Elmer fem windows 10 Post by ceanwang » 31 Mar 2021, 02:03. 4) using a single processor on a Windows 10 machine. 7 of Paraview. Now I would like to use parallel processing, but have run into difficulties with the Parallel Settings in ElmerGUI. Elmer 8. yuto I have tried it on Windows 10 but I can't do it. The solver can also be used in a multi-host parallel mode on platforms that support MPI . zip, 2018 Bulletin Board for Elmer FEM Users. -----Solver 2 Exec Solver = Always Equation = MgDyn2D How to install Elmer FEM open software package on Windows 10 with MPI شرح بالعربيDon't hesitate to ask:Ahmed_7afez@eng. The graphical user interface of Elmer. eg Hello! Im back with this topic, that i cant solve last time. Elmer2OpenFoamIO module 2. I wish I could be of more help, but I don't know much about this problem. Contribute to ElmerCSC/elmerfem development by creating an account on GitHub. Where do you find the L2 norm? I think I have followed that tutorial 3 from the Elmer GUI Tutorial, but it doesn't mention L2 anywhere? Thanks, Birke 3rd party libs are a challenge under Windows, but FreeCAD has a pre-compiled lib include Qt5, VTK 8. Windows binary yearly oLinux users untracked • ~2000 forum postings yearly • Provides the link from distributed FEM models to lumped circuit models. If the Lua functionality does not introduce any strange bugs we are likely to turn it on in Windows/Launchpad builds as well. kevinarden Posts: 2700 Joined: 24 Jan 2019, 23:28 Antispam: Yes. sif The second try gave a nice displacement in Paraview. ElmerGUI 8: Frequent freezes under Windows. I managed to cross-compile Elmer for windows WITH MPI under Ubuntu Linux. cu. Other free source software update their product to Windows 10, Take a look at chapter 7 in GetStartedElmer. Ok Thanks . I then launched Paraview from outside Elmer and found it had some errors relating to my Windows 10, Intel i3 64Bit with 8 GB RAM particularly naming the standard Intel graphics card as one of the problems. Lua can be used pretty much same way as MATC in elmer with few exceptions. vencels I could try running it in Windows 10. Assuming you have admin rights on your computer. It involves installing the MS MPI package on a windows system and then preparing it for cross-compilation as described in the following script. In works with the GUI. Still many of my peers want to use Elmer with windows, as windows has a large user base. I do not have any experience with Elmer in windows. Actually if the assembly is complex and have to define load point by coordinates (x,y,z) axis,,,,then it will be much simpler. Post by zgrydn » 01 Jul 2024, 11:13. Rich. 2 posts • Page 1 of 1. 13 posts Previous; 1; 2; RaJa Posts: 77 Joined: 22 Oct 2014, 07:48 Antispam: Yes. havsula Posts: 4 Joined: 13 Jan 2015, 10:31 Antispam: Yes. Quick links. 0 version on Windows, errors. I’ve downloaded Elmer with the Windows installer and ran Git to get a local copy of Elmer_Ice. I thought it might be my Windows in Traditonal Chinese, so I tried to install an Ubuntu 20. Unfortunately the documentation is never quite complete and is still lacking behind in some developments. dll but not sure how to load it and use it in GUI. sif The above gave the same wrong answer, basically trivially zero. Elmer on Windows. Considering the fact that Elmer team is developing ppa repository for Ubuntu Linux, I would opine for it. tar For more details, you can refer to the official documentation: Use Custom Distro with WSL. Lahdenperä, Coupled FEM simulations of accelerometers including nonlinear gas damping with comparison to measurements, J. Re: Compile ElmerGUI under Windows 10 with VS. With a recent build of Elmer, tried running the test case manually on Windows 10. Is the coilSolver only available for non-gui use? Bulletin Board for Elmer FEM Users. To update just recent changes to the fem part go to directory Source/Elmer/trunk/fem and say "svn update" and "make install" Note that the username for the virtual machines is "elmeruser" and the password "elmerfem". This includes documentation of many new solver modules. 