courts: 937-547-7336 . 100 Public Square, Greenville, OH 45331. All Darke County Auditors Office | 3 followers on LinkedIn. Skip to main content LinkedIn. Search 31,120 parcel records and views insights like land ownership information, soil maps, and elevation. Broadway, Greenville, OH 45331 Phone: (937) 547-7370 Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Closed legal and county holidays. D ARKE C OUNTY E LECTED O FFICIALS. . Darke County Soil and Water Conservation 1117 Southtowne Court Greenville , OH 45331 937-548-1752 Directions. Carol Ginn, Shana Howard, Geoff Surber, and Kim Hunt will all be attending the mandatory Ohio GFOA-37th Annual Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio on September 24-27, 2024. With this website with news and information from and about Darke County we want to keep people up-to-date about what’s going on in Darke County (and also a We have reviewed the Independent Auditor’s Report of Richland Township, Darke County, prepared by Perry & Associates, Certified Public Accountants, A. Auditor’s Office: 937-547-7310. 70 mill levy In late 2023, the Miami County Board of Developmental Disabilities passed a resolution to suspend collection of the 1. Darke County Economic Development. Broadway . Darke County Board of Developmental Disabilities. 11 Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Darke County Auditor at 504 S Broadway St, Greenville, OH 45331. Darke County Chamber of Commerce. 70 mill levy for tax year 2023 (collectable in 2024) ONLY . , for the audit period January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2021. Randolph County Bicentennial Plaza. Go back to directory. Beacon and qPublic. Purchases made online are payable using American Express, Discover, Mastercard and Visa credit cards. to 4 p. Carol Ginn, Darke County Auditor is announcing that homeowners of Residential and Agricultural Real Estate Properties who did not receive Owner-Occupancy Credit on their 2022 tax statements have The Darke County Recorder, located on the third floor of the Darke County Courthouse, is responsible for recording and maintaining real estate documents, such as deeds, mortgages, and liens, within Darke County, Ohio. 504 South Broadway Street. FFR: No. Access building codes, zoning regulations, and more. 00 with a median rent of about $735. 504 South Broadway . Darke County Assessor's Office Services . Darke County Recorder of Deeds 504 South Broadway Street Greenville, OH 45331 937-547-7390 Directions. Coroner: 937-547-7322. Sheriff: Toby Spencer Darke County Municipal Court is located on the third floor of the courthouse. Number of employees at Darke County in year 2022 was 461. Darke. Login ☰ Darke County Property Records; Darke County Public Records; Darke County Government Offices; Free Account Benefits: 🏠 Unlock property owner names, sale prices, mortgage details 100% free - no credit card or payment Explore all auditor's offices in Darke County, OH to get information on the property, tax, auditing standards, financial reporting, financial statements and accounting systems. org. , for the audit period January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022. 1, 2021 through Jan. org Darke County Auditor-Payroll in Greenville, OH is a professional service provider specializing in payroll management and auditing services for businesses in the area. Report Type: Financial Audit. (419) 586-9425 Real Estate & Tax Map Ema il [email protected] ov Staff Directory Darke County Auditor Carol Ginn was one of several auditors from across the region that gathered to discuss legislative proposals to help give relief to taxpayers. Stegall (R) Vice Chairman : Administration Building 520 South Broadway Greenville, Ohio 45331 (937) 547-7300. Fax: 937-547-7378. Government Administration Offices in Darke County . COG: No. COUNTY LINKS. 7670 Greenville-Celina Rd Greenville, OH. Zumbrink, Treasurer SEARCH; MAP; INFO ALL POSTS Create Your Passkey. About Beacon and qPublic. Granted . Darke County Auditor Darke County Courthouse 504 South Broadway Street Greenville, OH 45331 . darke. Generated from their business information . View Carol Ginn’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional Darke County Independent Auditor’s Report Page 2 2 Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above pr esent fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the CIC, as of December 31, 2020 and 2019, and the changes in its financial position and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance wi th the accounting principles generally Darke County Auditor. Audit Search. Independent Auditor’s Report of Darke County, prepared by Julian & Grube, Inc. Email: [email protected] Website. Under this category, you can search public property records for free, including property assessment, unclaimed property, deeds, mortgage documents, registries, house ownership, titles, and more. Ohio Revised Code, Ch. Tim Kathman (937) 547-7322. Most states and counties provide free online GIS maps, via which people could The Auditor of State said that its Special Investigations Unit began to investigate on March 30, 2022, when it was contacted by the Darke County Sheriff’s Office, who said they believed Peterson Home → Darke County » Directory of County Auditors . Tax Year Parcel number . Although the effects on the financial statements of the variances between the regulatory accounting basis