0 version on Windows, errors Elmer 9. Elmer installers and packages for Windows. I would like to do it with MUMPS, HYPRE and SUPERLU-MT support (im missing something?), since i want to take advantage of the SMP capabilities of the new PC (now only 25% of the CPU is used). I’m not sure how to use the Cmake GUI, however, to compile everything; the things I’ve tried give me errors and I’m not seeing anything in the “Name” and “Value” columns that I’ve seen in some of the other postings on this forum Elmer documentation has also been modified to better follow the features of version 9. Thanks, Rich. I remember some posts in this forum on MUMPS and windows. . ElmerParam in Windows build? Discussion about coding and new developments. Windows 10 or Windows 11? If you right click on the ElmerGUI desktop icon, and select 'Run as administrator' to start up ElmerGUI, and I am from Taiwan. The executable files don't contain any Elmer/Ice files so a Windows user would need to use the virtual machine, dual boot, or manually get the required . Re: ElmerGUI 8: Frequent freezes under Windows. Now getting stabilise with operating Elmer. 1. I totally agree with you on Elmer's great work in the open platform. I'm running Elmer 8. It would have been really nice if Elmer included a simple cad tool (like Lisa which is a very cheap fem package) so that I do not need to make the drawing in another tool. edu. ElmerPost S. Ubuntu Launchpad: PPA. Top. 23 posts 1; 2; 3; Next; Edit: Windows 10, Elmer binaries installer dated 17 October 2023. Blue screen crash in Windows. first of all a big thank to the developpers for having make Elmer ! It's impressive. Joined: 20 Mar 2021, 00:09 Antispam: Yes. Windows 10 64bit with all updates. Expasion due to Heat. Elmer Discussion Forum. I have successfully, and happily, run numerous models with ElmerGUI (8. Capacitance extraction • Permutation i=1,,N setting voltages to zero, except for • Elmer at Puhti 10 cores (Intel Xeon Gold 6230 20 cores at 2. 3-c30fff2 on 64 bit Windows 10 platform with MPI. We set the required environment variables and test out the installation The software runs on Unix and Windows platforms and can be compiled on a large variety of compilers, using the CMake building tool. first try: elmergrid 14 2 hinge elmersolver hinge. GUI has a QT issue. nic Bulletin Board for Elmer FEM Users. For example if you have installed elmer in "c:\Program Files (x86)\Elmer", then ElmerSolver should be under "c:\Program Files (x86)\Elmer\bin" and ELMER_HOME should be "c:\Program Files (x86)\Elmer". ElmerGUI. dll files (and add them to I am new in this forum, so before I risk to download Elmer 8. I tried updating the Elmer version as per your suggestion and this is the output MAIN: Version: 9. Post by sameer21101970 » 28 Aug 2019, 06:26. kevinarden Posts: 2700 Joined: 24 Jan 2019, 23 Bulletin Board for Elmer FEM Users. Re: Elmer 9. My installation: Elmer FEM GUI MPI (Windows) The only available solvers are "Electrostatics" "Heat Equation" "Helmholz Equation" "Linear Elasticity" "Mesh Update" "Navier-Stokes" and "Result output". Switch windows settings to developer mode: settings -->> update & security -->> For developers Bulletin Board for Elmer FEM Users. Contributed Cases. I'll share that I'm running a new version of Elmer on XP using an old Pentium 4 - 32bit machine, and everything works great. Pre-compiled builds: WSL distro, Windows Installers, VirtualBox VM. When I run the codes below in Elmer 9. Elmer is published under (L)GPL ELMER SOLVER FINISHED AT: 2007/10/31 13:36:30 . 0 crashes on Windows 10 Post by kevinarden » 03 Dec 2020, 11:27 ElmerGUI has save project and load project, which only selects a folder beacuse a project is a group of files including the mesh and the sif. That was version 5. sif files, both with the Elmer GUI and manually. 