and GAAP are Darke County Independent Auditor’s Report Page 3 3 Other Reporting Required by Government Auditing Standards In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated October 22, 2020, on our consideration of the County’s internal control over financial reporting and our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulat ions, contracts Darke County . Brad Horsley will be attending the mandatory 2024 Ohio GIS Discover Darke County, OH land records, property ownership, and real estate data. Darke County Board of Elections. Also at this We have reviewed the Independent Auditor’s Report of the Darke Soil and Water Conservation District, Darke County, prepared by Charles E. Darke County Metropolitan Housing Authority . Miami County Board of Developmental Disabilities 1. Add to Address Book. Darke County average salary is 18 percent lower than USA average and median salary is 10 percent lower than USA median salary. There are many ways to get the county auditor information. Darke County Board of Commissioner’s. Zumbrink, Treasurer SEARCH MAP INFO The County Auditor is mandated by the State to conduct a comprehensive county-wide reappraisal of real estate properties every six years to establish property values for tax Find contact information, website, and services of Darke County Auditor's Office in Greenville, Ohio. Follow your device's prompts to create a Passkey using your fingerprint, face recognition, or screen lock. The report includes the independent This web page contains the independent auditor's report on the modified cash-basis financial statements of Darke County, Ohio, as of and for the year ended December 31, 2020. Darke County Commissioner . It ranks 124 in Assessor Offices. Search for other County & Parish Government in Greenville on The Real Yellow Pages®. Learn how to appeal your property tax assessment, get directions, and access useful links. Information included on this site is believed to be accurate, but not guaranteed to be. m. The report includes This web page contains the single audit report of Darke County, Ohio, for the year ended December 31, 2021, prepared by Julian & Grube, Inc. Go to Data Online . [2] The county was created in 1809 and later organized in 1817. Audit Search Report Details Reports Released Entity Name: Entity Type: County: Darke County. Official State Website ; UCC Search (With Images) Online. 50 and pay an average tax rate of 1% of a property's assessed value. CONTACT US. , for the audit period January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019. Commissioners: 937-547-7370. Find out how to contact and use the Darke County Assessor's Office for property tax services. Without this information, we will not be able to process your check. 11, Revised Code. A passkey is a simple, secure way to sign in - it's like having a digital key that's unique to you. , for the audit period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021. Phone: (937) 548-1915 Max Guillozet, Highway Superintendent – dcgarage@gmail. Contact Info: (937) 547 7310 (Phone) (937) 547 7342 (Fax) The Darke County Tax Assessor's Office is located in Greenville, Ohio. us. Based upon this review, we have accepted these reports in lieu of the audit required by Section 117. Court documents are generally considered public record once the case itself has been completed and the documents filed. Democratic Party. Last Update. . Where can I obtain a Marriage License? Particulars for obtaining a Marriage License should be directed to the Darke County Probate Court at County Auditor Mercer County Auditor 101 North Main Street, Room 105 Celina, OH 45822 Phone (419) 586-6402 Fax (419) 586-4751 Budgetary Dept. The county auditor is the only elected official, aside from the one commissioner, Darke County Highway Garage. GIS, short for Geographic Information Systems, provides geographic information based on maps or databases. Auditor Office; Board Of Elections; Clerk Office; DMV; Elected Officials - Darke County: Carol Ginn, Auditor Phone: (937) 547-7310 Email clidk HERE: Cindy Pike, Clerk of Courts Phone: (937) 547-7336 Email click HERE: Matt Aultman, Commissioner Phone: (937) 547-7370. 47 MB. 11 GREENVILLE — Dog owners can still purchase their 2025 license(s) at the Darke County Auditor’s Office, Darke County Animal Shelter and eight locations in the county or online at www Please first add parcels to the Payment Cart under the tax section on the parcel page The Southwest Ohio Auditor’s District held their meeting on Friday hosted by Darke County Auditor Carol Ginn at Beanz Bakery in Greenville! They heard from Chief Deputy Auditor Chris Kline of Lawrence County and Rick Hoffman on Parcel Number Tax Payer Certified Year RIFFELL PAUL A Auditor’s Office: 937-547-7310. Darke County Independent Auditor’s Report Page 3 3 x conclude whether, in our judgment, there are conditions or events, considered in the aggregate, that raise substantial doubt about the Village’s ability to continue as a going concern for a reasonable period of time. Ithaca is located in southern Darke County, and at Questions should be directed to the Miami County Auditor’s office at 937-440-5925 between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm M-F. Broadway Courthouse 1st Floor Greenville, Ohio 45331 . County Home: 937-548 The Darke County Tax Assessor & Auditor Office is located in the Darke County Courthouse building in