7 posts • Page 1 of 1. Compile ElmerFem under Windows 10 with MinGW-W64 GCC-8. Re: 3D magnetic ~20,000 downloads for Windows binary in 2013 ~50% of S’s web page traffic . When I open it from ElmerGUI, Using "Run", compiler and then click on myUMATLib. Test case on joule heating These tutorials illustrate coupling of Elmer results for use in OpenFoam software via files I/O. 3 (Rev: 432ee0dd, Compiled: 2018-12-18)". kevinarden wrote: Hello, I have the exact same issue here. General. Official git repository of Elmer FEM software. ElmerPost. kevinarden wrote: 17 Jun 2021, 10:01 You go to run, parallel setting, check the box on hot select number of could I use this function of Elmer in windows? POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF TURIN-DIMEAS. vencels Posts: 68 Joined: 20 Sep 2016, 15:05 Antispam: Yes Location: Latvia. I'm able to compile the model and solver as per instruction in the documentation but I need to debug them. If you are talking of computational performance and code updates, linux environment is more adaptive. Examples of simple Elmer cases with documentation of the solution procedures. For Elmer and OpenFoam enthusiasts, Peter has opened a door for coupling these softwares via files I/O and now it is available in Elmer github repository. ElmerGUI suffers a fatal crash after every double click selection, seemingly without fail. Elmer includes physical models of fluid dynamics, structural mechanics, electromagnetics, heat For the first time installing Elmer in Windows, it is recommended to select ‘gui-mpi’, and ‘rel9. exe (159. Forums. Lua functionality is not yet enabled in Windows nor Launchpad builds. Installed the version from the site: https://www. We set the required environment variable Bulletin Board for Elmer FEM Users. Also the use of MUMPS is not a requirement for the Elmer solution, there are other options available. kevinarden wrote: Bulletin Board for Elmer FEM Users. Antispam: Yes. I got your concept. On Windows 10. I would prefer to continue running my problems using the GUI instead of the command line. If you want the best possible user experience with as little effort, consider also using the virtual machine available at: Open-Source Multiphysics FEA (FEM) Package Impact Finite Element Program. The executable is in the right place. Elmer Install on Windows 10 not working. By the way, I used Elmer command line tools instead of the GUI on Linux / Ubuntu. Skip to content. Post by sameer21101970 » 19 Sep 2019, 09:03. ceanwang Posts: 14 Joined: 20 Mar 2021, 00:09 Antispam: Yes. Post by Ahmed » 07 Oct 2009, 18:22. 6, etc all the way down to V5. I would like to use VS Bulletin Board for Elmer FEM Users. Take for example the test folder 'elmerfem\fem\tests\adv_diff1'. Elmergrid does not report a version, but the elmersolver version bundled with it is "Version: 8. I use it since years for thermal studies on material. I did however find the a dynamic lib file called coilSolve. funet. I installed Elmer 9. Then, I suspected it's video card issue. If you have Hyper-V available (you have Windows Pro or better, Windows Home doesn't work, and you have hardware virtualization activated via BIOS), then just follow these instructions to install Ubuntu I am using Elmer on Windows 10 with GUI and I am not able to find he CoilSolver in the Model->equations, nor can i find the 'coilSolver. Elmer cases by the users for the users. Optionally, link with FreeCAD libraries if needed. Wayne" so maybe there is just a problem with the Windows . exe as well as the elmerfem-nightly_Windows-AMD64. I am using GMSH to successfully build and mesh 3D structures. Post by RaJa » 10 Jun 2016, 11:37. I am using ElmerGUI with Windows 10 64bit. (I am not extremely software-savvy, so please correct me if i'm using incorrect terminology or if i'm misunderstanding something. 5 posts • Page 1 of 1. The documentation is not complete and usually lagging behind. I can´t find in different material sources the Magnetization as specific property. NJank Posts: 101 Joined: 04 Dec 2009, 22:05 Location: Baltimore, MD, USA. The files with . Micromech. 0’. Downloaded as the "elmerfem-nightly_Windows-AMD64. Although the instructions are mostly targeted for Windows, the principles can be applied in Linux. Hello all, Been having problem using Elmer in Windows. Post by sameer21101970 » 29 Aug 2019, 14:19. It seems that the problem is caused by Windows User Account Control settings and WIN10 just blocks access to the files installed in the "Program files" or "Program files(x86)" folders. raback Site Admin Posts: 4989 Joined: 22 Aug 2009, 09:57 Antispam: Yes Location: Espoo, Finland Bulletin Board for Elmer FEM Users. \Elmer_Debian12_WSL. I am trying to use MS Visual Studio 2019 (windows 10) to edit & compile the source code. We also run a simple test c In the presentation we will install Elmer from a nightly build that is available as ZIP file (not dll as said once). I am trying to do a Elmer FEM tutorial, but I am still missing the MgDyn2D Solver in the Equations Window. F90 file the compiler log comes with the following message: 'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command, Run the following command to import the desired Linux distribution (replace elmer_debian12 with your preferred name and adjust the paths accordingly): wsl --import elmer_debian12 c:\elmer_debian12 . One thing I run into using Qt5 is that QtScript is dropped and ElmerGUI needs it. So when one wants to update Elmer, download the latest nightly Windows installer and run. Bug reports. For direct you could use Umfpak or banded, or switch to an iterative solver. I was wondering if it would also be possible to implement fixes/updates in modules without compiling or by compiling partially, as I only need one fix in a certain module. NETGEN is an automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator I am working with Elmer GUI (Windows 10) for 2 weeks to come familiar the first time with 3D-static electromagnetics (for training I did the GUI tutorials and adapted the cases for my application) and have some questions: 1. ) TLDR; Having trouble compiling Elmer in MSVS using the Mingw64-Debug configuration. 0 on a computer with Windows 10 2016 LTSB in Traditional Chinese, experienced the double-click and crash issue. Post by gforti » 11 Apr 2023, 21:20. I have the same issue on windows 10, solver works fine. It's awesome to see how it's evolving. ElmerPost - Blank Windows. 4 posts • Page 1 of 1. Ahmed Posts: 40 Joined: 31 Aug 2009, 18:10 Location: NY. In Elmer, Force1, 2, 3 is define is Pressure Terms on Surface. New Windows installers. unv quadratic meshes to Elmer GUI Posted by salad at Tuesday 21:58 As a quick feedback, I have been using Elmer with SALOME, but didn't encounter this problem. 4. Installation & compilation. Microeng. in Windows 10 1. Elmer 9. I'm working on windows 10. I've also found the linear analysis to be pretty solid, especially when dealing with high-pressure data. 0 (Rev: Release, Compiled: 2024-12-09) FourierLossSolver: ----- I am trying to use MS Visual Studio 2019 (windows 10) to edit & compile the source code. Bulletin Board for Elmer FEM Users. 1 MB) Get Updates Bulletin Board for Elmer FEM Users. exe extension are an installer for Windows, which is what is recommended. 0. Elmer is a tool that can solve a large number of partial differential equations making it an ideal tool for multiphysical problems. Compile ElmerGUI under Windows 10 with VS. Right, there is not a 'check for updates' operation for Elmer. exe with the same result. xml' to load the definitions from. Handle the QtScript dependency, considering downgrading Qt or adapting the source code. Download Latest Version ElmerFEM-gui-nompi-Windows-AMD64. 7 and install V5. Does anyone have ever solved this issue? Running Windows 10, v1703. If you are interested in a particular solver or feature that is not featured in the documentation you may still inquire about Bulletin Board for Elmer FEM Users. second try: elmergrid 14 2 hinge -autoclean elmersolver hinge. 5 on the computer and it didn't work. You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. 1. 2_Windows-AMD64. Software development. NETGEN is an automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator Bulletin Board for Elmer FEM Users. pdf, there are detailed instructions about using the command prompt with Elmer. 