Greenville, Ohio. S. Report Period: 01/01/2021 to 12/31/2021. If you have obtained information from a source other than Darke County, be aware that electronic data can be altered subsequent to original distribution. Articles People Learning Jobs Games Join now Sign in Darke County Auditors Office complete the W-9 packet for the Darke County Auditor. Common Pleas: 937-547-7325. Fax: 937-547-7367. Darke County Auditor's Office is Assessor Offices located at 504 South Broadway Street Greenville, Ohio, 45331 Phone number for Darke County Auditor's Office is 937-547-7310. Where can I obtain a Marriage License? Particulars for obtaining a Marriage License should be Darke County Auditor 504 S. Darke County Chapter of the American Red Cross. net combine both web-based GIS and web-based data reporting tools including CAMA, Assessment and Tax into a single, user friendly web application that is designed with your needs in mind. Your check will be mailed to you at the address you provided on your questionnaire on the last day of the month of Darke County does not guarantee the accuracy of the material contained herein and is not responsible for any misuse or misrepresentation of this information or its derivatives. 00. 937-548-4435. darkecountyrealestate. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles As described in Note 2 of the financial statements, the financial statements are prepared by the Village on the basis of the financial reporting provisions of Ohio Revised Code Section 117. These records can then be requested at any time GREENVILLE, OHIO – The Darke County Republican Women’s Club (DCRWC) will host Darke County Auditor Carol Ginn as featured speaker Monday, May 10, 2021, 6 p. Darke County, Ohio Carol Ginn, Auditor | Scott J. 50. Release Date: 07/21/2022. Carol Ginn's Phone Number and Email. 203 of the Ohio Revised Code which states “The County Auditor and the County Engineer shall adopt standards governing the conveyance of real property in the County. C. Greenville Auditor. and 1:00 p. Darke County Health Department . Aaron Flatter, Commissioner Phone: (937) 547- 7370 Email click HERE: Marshall Combs, Commissioner Phone: (937) 547-7370 GREENVILLE — If you had storm and tornado damage to your structures during the March 14 weather event and it is located in Darke County, please contact the Darke County Auditor’s Office at 937 The Preble County Auditor's office issues vehicle licenses and processes Homestead Exemption applications. Darke County Assessor Phone Number (937) 547-7310 Darke County Public Records The Buckeye State . 00 check from the Darke County Auditor for appearing on the given day for jury duty whether you are selected to serve or not. State; ohio; 39037; Mapping & GIS Disclaimer. Darke County is a county in the U. You will receive a $20. oh. NETROnline does not guarantee that any information contained within this database or map is accurate, complete, or current. , for the audit period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2022. c***@darkecountyrealestate. Total Acres Land $ Building(s) $ Total Taxable value eligible for deductions $ Land Building Total Name on tax duplicate Date filed : Please read this before you complete the front of this application. Board Dev Disabilities: 937-548-9057. Access property assessments, tax history, exemptions, delinquent sales, and more. County Commissioners: Diane L. What can the Darke County Assessor's Office do for me? The Darke County Tax Assessor's Office oversees the appraisal and assessment of properties as well as the billing and collection of property taxes for all taxable real estate located in Darke County. 🏠💰 . Darke County Courthouse. 31, 2022 at the Darke County Animal Shelter and the Darke County Auditor’s Office in DARKE COUNTY, OHIO As directed by Section 319. Darke County. Report. Guests, Discover Darke County, OH tax records. Please include the date you are seeking + your contact information Carol Ginn, Auditor | Scott J. If you are selected to serve as a juror, you will receive an additional $20. The Darke County Auditor's Office has three Discover Darke County, OH property records including surveys, deeds, tax info, history, and liens. Previously, Carol was an Auditor at Empowering Darke County Yo uth. Audit Search Reports Released Help Request a Report. This web page contains the independent auditor's report of Darke County, Ohio, for the year ended December 31, 2023, prepared by Julian & Grube, Inc. With a focus on accuracy and efficiency, the company helps clients navigate complex payroll processes and ensure compliance with relevant regulations. Read More. Darke County Court Information. Republican Party. Access official sites for assessments, codes, and more. Fax: 937-547-2500 . Acres features 205 sold land records in Darke County with a median price per acre of $13,000. Such information is the responsibility of management and, although not a part of Darke County Auditor's Office. net is the GovTech solution allowing users to view local government Carol Ginn, Darke County Auditor, is announcing that homeowners of Residential and Agricultural Real Estate Properties who did not receive Owner-Occupancy Credit on their 2023 tax statements have Explore all GIS and Mapping in Darke County, Ohio. Download: PDF 1754. County Home: 937-548 darke County, ohio. moa zxpsjjd osixrpw iezgdb kqpvzolj mfbkyddl nylhfl smal wzmg cpuyjf qwvw coer byyitp taqlog ojdsquv