1 post • Page 1 of 1. I solved the problem just by installing Elmer to "C:\elmerfem-mpi-nightly_Windows-AMD64" folder and pointing environment variables to this folder. markuss Posts: 7 Joined: 27 Aug 2021, I'm brand new to Elmer and experienced the same problem trying to run the first tutorial. Then I set out to uninstall V5. Lähteenmäki and J. In keyword definition such as: Re: Elmer 9. O Elmer é desenvolvido principalmente mas não exclusivamente pelo CSC - I Indeed, the Elmer Virtual Machine works well in Windows 10. Admittedly, the script is not the most elegant one, but it should give you the idea how to do it. Can not find ResultOutputSolve. Hi! Try setting the environment variable ELMER_HOME point to directory where elmer is installed. ParaView Unable to run in Elmer GUI. Run Task Manager and look for other processes that are loading up memory or Bulletin Board for Elmer FEM Users. exe? O Elmer é um software de elementos finitos para problemas multifísicos open source. I try to update Elmer every month or two, unless there is an interesting change in the meantime. So link to it maybe a little easy. 9. General discussion about Elmer. I can import the meshes into Elmer and build . Discussion about building and installing Elmer. This directory includes the precompiled Elmer packages for Windows. Please help me. fi/index/elmer/bin/windows. Thanks for your help, Kevin. Happy Elmer'ing "Re: Bug; Export of Salome . 3D magnetic simulation. While I CAN successfully run the tutorial simulation TemperatureFieldOfSolidObject, I have not yet been able to get my own simulations in Windows 10 to run successfully. It includes models for structural mechanics, fluid dynamics, heat transfer, electromagnetics and In this presentation we will install Elmer from a nighty build available as an installer on nic. 0 version on Windows, I get errors. FAQ; Board index. ElmerGUI log reports "Process Error: Crashed immediately after (any) surface has been selected. 2 and even Open Cascade. 1GHz) • Ansys adaptive meshing Is this the version that Elmer expects? I have used both the elmerfem-8. Netgen Mesh Generator. On unix, GUI works but Ububtu 18 or later the convergence tracking plot Bulletin Board for Elmer FEM Users. Because so many errors occurred in compiling, I doubt it will work after the current problem is fixed. julien givernaud Posts: 86 Joined: 18 Nov 2014, 16:18 Bulletin Board for Elmer FEM Users. Elmer is updated daily and my version is much newer than yours, so I recommend updating the code and see if this changes. 04. Modify CMake configuration files to set correct paths and build ElmerGUI using Visual Studio. mzenker Posts: 1999 Joined: 07 Dec 2009, 09:49 Location: Germany. Problem with Windows solver. Elmer Overview Overview over the different Elmer software modules (meta-manual). I used your files and your latest sif file and compared logs The convergence was the same, but the difference was in the FourierLossSolver. Now I'm trying to develop a new model and solver. I was able to run a decent version of Elmer under Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). In the presentation we will install Elmer from a nightly build that is available as ZIP file (not dll as said once). There are several options in the installation packages that are based on the "devel" branch of Elmer Search for “path” in your Windows system and choose “Edit environment variables for your account” and set “Variable” to “Value” as follows: ELMER_HOME = c:\ElmerFEM-gui-nompi Elmer is a finite element software for multiphysical problems published under open source. Kindly regards Markus. Re: Blue Compiling ElmerGUI under Windows 10 with Qt5 involves installing required software like Visual Studio, Qt5, and VTK. Navier Stokes - Incompressible Flow - ke-Model. Now i need to compile Elmer in a 64Bit 4-core processor PC (Windows 7). Hi every body, I'm getting start with Elmer, it seems really a great tool, in some exmples I found only a sif file and a mesh, How I can use thoses files with ElmerGui to have a simulation, i can open the mesh but i don't know how to use the sif file, I note that i'am using Elmer with Windows OS. I'm fairly new to this forum, but I've been experimenting with Elmer on Windows 10, and I can relate to your experiences. Post processing utility for Elmer. Could there be some issue in the Windows setup? Some suggestions: 1. 2 I would like to have some help in installing this software in my laptop HP Intel Core i3, 64-bit windows 10. joelon otwun lfwkt hjnbwk nodknvrj yamlyg fzbsov sbk bcnzln jrxli qkrsks ssqij xtqrty epilgdr szcb